L. Neil Smith's
Number 283, August 8, 2004

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so
are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to
harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
—President George W. Bush, August 5, 2004

What Would the Founders Do?
by Ron Beatty

Exclusive to TLE

I wonder what the founding fathers would say if they could see us now? After they got over all the technological marvels, what would they say about our political life? After all, things have changed tremendously, in 228 years!

Do you think they would even recognize the government that they instituted so many years ago? Or, being the kind of men that they were, would they castigate us for failing them, then take up arms again against the most brutal empire on earth, as they did 228 years ago?

What would they say about a government that forbids free speech, except in designated protest or "free speech zones", which are surrounded with barbed wire, concrete walls, and heavily armed police?

What would they say about a government that only follows half of the religion clause in the First Amendment? (Just a reminder: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.) Many of the founders were very religious men, and would be horrified, I think, at what was intended to be solely a protection against a state controlled by a religion, now turned into an instrument of censorship and mind control.

After having just won a terrible war, which was ignited over a British attempt to disarm the "terrorists", what would they say about a government that doesn't allow the citizens in its very capitol to bear arms? What would they say about having to obtain permits to carry a weapon? What would they say about over 20,000 illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional gun laws?

What would our founding fathers say about a government that takes over 50% of our earnings (at least), in direct and indirect taxes?

What would our founding fathers say about a government that performs random stops of citizens, to check their identification and see if they have been doing something that might make them a danger, even if they have exhibited no behaviour that would warrant such a stop?

What would our founders say about a government that countenances dynamic entries, asset forfeitures (with the sole purpose of depriving the accused of legal representation), double jeopardy (civil and criminal trials for the same offense, even after the accused has been judged not guilty in a criminal trial).

What would our founders say about a government that passes laws that are totally unconstitutional, that in fact over-ride the constitution that is meant to protect us from that very act? What would our founders say about a government that routinely spies on law abiding citizens for no other reason than that they have criticized the government?

What would our founders say about a government that refuses permission to use the fastest available means of transportation, then denies that they have done that very thing, by denying that the very list they use to prohibit travellers even exists?

What would our founders say about a government that requires each traveller subject himself to search, sometimes of the most humiliating kind, simply to board the mode of transportation?

What would our founders say about a government that can investigate you, arrest you, throw you in jail, deny you legal representation, on no more basis than the books you read, or someone's unsupported word that you might be a terrorist, or connected in some way with terrorism?

There are many more things that I could cover here, but you all know them, or if you don't , you should. If you don't, it is time to pull your head out of the sand, take a long, hard look at what our country is becoming, and then decide what to do about it.

What would the founders do? I don't know, all I can do is speculate, based on their writings and speeches. I can say that I know what they did do, against a government that was far less oppressive than ours has become. Do I advocate a revolution? Absolutely not. Do I see one coming, if there is no change in the policies and practices of our benevolent nanny state in Washington?


What would the founders do?

As always, I invite each and every one of you, do the research, look up the facts. If you can prove me wrong, please do so! I don't think you can, though, and if I am right, you need to prove it to yourselves, if you haven't already.


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