Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 640, October 9, 2011

"What is Western Civilization?
The undeniable triumph of the individual"

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The Fourth Reich: Germany Rises Once Again
by Russell D. Longcore
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

"Deutschland, Deutschland, über alles." Germany, Germany above all. The stirring words of the German National Anthem, written by Joseph Haydn in 1797, will soon take on greater meaning in Europe.

By the way... think about the words in the anthems of other countries. The French want to fertilize farms with their enemies' blood, Britannia wants to rule the world's oceans, the US wants to see a flag at dawn after a battle. This anthem says: Forget petty regional squabbling, unite for the common good and do nothing that would shame the name of your person and thereby your country. Work with pride to earn and keep the admiration of the world.

Who would find fault with those words and that sentiment?

Germany is rumored to be printing and storing Deutschmark notes and coins against a soon-expected day when they regain their full sovereignty as a nation by forsaking the feckless, hapless Euro currency in favor of their own Marks. And when they do, that will be the death knell for the Euro.

Reports are being posted by such news sources at:


The Telegraph

Karl Denninger's

Philippa Malmgren, a former economics adviser to George W. Bush, has stated openly that Germany is already printing Deutschmarks.

I only found one article against the re-introduction of the Deutschmark, and that appeared in a major German news source, Der Spiegel. But if you read the article, you'll likely come to the same conclusion I did... that no matter what complications Germans might face in switching back to the Mark, those complications and costs will pale into insignificance compared to what the inevitable collapse of the Euro will cost. And, don't forget that most of the EU bailouts of late have come at the expense of German banks. It seems that der Spiegel believes in throwing good money after bad with no end in sight.

Bottom line for a secessionist looking at this situation is this: It's ALL about the Power of the Purse. Germany and the European Union mimicked Washington and built their economies on fiat money. Eventually, fiat money fails. There has never been a fiat currency in the history of the world that has not failed. The question is: When Germany reissues the Mark, what will they use to back it? If they choose hard money, they will go through a very short, very severe deflation of their economic bubble. But better to act than to react. The Deutschmark will come out strong against other world currencies... if it's not simply more fiat money. All the Keynesian economists today advocate a race to the bottom, keeping fiat currencies weak against each other. And they're all criminally wrong.

Few things catch me by surprise these days, but the re-emergence of a sovereign German nation sets my little heart a-fluttering. Your Editor admits to a soft place in his heart for his ancestral homeland. In 1742, Johann Jacob Langhaar, his wife and infant son took a boat down the Rhine from Rengsdorf to Rotterdam. They boarded a ship bound for America, the Phoenix. They stepped off the boat at the Port of Philadelphia, and settled in Sussex County, NJ.

Of course, I could be wrong about all this. It's happened before.

DumpDC. Six Letters That Can Change History.

© Copyright 2011, Russell D. Longcore. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

Russell D. Longcore is an insurance claims consultant based in Marietta, Georgia. He is the author of the hot-selling book, "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!" which has been a Number One book at Amazon continuously since October 2007. His second book, "Commercial Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!" has just been released in Ebook format."

Russell also owns, an insurance quote service offering competitive insurance quotes for every kind of insurance imaginable. What sets this website apart from all other quote sites is that Russell also shows consumers how to take control of their insurance claims and add hundreds or even thousands more dollars to their claim settlements.

Russell also owns, a domain registry and web hosting company.

Russ can be reached at: [email protected] Get books at Amazon or go to: Russell's blogs are at: and

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