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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 649, December 18, 2011 "Congress has declared war upon the American people." ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise On Thursday, December 15, 2011, the 220th anniversary of the Bill of Rights, members of the United States House of Representatives betrayed their oaths of office and voted overwhelmingly to follow in the felonious footsteps of their criminal accessories in the Senate, by attempting to pass the so-called "National Defense Authorization Act". This act, among other obscenities, allows the military—who will also be betraying their oaths—to kidnap and "indefinitely detain" any American citizen on American soil or anywhere else, for any reason they wish, without due process under the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, or a thousand years of precedent under English law which is at the core of our legal culture. It is, in fact, a stab at terminating the rule of law in America, and with it, America's unique civilization. There are many things that can be said of this event. One wonders why the cretins, criminals, and crazies in both Houses bothered to wrap it up in false respectability, rather than simply continue to let the state rule by decree, which it has pretty much been doing anyway, under the splendid excuses provided by the events of September 11, 2001. But why do you suppose I said "attempting to pass" in my initial paragraph? Because one thing is absolutely certain: the NDAA is not the law, since it contradicts a higher law—the highest law of the land—the first ten amendments of the Constitution, commonly known as the Bill of Rights. Americans have fought and bled and killed and died believing—often falsely—that they were preserving the Bill of Rights. The current crop of politicians can't conceive of such dedication to an idea. It's what frightens them witless, spitless, and shitless about Muslims, or anybody else (gun and religion "clingers", for example) willing to offer their lives in the defense of a "mere" concept. There is indeed a legal process for amending the Constitution, one that might theoretically make this recent travesty possible, but its problem is that it requires the explicit consent of a great many more individuals than the few hundred simpletons, saboteurs, and psychotics infesting Congress who voted for the NDAA, and it probably wouldn't pass. And get this: even if it did, as I have been pointing out for more than thirty years, that would nullify the Bill of Rights, which was an absolute precondition under which the Constitution—from which these low-lives claim to derive their authority—was ratified in the first place. Put as simply as I can (somebody may need to read them the big words): no Bill of Rights (under the NDAA or anything resembling it), no Constitution; no Constitution, no government; no government, no them. It isn't just a good idea, it's the law. But the crimes against the Constitution keep on coming. As a measure of the administration's confidence and arrogance, the "Federal Emergency Management Administration"—FEMA—concentration camps that the government used to deny exist are now being openly stocked with supplies, and the hiring of future concentration camp guards has been announced in certain military circles. I suppose that's one of the benefits of having deliberately engineered the worst unemployment in American history. People will do anything—even pry the fillings out of murder victims' teeth—if they think they're feeding their families. It's more than a job—it's an adventure! The next step, of course, is the United Nations' Agenda 21, under which—by their own admission—the countryside will be "cleared" of its human "infection", and the populace reduced to a "sustainable" ten percent of what it is now. If you're reading this, you won't be part of that ten percent—unless you're a government spy, and even then ... The ironic, shameful thing is that Republicans, who could have taken the 2012 election in a landslide at every level have revealed themselves, instead, as belly-crawling traitors. I wish I didn't believe it's because George Soros or someone like him offered them dachas in the empty countryside and lots of pretty, grateful peasant boys and girls from the crowded, dirty arcologies to do what they want with. Now I understand Gingrich, Romney, and the rest of our would-be Slave-masters tacitly approving the NDAA as the beginning of the fulfillment of all their most cherished secret desires. Maybe Limbaugh and Hannity, as well. But where in bloody hell was Ron Paul to vote against this mess? I mean to ask the question again and again, right up to next November, until I receive a satisfactory answer. Get ready, Ron. So: the anticipated "October Surprise" has turned out, almost a year early, to be raw treason. Will there even be a 2012 election? I wonder what odds-makers in Las Vegas and Atlantic City are saying about that. I suppose we can all take heart of some kind in the fact that this is not the first time that this sort of idiotic criminal insanity has happened. Just ask the Japanese-Americans in the 1940s who, for the unforgivable crime of simply being who they were, found themselves sent to illegal concentration camps—with scarcely a voice raised against it—by Democrats and Republicans who had no more regard for what America is supposed to be than the Democrats and Republicans of today. Oath-breakers, liars, and perjurers every one, then and now. The question to have asked back then was why were we Americans even bothering to fight the Nazis, since our leaders wanted so much to be just like them? Why did we bother to fight the Communists? And why are we fighting now? The answer is that, over its 220-year history of conniving, corruption, and conspiracy by politicians, the Bill of Rights has survived, more as a tattered ideal than as an everyday actuality. As a science fiction writer and an observer of history and human nature, I've successfully predicted a great many things, but I don't have any idea what's going to happen now. I do know the only rational, reasonable alternative to simply giving up and trying to hide is to pledge ourselves, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor, to change things, now and forever, and among those changes, to enforce the Bill of Rights as if it were what it is, the highest law of the land. We might start with something like this ...
After December 15th, I'm willing to discuss extending the penalty. Now I know—so please don't bother to write to me snide messages about it—that the chances of passing this proposal are vanishing and slight at the moment. But at the moment, this nation's grafters, grifters, and grabbers are trying to put the Bill of Rights itself on hold (as I clearly remember—but can no longer prove—Gingrich proposed doing back in the 1980s "for the duration of the War on Drugs"). My proposal sets a standard for the future, on the assumption that there will be one. And since, in addition to being criminals, cretins, and crazies, these creatures are all cowards, once they—or their network spies—start seeing it everywhere on line, they may be inclined (if my dealings with the pusillanimous punks and poltroons of the Libertarian Party are any indication) to back off, at least for a while. There are already measures in place, of course, in the second paragraph of the Fourteenth Amendment, for example, which removes from authority anybody convicted of "rebellion against the Constitution", forbidding the perpetrator ever to hold public office again. I would call the NDAA an act of "rebellion against the Constitution", wouldn't you? And there are much-neglected provisions under Title 18 of the federal code, Sections 241 and 242, which provide harsh punishment for cops and politicos who try to violate anybody's rights "under color of law". Me, I'd make it one count for each and every paragraph in the legislation. Whatever happens over the coming year, afterward—provided that there is an afterward—we must strive to see that all the maniacs, miscreants, and morons responsible for this atrocity are brought to justice, to my preference, in the little Rust Belt town of Nuremberg—Pennsylvania. Afterward—provided that there is an afterward—they will be placed in solitary confinement for the remainder of their miserable, unworthy, treacherous lives, to my preference, on a little rock called Alcatraz. Nancy should feel right at home. —————— * From my new book Down With Power (beta edition available online here) which will be published in paperback and electronic formats by Arc Manor, January 20, 2012. Was that worth reading?
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