L. Neil Smith's
Number 331, August 7, 2005

"Stop meddling in other people's business"

Is the NRA a Second Branch of Gun Control Inc?
by Don Wilson

Exclusive to TLE

To the NRA (an open letter to THE NRA)

Re membership

Your organization may have stood for the RIGHTS of the INDIVIDUAL at its inception.

The lack of a currant concern for the individual rights of all is astounding in its complacent acceptance in your membership.

I joined and paid 5 years of dues money I now regret wasting.

My membership is currently expired and will remain so as I am joining a gun organization intent on the RIGHTS of the INDIVIDUAL not PRIVILAGES.

Find below a short list of what would change my mind bringing me back to the NRA.

  • All are simply following the SECOND AMENDMENT as written.

  • A nationwide campaign to repeal the PATRIOT ACT.

  • A nationwide campaign to repeal the laws regarding fully automatic guns and special taxes and permits. Making it legal for all to own posses and use hand portable fully automatic weapons of all types.

  • A nationwide campaign to repeal the laws regarding SILENCERS (suppressors) and all taxes and permits licenses. Making it legal for all to own posses and use SILENCERS (suppressors).

  • A nationwide campaign to repeal the laws regarding firing, and carrying of firearms inside city limits.

  • A nationwide campaign to repeal the current laws regarding concealed carry and removing all licensing for all citizens making it legal for all to own posses and use hand weapons of all types at all times in all public places.

  • A nationwide campaign to repeal the entire system of background checks for firearms ownership.

  • A nationwide campaign to repeal the ammunition taxes.

  • A nationwide campaign to remove all who have voted for any laws violating the SECOND AMENDMENT in any way. In any way hindering or slowing the process of obtaining keeping or carrying any type of hand portable weapon.

  • A nationwide campaign to repeal the age limits on firearms ownership and possession.

Anything less would be to little a half measure not worth my interest or my money.

Please note I am aware of your complicity in the restriction of my rights and the conversion FROM a RIGHT to privilege requiring licensing and permision.

I am aware of your continued support of legislation to block ownership possession and use of firearms.

I am aware of your efforts to make the persecution of gun owners easier.

I am also aware that you have failed to support moves to defeat gun laws and have even helped author several.


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