TLE Interviews Michael Badnarik
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Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, we're back from the so-called
"Big Apple", a name that makes no sense to me. "The Big Dirty Place"
might be a better, or at least more accurate nickname. Or "The Really,
Really, Really Crowded Place" even better!
However, that famous New Yawker rudeness and general incivility was
nowhere in evidence, everybody I talked to or interacted with was
polite and friendly. Riding the subway was interesting, but nothing
more. Central Park was very nice ... I'm sure it keeps many people
sane having a bit of open space with trees and grass and such.
One of the bride's uncles explained "We're New Yorker's, we don't
give a shit." I refrained from explaining that non-New Yorker's
don't give a shit whether New Yorkers give a shit or not. I was
a guest, after all.
Pat's son's wedding was ... well, it was "lovely" is what it was.
No other word serves, in spite of the well known fact that "Real
Men Don't Say 'Lovely'". Honest, it is well-known where I
come from! (He says, resting his hand on the butt of his .44 Magnum
revolver and squinting his eyes under the shade of his cowboy hat.)
Yes, I wore a tuxedo, for the first time in my life. Probably the
last time too. Never did figure out how that silly little tie was
supposed to be positioned relative to the silly little shirt collar.
Ah well .... And no, I didn't wear my Walther under the jacket.
What with the week-off, the ol' in-box is full of articles, more
than enough for two issues of TLE, so you'll be seeing them "as
time goes by".
Ken Holder
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one another. On the other hand, maybe you'll visit and the joint is
empty. "One never knows, do one?"
TLE Interviews Michael Badnarik
Real-World Economics
Review of Hope
Taking Baby Steps Toward Freedom
The Free State Project
Boycott of Verizon Communications
The Kaptain's Log
Law Versus Reality, Part IV
Reading Between the Numbers
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Ye Olde Editor, in Tux
Penthouse/Ballroom of the Historic Puck Building,
New York City, March 27, 2004
Number 265, April 4, 2004
Boycott Verizon Communications!
Your Mr. Ed
[email protected]
Letters to the Editor
Letters from John LuValle, Joe Kultgen, Doug Heard,
e.j.totty, and Zan Lynx
by L. Neil Smith
First things first, Mike. Why are you in competition
for the Libertarian Party's nomination for the Presidency of the United
Job Growth Stalled Despite Bush Administration OraclesBut So What?
by Alan R. Weiss
My innaugural article for NetPlanetNets will be typical of my future
columns: a focus on real-world economics and how it impacts your
financial and personal security. There are lots of people out
there who can teach you basic economics, and even more who will
mislead you with plainly boneheaded thinking (often self-serving).
This isn't that kind of newspaper, and I'm not that kind of author.
I'm going to give you news, analysis, insights, and strategies on
economics that will help you take charge of your career, your life,
your business, and your economic futureor least give you ideas
that you can put to good use.
by Ron Beatty
If any of you have read any of my articles over the last few months
since I started writing for TLE, you know that I am a big fan of L.
Neil Smith's books, second only to the great Robert A. Heinlein.
Even though it started with The Probability Broach, Pallas,
and Henry Martyn, what really fixed his place in my library was
the book Hope, co-written with Aaron Zelman, of Jews for the
Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
by Lady Liberty
Some close friends of mine had an exceptional weekend. They've just
became the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy (who, unlike some
newborns, actually is beautiful). Mom and baby are just fine; Dad is
as proud of both of them as you might expect him to be.
by L. Neil Smith
For quite a while, folks have been asking for my opinion of the
Free State Project, a try at moving as many libertarians as possible
into one of America's smaller states, so that they can finally have
something to say about the political conditions they're compelled to
live under, as well as having libertarian neighbors, libertarian
schools (better yet, libertarian homeschool associations) for their
children, and maybe even libertarian businesses to deal with and work
by Carl Bussjaeger
Verizon Communications has a written policy which requires all
employees to forfeit the ability to adequately defend themselves
from criminals, rendering them helpless on the job. The company's
Code of Business Conduct, publicly available on its website, states:
Weight Loss and a Free State
by Manuel Miles, aka Kapt Kanada
So what do the two have to do with one another, I hear you ask.
Lots. In the year of our Lord 2003 A.D., your old Kaptain managed
to lose nearly 40 pounds, most of it from his belly. It wasn't
easy, but once I got serious and devoted myself to the project, it
by William Stone, III
This is by far the longest I've ever expounded on a single topic. I
wasn't intending to, honestly. Unfortunately, as I get e-mail critical
of my assertions, I find that it's necessary to delve into additional
My basic thesis is that from a moral and practical perspective, it is
impossible for a single individual to have sole ownership of known,
public information. I've argued that information shares none of
property's unique characteristics, therefore information cannot be
treated as identical to property.
by Wendy McElroy
"According to 'experts', growing numbers of women are traumatised by
childbirth and are not capable of child-rearing without professional
help." Last week, with these words, sociologist Dr. Ellie Lee cast doubt upon the
increasingly popular theory that postnatal depression affects as
many as 1 in 5 new mothers. She said the research underlying that
claim is "wrong." How can we trust research?
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