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TLE is taking a little vacation next week. We will be back April 4
with Issue 265.
Ken Holder
Story of the Year
Law Versus Reality, Part III
How Do We Win The War On Terror?
The Kaptain's Log: Mind Your Own Damned Business
Three Strikes
Feminist Confession Reveals Cultural Shift
click to view larger version
"Baghdad Bob Found a Job"
by Nick Anderson
(Thanks to Marc Brands Liberty for pointing us to this.)
Number 264, March 21, 2004
"Mind Your Own Damned Business"
[email protected]
Your Mr. Ed
Letters to the Editor
Letters from L. Neil Smith, e.j.totty, and Bob Tipton:
by L. Neil Smith
In the March, 2004 issue of Discover magazine (the cover's
mostly blue, with silvery methane bubbles, illustrating a fairly
idiotic piece claiming that the sky is falling -- again -- only from
the bottom up) there's a letter from one Robert Magill, of Sarasota,
Florida, complaining that what may prove to be the most important
science story of the past century was shoved out of the magazine's Top
100 2003 by articles about things like gigantic prehistoric guinea pigs.
by William Stone, III
It's not often I'm called a communist. "Right-wing," "fascist," and
"pacifist" are insults I'm more familiar with though how someone could
regard a gun-toting individualist as any of these is a mystery to me.
by Ron Beatty
Ladies and gentlemen, our government is spending billions of
dollars, trampling on our constitutional rights, and generally
thrashing around like a wounded sloth in it's efforts to fight
terrorism. Just like the war on drugs, this is a totally unwinnable
conflict, IF you conduct your campaign the way the government is
now. On our present course, our government is not only alienating
long term allies, but creating NEW enemies among those who look at
the United States as an arrogant occupying power, determined to
stamp out the religion of Islam and to rule the world.
by Manuel Miles, aka Kapt Kanada
Just a friendly word of advice to the misgovernment of Canada; take
a few notes and learn some lessons from the recent experience of
Spain. Of course I refer to the bombing of peaceful Spanish
commuters and the subsequent a) lies of the government of Prime
Minister Aznar ("It must have been the ETA, so vote for me again!")
and b) the ouster of his party in favour of the Socialistas of Mr
Zapatero by an electorate which knew a stinking lie when the odour
affronted its collective nostrils.
by Lady Liberty
This month, a certain industrial business in my town is gearing up
to celebrate its 100th anniversary. The celebrations will be
subdued, however, because business isn't what it used to be and the
company is struggling. Adding insult to injury, many of the
company's employees are currently out on strike, and we can expect
whatever celebrations there may still be to be marred by protest
signs and shouting workers.
by Wendy McElroy
The ongoing melodrama surrounding feminist Naomi Wolf clearly shows
that a cultural tide has turned. Wolf tried to fall back on Old
Reliable a tearful confession of feminist victimhood and
encountered skepticism instead of automatic sympathy.
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