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Today being Father's Day, I being a father, shoulda took the
day off, but here I am, slaving away making this magazine happen.
Okay, it actually is our writers who make this magazine happen,
without them it wouldn't exist. So, in case I haven't done it lately,
a big THANK YOU to all our writers. And to our dads, too, without whom
we wouldn't be here either (not to forget our moms part in that!).
So in between talking to my kids on the phone, I'll be talking to
my dad sometime today as well. He's 88-years-old. Golly!
NEXT WEEK (we hope) we have a surprise in store. Yes, a surprise!
THIS WEEK, we have yet another TLE discussion list (see below).
Ken Holder
Letters to the Editor
March of the Retrogressives
Leave Wal-Mart Alone
Ronald Reagan's Real Legacy
The Means Are the Ends!
Satan in a Three-Piece Suit
The Birth of Father's Day
"Conservative President"
by Russmo
Number 276, June 20, 2004
"Hi Dad!"
Your Mr. Ed
Letters from Kathryn A. Graham, Frank Ney, Susan Wells (maybe),
two from Caleb Paul, and one each from Trevor M. Southerland and Michael Kielsky:
by Jason Sorens
In the 21st century, knowing as we do that socialism has caused
everything from total war and democide to mass human misery and
economic failure in large swathes of Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa,
and Latin America, it truly is strange, almost incredible, that
socialists still exist today and are plying their fraudulent wares.
So-called "progressives" would in Europe be called by their proper
name, "socialists," but in the U.S. that label doesn't play well
politically. The term "progressive" gives a hint of the political
strategy favored by their ilk: to build up ever new crises that
government must solve with urgent action, a new regulation or a new
spending program. That's "progress" in the upside-down world of
socialism: keep dynamic individuals in their place by innovating
with the legal system. From the perspective of the individual, true
progress is a simple, clear, stable legal system that allows
individuals to pursue new ways of doing business, forming
associations, and pursuing values.
by Todd Andrew Barnett
When it comes to the ludicrousnot to mention
insidiouscharges of "slave wages," "gender bias," "unfair labor practices,"
"purchasing and supplying low-priced products in order to kill
American workers' jobs," and "encouraging and fueling the disease
known as 'consumerism,'" the loopy Wal-Mart critics just couldn't
understand the natural function of the marketplace if their lives
depended on it.
by Lady Liberty
I was out and about all day long taking care of myriad weekend
chores. It wasn't until I returned home, got a cold drink, and went
to check my e-mail that I learned former President Ronald Reagan had
died. After announcing a decade ago that he had Alzheimer's disease,
he had largely disappeared from the public eye. Perhaps that's why,
though his death should have been expected, the news still came as a
suprise. It also came as a bit of a shock to me personally as I
realized I felt bad about it.
by by Kaptain Kanada, aka Manuel Miles
Recently we have been subjected to a bombardment of excuses for the
"abuse" of prisoners of the US military. "We're fighting a new kind
of war," and "It's for the protection of the American people," and
"The Geneva Convention doesn't apply to them because they don't wear
uniforms and fight 'fair'," and other, equally disingenuous nonsense
has been fired out of the agitprop cannon of the embedded,
government-licensed media's "news". It's all lies, as always.
by Bob Wallace
I have a pretty good guess how the story of Satan got started.
Thousands of years ago some perceptive guy looked at the King and
all of his advisors and noticed they were a bunch of power-hungry
liars interested only in what they could grab for themselves, even
if they had really conned themselves into thinking they were the
public's benefactors. So, this guy decided (wisely, it turns out),
"I think I'll write a story to warn everyone about these kinds of
carbuncles. It will be short and sweet and to the point and, with
any kind of luck, will last thousands of years."
by Wendy McElroy
Modern Father's Day is uniquely American in its history. Together
with Mother's Day, it is a public and a personal expression of the
gratitude that is due to all caring parents. Why, then, has Mother's
Day been a national holiday for almost a century while Father's Day
received that recognition only decades ago?
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