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The Libertarian Enterprise
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Pure Poison
Travel Gestapo Feature, Edited by Frank Ney
It Depends On What Your Definition of "Lies" Is.
Orthodoxy: Why We Can't Solve Today's Problems
The Kaptain's Log
Slippery Frogs and the US Supreme Court
Not While I Live!
Lies of Faux Victims Cast Doubt on Real Ones
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"Bush the Uniter"
Number 266, April 11, 2004
Taxation is the Root of All Evil
[email protected]
Letters to the Editor
Letters from Mimbreno Chiracahua, Ron Beatty and Ohioans for
Concealed Carry:
by L. Neil Smith
Let me tell you about the kind of civilization you live in.
It's something neither right wing socialists like Rush Limbaugh,
nor left wing socialists like Al Franken, want you to know which is
why there have to be libertarians, who aren't any kind of socialist at all.
Privacy Villain of the Week: 'Registered Traveler' enablers
by James Plummer
The Transportation Security Administration announced last week that
it will be initiating a pilot test program of its long-touted
"trusted traveler,' now rechristened 'registered traveler' program.
The program will be a 'voluntary' (at the outset, anyway) internal
biometric passport system set up at airports around the country.
by Anthony Gregory
"It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' means. If it means
'is,' and 'never has been,' that's one thing. If it means, 'there is
none,' that was a completely true statement."
by Charles Stone, Jr.
The United States is a complex nation and is becoming more so every
day. We are facing problems that our forebears couldn't even
conceive of, much less understand. Yet we are no better at solving
problems than our ancestors, mainly because we're using the same
tools and methods they found lacking.
Imperial War Crimes
by Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada
"You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you
can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it..." So
said Malcolm X. This quote is typical of brother Malcolm, who cut
through the agitprop with plain speaking and clear thinking. His
words are well worth pondering as we watch the unfolding unravelling
of the latest US imperial scheme in Iraq.
by Lady Liberty
It's impossible to be around any civil liberties movement for long
and not hear the words "slippery slope." The phrase references the
fact that, once you start down a slick hillside, it's very difficult
not to slide all the rest of the way down. And that, of course,
illustrates the historically proved notion that once some small
infringement of a right is made, it's all that much easier to
continue the process until a right is completely usurped.
by Ron Beatty
On his website, L. Neil Smith has a link called "Lever Action
Essays". The very first essay listed is titled "Why Did it Have
to be ... Guns?" This essay has recently been reprinted on the
Liberty For All website.
by Wendy McElroy
Kobe Bryant's accuser is viewed with suspicion because
of alleged sexual activity before and after her alleged rape.
Naomi Wolf is publicly pilloried for crying "abuse!" in dramatic
fashion 20 years after the fact. Now, Audrey Seilor's high-profiled
abduction is found to be a lie that
ends in psychiatric evaluation. Are you willing to believe the next
woman (or man) who claims to be a victim?
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