Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 631, August 7, 2011

"A vast paradigm shift is bringing the
8000-year Age of Authority to an end"

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Profit from Suffering
by Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

"Government spending on corrections has soared since 1997 by 72 percent, up to $74 billion in 2007. And the private prison industry has raked in tremendous profits. Last year the two largest private prison companies—Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and GEO Group—made over $2.9 billion in revenue." —[source]

"According to JPI, the private prison industry uses three strategies to influence public policy: lobbying, direct campaign contributions, and networking. The three main companies have contributed $835,514 to federal candidates and over $6 million to state politicians. They have also spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on direct lobbying efforts. CCA has spent over $900,000 on federal lobbying and GEO spent anywhere from $120,000 to $199,992 in Florida alone during a short three-month span this year. Meanwhile, "the relationship between government officials and private prison companies has been part of the fabric of the industry from the start," notes the report. The co-founder of CCA himself used to be the chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party." —[source]

Obviously the lamestream media, CNN, Fox corpse, the NBC networks, CBS network, ABC, Disney, TBS, and many others fawn on the injustice system, promote pig brutality with endless pig shows, endless "detective" shows, and endless shows about prosecutors violating their obligations to the constitutional rights of the people in order to brutalise people into some pretence of "solving" crimes. The people in charge of the major networks are evil, gutless cowards.

So, who are these people, and where do they live? What are their home phone numbers, and how can you show them some justice?

"The state and federal prison population increased 722 percent between 1970 and 2009" from Justice Policy Institute. That's seven times as many people in prison because scum like Obama are scum like Nixon. Obama is a tyrant who has authorised the execution of American citizens without trial. Obama hates individual liberty and loves the contributions to his campaigns from the prison industry. Obama lied in 2008 when he promised to end all federal raids on medical marijuana clinics. Obama is an evil mass murderer who is paid by the prison industry to put your neighbours in cages. And what are you going to do about it?

Corrections Corporation of America was founded by Tom Beasley, T. Don Hutto, and the evil D. Robert Crants. —[source]

Key personnel are: John D. Ferguson, Chairman of the Board; Damon T. Hininger, President & CEO;

Todd J. Mullenger, EVP & CFO; Steven E. Groom, EVP & General Counsel;
Harley G. Lappin, EVP & Chief Corrections Officer; Anthony L. Grande,
EVP & CBDO; Brian D. Collins, EVP & CHRO.

John D Ferguson
(615) 883-8435
208 Eldon Ct
Nashville, TN 37214-2226
Age: 65+ Associated: Michael J Tillman, Martha J Tillman

It would probably be reasonable to expect most of these other evil men to be found in Nashville. If you go to you can get the published phone numbers and home addresses of nearly anyone. Some names are more commonplace than others.

GEO Group, formerly Wackenhut Corrections Corpse, is an exceptionally evil provider of violence and brutality to state supremacists everywhere. #151;Key personnel:

George C. Zoley, (Chairman) & (CEO).

And here he is, quite near the headquarters of his evil business operation keeping people in cages.

George C Zoley
(954) 467-7813
828 Solar Isle Dr
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301-2632
Age: 60-64 Associated: Donna P Zoley

Apparently if you make a living as a slave plantation owner in Florida, you can live in a mighty fine house. Doesn't that roof look like wood?

828 Solar Isle Dr

Jim Davidson is an author, entrepreneur, and anti-war activist. His 1990 venture to offer a sweepstakes trip into space was destroyed by government action as was his free port and prospective space port in Somalia in 2001. His 2002-2007 venture in free market money and private stock exchange was destroyed by government action in 2007. He's going to Mars if he has to walk. His second book, Being Sovereign is now availble from Lulu and Amazon. He is currently working on a book about travel to Mars with John Wayne Smith, a book with international fugitive Chad Z. Hower on his story, a book on sovereign self-defence, and a book compiling his letters and essays in The Libertarian Enterprise from 1995 to 2010. Contact him at or Come visit IndSovU teams at gatherings in September 2011 in Montana, December 2011 in Florida, and March 2012 in Austin, Texas. Or join State Busters.

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