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The Libertarian Enterprise
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From The Libertarian Enterprise: Please Pass This Along
The Libertarian Party has been fortunate this year that two out of
three of its serious candidates are decent, highly-principled, and
thoroughly libertarian individuals anyone would be glad to vote for in
November. I've come to know these two reasonably well, and it's been a
About the third, the less said here about him the better. From the
moment he blew into a state party convention I happened to be speaking
at, to the moment he blew out as fast as he could, having delivered
the same bland contentless speech I've come to expect from his type, I
knew what we had here was another Republicanoid LINOa "libertarian
in name only"who professes to believe that the public can somehow
be fooled or jollied into voting themselves free, but in reality is
only terrified that he might offend his right wing establishmentarian
We've been there.
We've done that.
In this year of all years, when the federal police state has taken
off its mask and gloves, this is the very last kind of candidate our
party or our country needs. What they desperately need instead is the
strongest possible language at the podium, and the most decisive
possible action, aimed at alerting the populace to the grave danger
they face, and persuading them that things must change if we are all
to survive. What we need is a Paul Revere, not some kind of game show
As many of our readers know, I very enthusiastically endorsed
Michael Badnarik last year, shortly after meeting him at the New
Mexico state LP convention, chiefly because of his great energy, his
enthusiasm, his deep background in the movement, and his dedication to
principle. He's a genuine scholar, and remarkably articulate and
photogenic. It didn't hurt that he's an advocate of Bill of Rights
enforcement, or that he stuck around through the entire weekend,
willing to talk with anyone and everyone who wanted to talk with him.
I stand by Mike, and hope he's nominated as the LP presidential
A while later, I met Aaron Russoin e-mail and on the phone,
the way so much of our communicating and socializing is done nowadaysand
I was impressed with him, as well. He's a rare combination of
level-headed businessman and creative sideways thinker, and I like
him. He detests this administration, vehemently opposes the draft, is
an enemy to every form of gun control, and as a successful movie
producer, doesn't give a rat's ass what the rest of Hollywood thinks
of him. For me, it also helps that Aaron's only detractors in the
movement are one of its flakiest cuckoos and an infamous Republican
Each of these men would make a better Presidential candidate than
the LP has had for a very long time. In fact I'm having a hard time
remembering when we had a better Presidential candidate. John Hospers?
Roger MacBride? Worst of all, one has to bite one's virtual tongue to
avoid suggesting that one of them should become the other's Vice
Presidential sidekick. If the race were between them, it would be a
One way in which Mike is at a disadvantage, is that, like a great
many libertarians, he has very little money. I personally think it's
important to support competition between good men, so I'm asking you
to help Mike out until he's either chosen as the LP's candidate or
Go to http://www.badnarik.com and click where it says, "Donate Now!"
Mike will thank you, I will thank you, and someday history will, too.
L. Neil Smith
TLE will be appearing somewhat late next issue, as we
wait for the news as to the Presidential candidate chosen by the
National Libertarian Party at their convention next weekend in Atlanta.
Our Mr. Smith will be having comments on the outcome of that shindig.
Please feel free to encourage people to come to
and read our magazine. And please feel free to post our articles far
and wide (just remember: complete article, title and author included,
and the URL of the article on our web site).
Ken Holder
Letters to the Editor
Reply to Lorrey
The Truth Hurts
The Kaptain's Log
Cassandra, Censorship, and Credibility
The High Price of Gas
A Feminist Version of "Joe Millionaire"?
"More Iraqi Hearts and Minds", by Walt Handelsman
(Thanks to Marc Brands Liberty for pointing us to this.)
Number 272, May 23, 2004
The Most Pathetically Incompetent Empire in History
Your Mr. Ed
Letters from L. Neil Smith, Bill St. Clair, two from EJ Totty,
Rex Curry, Michael Brightbill, Audie Gaddis, Todd Andrew Barnett, Frank Ney, and
Mike Lorrey.:
by L. Neil Smith
A little while ago, somebody named Mike Lorrey wrote to The
Libertarian Enterprise, accusing me, in effect, of lying, and taking
me to task for assigning (he doesn't say to whom) what he imagined was
collective guilt in my recent TLE anti-war article, "Torturing the
by Lady Liberty
There's a wonderful site on the Internet referred titled "Urban
Legend Reference Pages". The information at snopes.com has proved an invaluable
reference tool for me on occasion, and has prevented me from mistakenly forwarding false
information to others more than once. My rule of thumb is typically
this: If it's something so surprising or controversial I want to
send it out to everybody right this very minute, it's a good idea to
head on over to snopes.com first.
To Hell With Football
by Kaptain Kanada, a.k.a. Manuel Miles
...and baseball and basketball and soccer and hockey and cricket and
rugby. As a matter of fact, to hell with all "team sports" played
with ball or puck. They promote fascism, communism and imperialism.
by Ron Beatty
In Homer's epic the Iliad, Cassandra was the Trojan prophetess
who was cursed by Apollo to always speak the truth, but to never be
believed. Colloquially, her name has come to mean a 'prophet of
doom', with the upspoken assumption that what the person has to say
is not to be believed or given credibility.
by L. Neil Smith
These must be halcyon days for finger-shaking ecoboobies and mass
transportation fascists. The price of a gallon of gasoline has risen
in the state where I liveand Colorado has the lowest prices in the
nationto over two dollars. For those of us with large, powerful
carsours is the Durango with the big V8it's getting a little
by Wendy McElroy
The popular reality show "Joe Millionaire" chronicled a fierce
competition among 20 women to marry a man who was advertised as a
multi-millionaire but who was actually a low-paid construction
worker. Audiences squirmed as the contestants portrayed women as
stereotypical, money-grubbing, superficial social climbers.
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links even if you don't buy anything ... some of them will pay us for that!