An Excerpt from Ceres, by L. Neil Smith
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Welcome to the 262nd edition of The Libertarian Enterprise!
TLE is happy to welcome yet again some new authors to our pages,
along with some "regulars". Especially an excerpt from L. Neil
Smith's new book Ceres, upon which he's working as we speak.
And TLE is deliriously happy to give yet another glimpse of the
forthcoming "graphic novel" (a.k.a. "comic book") version of The
Probability Broach, featuring TLE's late and much lamented friend
Kerry "Lux Lucre" Pearson (see here). Kerry (the
fellow with the glasses who first appears in the 3rd panel) joins
TLE's late and much lamented former editor Dan Weiner,
(see here) , in lending their
images as characters in TPB-TGN. The old lady in the green
paisley dress is Lucy, of course (she looks rather like my grand'ma
Lucy, doesn't she?), and feller with the hat is Win Bear (in case you
couldn't figure it all out ;-)
We're also waiting on an obituary of SEK3 but it hasn't arrived in
the mailbox yet. Yes, another one has passed.
Y'all stop dying out there, ya hear?
Ken Holder
An Excerpt from Ceres
Hello, World!
Going to School
Freedom and Well-being: Libertarian Psychology
On Mel Gibson
Lies About the Welfare State, Lies About the Warfare State
It Doesn't Have to be This Way
The Kaptain's Log: Nationalism and Racism: Enemies of Liberty
Law Versus Reality
click to view larger version
Kerry "Lux Lucre" Pearson
On Page 11 of Chapter 17 of
the Graphic Novel version of
The Probability Broach
by L. Neil Smith and Scott Bieser
Scott Bieser is proprietor,
Professional Graphics and Personal Opinions
Buy stuff with my art on it!
Number 262, March 7, 2004
Remember: Free Hunter!
Your Mr. Ed
Letters to the Editor
Letters from Dennis Kabaczy, Scott Graves, Nicolas Martin, Nicki Fellenzer, and Dave Doctor:
Copyright © 2004 by L. Neil Smith
Author's note: Although the "Ashland Event" is mentioned elsewhere
in the novel, this is the most detailed section I've written about it so far.
by Carl Bussjaeger
What is happening to Hunter bothers me on two levels. First, Hunter
is a good friend, and I hate to see a friend unfairly shafted. Butmaybe?more
importantly in the broader scheme of things, Hunter is getting shafted by the State and one of its corporate
minions.. And they are doing so in violation of their own
rules. You know the rules: the ones the government keeps telling
us private individuals to blindly obey. This is about as
anti-freedom as you can get. Ohio and Verizon want to deny Mr.
Jordan his basic righta biological imperative, no less!to
preserve his life.
by Michael Brightbill
Ladies and gentlemen, or, as a great man says, "sons and daughters of
the American Revolution," I'd like to bring you into the classroom with
me. I am a high school senior in Indiana. At my school, a course in
Government and Economics is required for a senior to pass his
graduation year. I've been a Libertarian for two or three years now,
ever since I read The Probability Broach by that great man I previously
mentioned, so I've had some time to form my own opinions and discover
truths about the tyranny we all suffer under. The school offered an
Honors course in Government/ Economics that was known to be a freer
class than the academic form, allowing more debate and discussion in
the classroom. I figured this was a better choice in that it would
give me a chance to speak about my thoughts and observations.
by Audie Gaddis, Ph.D.
Sometime during their first session with me I inform my new clients
that my philosophy as a psychologist is what I call, "Libertarian
Psychology." Since the word "libertarian," has a variety of
meanings attached to it, I then offer this explanation:
by Alan R. Weiss
... I'm with you on how Hollywood tends towards rampant political
correctness, and how Mel Gibson has often breached the so-called
"common understanding" (the most important of which is clearly "thou
shalt not have honor and virtue, certainly not using guns"). We all
know how John Milius has suffered for "Red Dawn", for exampleand
how "The Patriot" took a beating, as you correctly pointed out (in
that case, it didn't seem to hurt sales, though).
by Anthony Gregory
Many so-called conservatives today dismiss critics of the Bush
Administration's foreign policy as partisan knee-jerk Bush-haters,
whose alleged penchant for exaggerating the perils of the War on
Terrorism deprives them of the restraint and credibility necessary
for the functioning of productive political discourse.
by Jonathan Taylor
Have you ever wondered why you are required to go to school, then
searched and treated generally like a criminal for the entire time
you're there? Why those in charge of the school system expect you
to submit willingly and happily to intrusions upon your rightsintrusions
that would be unthinkable if they themselves were the
targets? Why simply going to school, as you're required to do,
gives the government carte blanche to take away almost every civil
liberty this country was founded upon?
by Manuel Miles, aka Kapt Kanada
It grieves me to say it, but libertarianism has next to no chance to
succeed in the USA. The reason is not that the State is invincible;
far from it. Rather, the fault lies with some of its purported foes.
Too many of those claiming to be "libertarians" are actually opposed
to one of the basic tenets of libertarian societythat the national
State must disappear. Oh, they want aspects of it to go away,
to be sure, but they want to keep its cornerstones to "protect"
them from peaceful people! Think about that one for a minute...
by William Stone, III
Whenever the law doesn't match reality, reality wins. There are no
exceptions. This is becoming more obvious every day with respect to what is generally
termed "intellectual property" or "IP." IP is a term bandied about a lot
with respect to high-tech items like computers and computer operating
systems. The real problem is this: There is no such thing as intellectual property,
and it's a denial of reality to behave as though knowledge is property.
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