Be Ashamed ... Be Very Ashamed
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![]() Simon Jester |
The Libertarian Enterprise
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![]() Simon Jester |
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Special thanks to SWW, KV, MB, CB, PVS, and BM for their generous
donations last month in support of TLE. And to all of the other people
who have opened their wallets over the years to help keep TLE in business:
Thank You! We can't tell you how much we appreciate it, but I just
tried, didn't I!
Ken Holder
Letters to the Editor
Dear Mike Badnarik Supporters, Friends, and Future Friends
To Forgive and Forget: What's in it for Me?
A Stable Platform
Be Ashamed ... Be Very Ashamed
How to Respond to an Unjust Law
"What an Argument", by David Horsey
(Thanks to Marc Brands Liberty for pointing us to this.)
Number 274, June 6, 2004
What do we need ... what do we not need?
Your Mr. Ed
Letters from Barbara Goushaw-Collins, The Libertarian Party,
the Libertarian Yellow Pages, Russell D. Longcore, Ken Newquist,
Todd Andrew Barnett, EJ Totty, and Caleb Paul:
by Alan R. Weiss
I gave one of the nominating speeches for my friend, Michael Badnarik.
It was more than just "an Austin thing." I meant it.
"Hello, my name is Alan R. Weiss from Austin, Texas and the Free
State of New Hampshire. I'm here to place into nomination the next
President of the United States of America, Michael Badnarik!"
by Ron Beatty
Other than my father, two men have influenced my life more than any
others. Both of these men are legends in their field, and I'm sure
have influenced many lives other than mine.
by Lady Liberty
Ten years ago, I had just moved to a new city and had not yet
started my new job. That's why I was able, as I unpacked my
household goods, to watch much of the ongoing OJ Simpson circus as
it was broadcast live on cable TV news channels. I saw the so-called
slow motion chase; I saw the footage of Simpson attending his
ex-wife's, and the bitter public statements from her family. And
even once I was working again, news concerning the pending trialand
then the trial itselfwas so pervasive I was still saturated
with information about it no matter when I chose to watch the news
or on which channel.
by Chris Claypoole
I have a button that says, "Taxation is theft. Conscription is
slavery. War is murder. Any questions?" I can think of no more
succinct way of stating what I wish Michael Badnarik's campaign to
by L. Neil Smith
In case you have been hermetically sealed in a cave somewhere -- or
simply been limited exclusively to watching and listening to the
whorishly "embedded" American "news" mediayou may not know that
the United States government has been up to some astonishingly ugly
business at its military base in Guantanamo, Cuba, and in other
by Wendy McElroy
On April 1, estranged father Ron Davis stood up in the British House
of Commons. Shouting "I haven't seen my daughter for five years," he
hurled a condom full of purple-dyed cornstarch at British Prime
Minister Tony Blair. The House was evacuated in alarm.
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