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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 663, March 25, 2012 "The system isn't broken. It is working as it was designed to work. The system is designed to keep the wealthy and powerful in charge, and rolling in the dough. The system is designed to keep you in servitude." ![]() Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise This has been a news-filled week! The Nation I: Rick Santorum won beauty contests in Alabama, Kansas and Mississippi this week, and Mitt Romney came in third behind Tweedledum Gingrich in the South. And poor ol' Ron Paul... came in dead last. Curious thing about Ron Paul. He draws enormous crowds to venues when he speaks. He has been brilliant in getting campaign contributions for eight years, holding "Ron Paul Money Bombs" that generate millions each time. Ron Paul has won the hearts and minds of the young and those who are tired of being robbed and lied to. But what will the good doctor do with all these followers at the convention and beyond? There is no possibility that he will swing his support to any of the other three candidates when he stands against everything they support. I have heard many suggest he become a Third Party candidate, but that would be a one-way ticket to Ross Perot-ville. But I have a suggestion for Mister Paul. How about taking the next logical step in protecting personal liberty and property rights and become a secessionist? Forsake the Grand Old Party, Doctor Paul. Tell your willing, excited followers that secession is the only solution to return liberty to the North American continent. Encourage your supporters to spread the good news about forming new nations from old states. And finally, because you are from Texas, nominate yourself as the first President of a New Texas nation. Texas needs a lightning rod for nationhood, and with your notoriety and principled stand against DC tyranny, you are the perfect man to be the next Sam Houston. The Nation II: Washington is in full spin cycle about Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, who has been identified as the "lone gunman" who murdered 16 civilians in Afghanistan this week. Afghanis say there were more than one soldier committing the murders, and that they were all drunk. Remembering the Patrick Tillman story, and how the Army lied their asses off, I'm kind of inclined to believe the indigenous reports. Bales has now been emergency evacuated from Afghanistan by aircraft and is heading for Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. For days after the incident, I heard Obama and Defense Secretary Panetta stating that this would not deter America from its mission in Afghanistan. Really? Our soldiers commit a mass murder of mostly women and children and DC thinks it's just business as usual? War is defined by atrocity, but also by hubris. And hubris is usually followed by nemesis. The Nation III: Our Moron-in-Chief, Barack Obama, announced this week that he would release some of the US Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) into the market with the goal of easing American gas and diesel prices. The SPR is supposed to be America's defensive measure against a temporary supply disruption. The SPR is an emergency trust fund of about 750 million barrels of oil. The US imports about 12 million barrels of crude daily, so if we used the entire SPR, it would only last us two months. So once again, the Wanker-in-Chief plays politics with national security in an attempt to lower gas prices at the pump. But the last time he dipped into the SPR was in 2011 during the Arab Spring, and the 30 million barrels released dropped the pump price by 3 cents. Three. Cents. The world is awash with crude oil. Obama simply wants to get re-elected. This ain't about US... this move is ALL about HIM. International I: This week, the SWIFT banking clearing house, the company that manages nearly all international transactions, cut off Iran from doing business through them. This is only the latest in a long line of sanctions that stretch back into the 1980s. Make no mistake, dear readers. The USA is already at war with Iran. Economic sanctions are an act of war. There is just nobody shooting guns yet. Notice I said "yet." Which brings be to... International II: The US Navy's first nuclear aircraft carrier USS Enterprise has sailed from Norfolk, Virginia on its final voyage and deployment. It is headed for the Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea area. When it arrives, it will be one of three carrier task forces in the area at once. Is the Obama Administration trying to bluff Iran? Or is the US going to strike Iran at the demand of Israel? Just keep one word in mind... "Sunburn." Google the term "Sunburn Missile" and see what awaits the carrier task forces. Perhaps the Pentagon decided to have the USS Enterprise sunk at sea instead of being cut up for scrap at the Navy Yard. International III: Israel knows that Obama is not their friend. But they know that the Republican top three are competing with each other to see who will go to war for Israel against Iran first. So what might Israel do to change the November election? They might keep up the pressure to attack Iran. That will keep the Middle East unstable. An unstable Middle East will keep crude oil prices climbing. And if gasoline prices hit $5.00 per gallon before November, Obama is a goner. Shameless Plug: Have you ever dreamed of owning a home-based business? It's a dream shared by millions of people who crave freedom from bosses. But it's much, much more... and today I want you to concentrate on TIME FREEDOM. You can always earn more money somehow, but you cannot earn more time. Spend it foolishly and it is forever gone. Long hours on the job steal time from you and your family. Did you get married and have kids just so you could bring home a paycheck but not spend time in their lives? Do you feel guilty when you miss important events because you have to work? You can take control of your life with the RIGHT kind of home business. To learn more about my Energy business, go to: MasterpieceEnergy.com. Watch the opening video about "Lifestyle." Then look to the left and click on "Defining Moments" to learn about a truly recession-proof business. Business: The Apple Computer Company has been enjoying a remarkable runup of its stock (AAPL) price. Friday's close was $585.87 per share. Per. Share. I'm not saying it's not deserved, but I have been watching scores of hedge funds jumping on this stock, which drives up the price. I wonder how much Apple stock is really worth. I love their stuff and use it every day. But hype is hype, and stock is paper. We'll see what happens by the end of 2012. Economy I: The number of actual new unemployment claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 337,713 in the week ending March 10th, down 30,719 from the week previous. Yet once again, the Labor Department reported 351,000 new jobless claims... a number higher than the real number by 14,000. Apparently, the Labor Department has an affirmative action hiring program for the retarded. Sports: The NCAA basketball tournament is in full swing, and two of the top four seeds have already been eliminated. The "Big Dance" is always a delight to watch, and a great teacher of the "never quit" values we all need to hear on occasion. And this year, CBS has partnered with other cable channels to show every game in its entirety. Hoop junkies must be in heaven. Entertainment: Last week, Tel-evangelist Pat Robertson announced that the so-called War on Drugs has failed and that there are too many people clogging up the legal and penal systems because of drug use and drug dealing. Ol' Pat now believes that drugs should be legalized, regulated and taxed like alcohol. I wish to point out to you that Robertson's epiphany is not moral or based in an understanding of personal liberty, but political and cultural. He must also be figuring that he's done enough good stuff through The 700 Club to get into heaven, so why not flip the bird to the rest of the evangelicals? Now THAT'S entertainment!! DumpDC. Six Letters That Can Change History.
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