Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 655, January 29, 2012

"The American Spring"

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Flash Editorials January 28, 2012
by Russell D. Longcore
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

The Nation: Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are trying to politically assassinate each other in every primary fight in every state. No matter which guy shakes out as the Republican candidate (shudder), the President has merely to play back the vitriolic ads to make his case. The Republicans are making the shit sandwiches that they will have to eat after the convention. The only candidate that could survive the Obama onslaught and win is Ron Paul. (Prediction: Rick Santorum gone after the Florida primary.)

The Nation II Barack Obama delivered the State of the Union address this week. Big deal. Reminded me of Kremlin speeches of the past. The socialist-in-chief made a speech in front of the rest of the socialists in the building, half of whom want a new socialist-in-chief. All of them want to grow the Federal government, and none of them will support, protect and defend the old, tired Constitution. If you are reading this editorial, and you participate in the election this November, YOU are part of the problem. Stop voting.

The Nation III Las Vegas Billionaire Sheldon Adelson openly owns Newt Gingrich. Adelson has wanted war between America and Iran for years, and the money he has spent on Gingrich's behalf has bought Newt's allegiance. The ol' Newtster vows to protect Israel and to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on his first day as President. It's disturbing to know that a man who would like to be President of the USA is completely willing to sacrifice American lives to do Israel's bidding.

International: Egypt overthrew Hosni Mubarek one year ago this week. Nothing has really changed in the last twelve months. The military still runs the government and the Egyptian economy. But 80 million people eat a lot, and Egypt's main industry... tourism... evaporated after the "Arab Spring." How are 80 million people going to keep eating regularly? Answer: They're not. Watch for more Egyptian misery and more open revolt.

International II: Washington keeps shooting itself in the foot. The West, led by Washington, has been ratcheting up its plan for economic sanctions against Iran. But Iran has powerful friends. This week, Iran huddled with India to plan a gold-for-oil deal. Last weekend I wrote about this, recommending that Iran tell EVERYBODY that Iranian oil is now only for sale for gold. Iran just issued a warning that it may halt sales of crude to Europe altogether next week to demonstrate the consequences of siding with Washington. Meanwhile, we learned that China has leased three more supertankers to move Iranian oil to China. The American sanctions will be an embarrassing failure and will help convince the nations of the world how irrelevant America is becoming. The DC lion roars from a toothless piehole.

International III: The Iranian gold-for-oil deal with India is just the beginning of the worldwide repudiation of the US Dollar as the world reserve currency. Once the world decides that the Dollar no longer deserves reserve status, the fall of the Dollar could be precipitous. For you public school grads, that means "like falling off a cliff." And when fiat currency is not backed by a commodity, but only backed by the State's ability to steal from the people... and that currency is no longer necessary for buying oil, that currency will become worthless seemingly overnight. Are you ready for the inevitable collapse of the Dollar?

Business: A tiny percent of the 1% are meeting in Davos, Switzerland this week at the World Economic Forum to discuss how they are going to run the world. About 2,600 delegates will be in attendance, from German President Angela Merkel to Warren Buffet to over 70 other billionaires who consider themselves the elite. I can nearly guarantee that returning to gold-backed money for sovereign states will NOT be on the discussion group schedule. And despite the Davros airport being choked with Gulfstream and Citation private jets, these Keynesian business and government morons will surely talk about global warming issues and everybody's "carbon footprint." I'd like to leave my footprint on all their asses.

Shameless Plug: There are very few glowing and growing segments of the American economy. Energy is one of them. When I talk about "energy," I'm talking about natural gas and electricity. As the population grows, the demand for energy grows. Energy is the last major monopoly to be deregulated, and deregulation is sweeping across America. And, when deregulation occurs there is a massive transfer of wealth from the monopolies to the new competitors. The energy business is the nearest thing you'll find to a recession-proof business. Think about it. Energy is a life-essential service that everyone already had in their monthly budgets. Just imagine if you had an energy business in which you got paid a little profit every month when your customers paid their energy bills... just like the big guys get paid. Find out more about this business at

Economy: The condition of the American economy is the best reason to start a business of your own. New unemployment claims totaled 377,000 last week. This economy is still in a deep recession. Reasonable people don't talk about the economy recovering when nearly 400,000 people A WEEK lose their jobs.

Sports: I've been 100% wrong in my Super Bowl playoff picks. Patriots and Giants? Perhaps Eli Manning will turn out to be the greatest of the Manning brothers at the Quarterback position. But Peyton will always be the funniest. His hosting of Saturday Night Live was a high water mark in SNL comedy.

Entertainment: The Grammy Awards happen on February 12th. Of all the awards shows, I like this one best. The music is great, and musicians can be counted on to wear nearly anything... or nearly nothing. Remember Pink's performance on a swing two years ago wearing nothing but ribbons covering her dainty areas? I still watch that on Youtube.

The Screen Actors Guild voted 87% to 13% to merge their union with the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA). I have good friends in both unions. I hope that consolidation helps them in some way. It probably won't affect ticket prices at movie box offices, which is all that America would care about this merger.

DumpDC. Six Letters That Can Change History.

© Copyright 2012, Russell D. Longcore. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

Russell D. Longcore is an insurance claims consultant based in Marietta, Georgia. He is the author of the hot-selling book, "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!" which has been a Number One book at Amazon continuously since October 2007. His second book, "Commercial Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!" has just been released in Ebook format."

Russell also owns, an insurance quote service offering competitive insurance quotes for every kind of insurance imaginable. What sets this website apart from all other quote sites is that Russell also shows consumers how to take control of their insurance claims and add hundreds or even thousands more dollars to their claim settlements.

Russell also owns, a domain registry and web hosting company.

Russ can be reached at: [email protected] Get books at Amazon or go to: Russell's blogs are at: and

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