Libertarians: The Connies Speak Out (Part Two)

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise
A Feature of
Simon Jester
Simon Jester

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Number 339, October 2, 2005

 Tenth Anniversary Edition, Part 1 

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The Libertarian Enterprise first saw the light of day on October 5, 1995. TLE was monthly for the first 10 issues. It became semi-monthly with the 11th issue in September of 1996.

Beginning in 1998, TLE was published in January, again in February, and then nothing until Issue 37 came out on June 12. Additional issues followed at a weekly rate for the rest of June and July, then nothing until Issue 43 on Christmas Day. John Taylor became editor with Issue 45, and with some effort got TLE back to a semi-monthly publication schedule. This continued until issue 75 (June 5, 2000), at which time TLE began appearing weekly (with occasional vacations) until this very day.

TlE has had five editors:

Yiing Boardman, Issues No. 1 to 31 (October 2005 to July 1997)

Cathy L.Z. Smith & L. Neil Smith, Issues No. 32 to 43 (August 1997 to December 25, 1998)

John Taylor, Issues No. 44 to 224 (April 21, 1999 to May 18, 2003)

Dan Weiner, Issues No. 225 to 229 (May 25, 2003 to June 29, 2003)

Ken Holder, Issues No. 230 to date (July 6, 2003 to date)

Dan was "officially" listed as Editor until issue No. 245, which was the Dan Weiner Memorial issue, following his death from cancer. I actually put the magazine together from No. 230 until I became the "official" editor with Issue 246.

Since TLE began as a monthly, and is now a weekly, the entire Month of October is going to be spent celebrating our Tenth birthday.

Next Issue, I'd like to hear from our readers. Send in your reminisces of TLE, when you first heard of us, how much you enjoy reading us (right?), and so on. I've been down with a bug for a few days, so I haven't worked out what we'll be doing on all of the five issues to be published in October of 2005 yet, but I'm sure I will think of something!

Bill Stone: Contact TLE!

Ken Holder

TPM cover thumnail
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition. Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
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The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by BigHead Press, 2004


Letters to the Editor
from E.J. Totty, Sandy Sandfort, and Caleb Paul

Libertarians: The Connies Speak Out (Part Two)
by L. Neil Smith
According to a television show I saw this week, Winston Churchill once said, "The further backward you can look, the further forward you can see." I know history pretty well, and what I see conservatives—let's call 'em connies—shoveling today is the same old bullshit used by Republicans in the 1950s, Democrats in the 1940s (not to mention World War I), Republicans in the 1860s, and politicians in general, probably as far back as the Sumerians six thousand years ago, as an excuse to relieve their subjects of their lives, their liberty, and their property.

Who'll Be There To Save You?
by Charles Stone, Jr.
The latest ploy by the virulent anti-gun forces is to use the current fear of terrorism to push their agenda. They say that the terrorists are buying scads of firearms, especially assault rifles, through the gaping "loopholes" at the hated GUN SHOWS! As usual, they are lying through their teeth. Terrorists, like other kinds of criminals buy their weapons from scumbags just like themselves.

In Defense of Freedom
by Lady Liberty
Guns are good and terrible things. Whether they are good or terrible depends on whether the hands that wield them are good or evil. Guns can, of course, be a lot of fun if they're used for target shooting or hunting. They can also be—and often are—lifesavers in the event of a threat. Since self-defense may be the single most basic of all the human rights, that's a whole lot of good going on! The obvious good of protecting yourself and your loved ones from harm is so integral to all of us and to society as a whole that even the drastic action of killing another human being can be excused under the law as "justifiable" homicide, or, more simply and accurately, "self-defense."

Voting is Madness
by Jim Davidson
My view of very rich heirs is, they are often lazy. They don't want to work for a living, because they never had to. They very often don't even want to work at conserving wealth. So, they cook up schemes to redistribute wealth from those who are able to produce wealth into their hands. Sometimes they make noises about how doing so is all about helping the poor, but you shouldn't be taken in. Naturally, others see these programs as a way to get lots of money, or control a large budget, without having to work very hard or be especially creative. So, people from other walks of life join in to become tax fiends, regulators, bureau-rats, and similar filth.

An Open Letter to Robert K. Dornan
by L. Neil Smith
A while ago, I wrote a column suggesting to Libertarians that we adopt a strategy which, while not altering our record at the polls appreciably, would force the kind of change that was our reason for running candidates to begin with. I said we should focus our party's meager resources on races where a Republican had won the last election by 5% of the vote or less, and abandon every other effort, including our costly and absurd Presidential candicacy. Winning has always been beyond our grasp, but we're often able to take 5% of the vote, meaning we can control such races, ensuring defeat of the Republican incumbent.

The Culture War's Battle of Lexington
by Wendy McElroy
On Sept. 21, David Parker was scheduled to go on trial in Lexington, Mass., for an incident that resulted from him disputing the 'right' of a local public school to introduce his then-5-year-old son to the issue of homosexuality.

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