You Go First: The Peace Amendment
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Say, is it getting drafty in here?
A BIG issue this week, including an article from L. Neil Smith that
he wrote two years ago and lost on his computer ... could have been
written yesterday. It is getting drafty in here. This issue
could have been even bigger, but I had to draw the line somewhere.
At least that's what we always say.
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one another. On the other hand, maybe you'll visit and the joint is
empty. "One never knows, do one?"
Ken Holder
Thumbs Up (their arses)
May Day Madness
Dupes, Chumps, and Traitors
Planes, Trains, and the Free State Project
The Most Sincere Form of Flattery
My Struggle with 501(c)(3)
The Kaptain's Log
Enemies of the State
You Go First: The Peace Amendment
Is Everybody Lying?
To fly the 13-star flag is to voice that what once was, could
be again if men who once dared would dare once again.
Jack Duggan
(This is the note Mr. Duggan appended
to his article, for which see below.)
Number 269, May 2, 2004
Morons Marching
[email protected]
Your Mr. Ed
Letters to the Editor
Letters from Roy J. Tellason, Rocky Frisco, Manuel Miles
(aka Kapt Kanada), Frank Ney, James J Odle.
by Carl Bussjaeger
Unless you run a big-time organized RKBA group, you most likely know
that liberty and RKBA activist Jeff "Hunter" Jordan is facing a felony
charge of carrying a concealed weapon with a license (yes, you read
that correctly), and has been fired by Verizon for doing so. In
researching the firing, I learned that Verizon has an official (and
obviously strongly enforced) victim disarmament/safe criminal policy.
I called for a boycott of Verizon Communications.
by Caleb Paul
May Daythat one day a year when a sizeable proportion of the
mentally ill members of society gather in force and inflict themselves
and their nonsense upon the sane population.
Normally, this wouldn't bother me as such, but this year, I had the
misfortune of running bang smack into the parade in London and having
to fend these fools off. Until that moment, I hadn't realised the
irony of the eight eastern European nations (plus Cyprus and Malta)
joining the EU today on 1st of May. If anything, these eight former
Communist countries (and many more are clamouring to join the EU in
the next few years) highlight just how irrelevant and anachronistic
Communism really is. Of course, eastern Europeans will soon find out
all about what's wrong with the EU, but that's another matter.
by Russell D. Longcore
I watch with some perverse amusement as the various media writhe
over the Pat Tillman story. For the uninitiated, Mr. Tillman left a
promising career in the National Football League to become an Army
Ranger deployed in Afghanistan. He was killed in action within the
last few days.
by Alan R. Weiss
When Amanda Phillips, President of the Free State Project, and I
picked up George Phillies in Worcester in Amanda's Piper Warrior II,
I had figured out that the secret to keeping my breakfast down while
flying small planes was to remember to breathe, look around, and
realize people had been flying little planes for a very long time.
The technology, in other words, is pretty well-sorted out. Flying
to speak with the Vermont Libertarian Party Convention, we had to
fly over the very statist Massachusetts, into the much-less-statist
New Hampshire, only to cross over the border into the moderately
statist-but-taxed-to-death Vermont. From the air, after awhile, it
all looked the samegreen rolling hills, some occasional
"mountains" of about 3000 feet or so, and lots of blue lakes.
by Amanda Phillips
Imitation isno doubt. People can admire you, compliment you, envy
youbut to try to imitate ... wow! It is a vote of confidence and
adulation. It warms the heart!
The Free State Project (FSP) is worthy of imitation. It has had a
remarkable life so far. Begun as the brainchild of Jason Sorens in a
discussion forum, it has grown into the full-fledged movement for
liberty it is today. The FSP forums are an unending source of
discourse on liberty and discussions on how to attain it. Across the
country, members work on spreading the word. It has achieved the major
milestone of getting five thousand people signed up. It has arranged
for the vote amongst its members to select the state to liberate.
by Jean Alexander
I started out very firmly against 501(c)(3) for the Free State
Project. I was unyielding in my belief. I didn't understand how we
could justify using government to get less government. I didn't
like the idea of the loss of privacy I thought (c)(3) brought about.
I didn't want to give any more information to the government than
was necessary. I'd heard that (c)(3) status could open us up to
serious harassment by the IRS. I thought we could get by with less
money and/or ask the membership for regular donations. I wasn't
clear on why we needed more money. I thought people should be
willing to donate to FSP without the tax benefit. And then,
unexpectedly, I was put into a position to help make decisions about
the future of FSP.
I Refused To Be Conscripted
by Kapt Kanada, aka Manuel Miles
With all the talk about the reinstatement of conscription ("the
draft") in the USA, I find myself thinking back to a letter which
came in the mail one day long ago, in a land far, far away...
"You are hereby directed to report to Los Angeles Induction Center
No. 6," the letter began. It was from the Selective Service
Commission. The time was 1968. The US empire was waging war
against the Vietnamese, and it needed lots of cannon fodder because
the war was being lost.
by Jack Duggan
Since it's being studiously avoided by the print and television
media, there is no effort to expose and strangle the UNIVERSAL
NATIONAL SERVICE ACT (HR 163/S 89), which violates the 13th
Amendment, in its crib.
The UNSA language mandates that all young people, "including
women," between the ages of 18 and 26 "...perform a period of
military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of
the national defense and homeland security, and for other
by L. Neil Smith
The idea is probably as old as the Pharaohs, maybe even as old as
Homo Erectus. Whenever and wherever old men have sent young men off to
die, sooner or later someone has suggested that the old men should go
first. There are two reasons for this, I think. The first is that, unless
you're running an empire of some kindwhich we Americans are not
supposed to be doingand you're fulfilling a Manifest Destiny you
imagine that you have, to reach out and steal everybody else's life,
liberty, and property, finding yourself involved in a war represents a
serious failure on the part of a nation's political leaders. In fact
they've screwed up bigtime, and there ought to be a price to pay for
by Lady Liberty
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a column called "Is Anybody Listening?"
In it, I detailed some correspondence I'd received from my
Congressional Representative. I had written to Washington to ask
that Congress make no laws or permit no regulations that would
infringe free speech. It is my contention, I wrote, that the market
placeincluding boycotts of networks or starswould provide
what is arguably the most effective check and balance we could have
on any expression some might consider offensive. The letter I got
back said my Representative agreed with me, and that legislation to
increase fines for broadcasters and other methods of controlling
expression were being considered accordingly.
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