L. Neil Smith's
Number 325, June 26, 2005

"We're All Indians, Now"

by Alan R. Weiss
Correspondant, NetPlanetNews.com

Exclusive to TLE

In TLE (Number 261, February 29, 2004), I wrote what I thought was a decent essay called, "SCOTUS Among Us." I said,

"In reference to Groh v. Ramirez, 02-811 :

Well, well, well. The infamous 9th Circuit Court of Appeals finally got one right, and the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS, sort of sounds like scrotum) in a NARROW vote (5-4) upheld the Constitution, specifically the 4th Amendment.

This time.

5 votes to 4.

THAT is how razor thin your rights are in this country. One bloody vote away from being—what? Destroyed? Held in abeyance? What IS the word to describe the constant pressure, the inexorable tide, the repetitive nausea of the United States Gooferment—OK, I'll pick a word—ablating the Bill of Rights?

Slivver by slivver, piece by piece, the supreme artifact of the Founding Fathers is being ablated, ground down to dust, by the three generations now in power in this country: the Oldies of World War II, the Baby Boomers of the Post-War, and the Generation X'ers."

Some days, I wish I wasn't right so often, because this time my warning on how dangerous the Supreme Court actually is has come true.

Nevermind that I confused the 9th Circuit Court with the Supreme Court—I figured, correctly, that there really is no difference since the arcane judiciary plays by its own rules, including rarely overturning circuit courts these days.

This time, the vote went 5 - 4 against us, and it was The Supremes themselves who did the dirty work of making property rights an entirely laughable concept in this kleptocracy of ours (those of you who have been raided by the IRS already know the truth). The Kelo vs. New London case proves my point, once and for all: democracy is simply the voting away of your rights, your property, your control, your very life. Apparently, your rights aren't razor thin any longer. They're gone. By a vote of 5 - 4.

What is so—weird—is that Joe Bannister, a former IRS agent and CPA turned tax protestor (read: true patriot) just WON his case against the Infernal Ripoff Service. If you didn't have respect for "the law" before, what can you make of the shear ... breathlessness!—of the randomness that passes for "justice" these days. But then again, he hasn't faced the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) yet.

Since Marbury vs. Madison, as big a power grab as Julius Cesear's and wholly unconstitutional, SCOTUS has viewed itself as the "judge" between the Executive and the Legislative Branch, and the judge of how to interpret the Constitution. It is time to consider, deeply, the elimination of this dangerous tool of those who would violate your natural rights.

Alan R. Weiss is of EEMBC Certification Laboratories and Synchromesh Computing in Austin, Texas. He is Economics Editor for TLE/NPN.


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