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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 668, April 29, 2012 "The cops are now the standing army the Founding Fathers feared." ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Verbalizing the Obvious On the 17th of April 2012 Jabin Bogan, a truck driver from Dallas transporting ammunition to Phoenix, Arizona, took a wrong turn in Far East El Paso. Unfortunately the turn took him across the Zaragosa Port of Entry into Mexico. He is now in jail in Mexico awaiting trial on ammunition smuggling. Mexican officials are acting like they have captured one of the great masterminds of the River of Steel weapons smuggling route into Mexico. A great fuss will be made, people will get promotions, money will change hands, speeches made, and a man who made an unlucky mistake will be returned from the US after being brutalized and extorted out of every possible penny by the guards and prisoners in the Mexican penal system. Those of you who have read my maunderings know where this is going, but I'll say it anyhow. If the Mexican government wants to arrest Americans for smuggling guns and ammo they should be trying to have Ken Melson, Eric Holder and others extradited to Mexico for Operation Fast and Furious. They should probably be seeking Barack Obama's extradition for supporting these two legged vermins' actions instead of busting them back in February 2011 over Gunwalker. Sometimes the obvious just has to be verbalized. A.X. Perez
Was that worth reading? I'm watching a TV series on NetFlix about art from the Renaissance through the 19th century. When the French painter Eugène Delacroix died in 1863 at the age of 65, his last words are said to have been, "I had enough in my head for another 40 years." I'm. just finishing my 34th book, having written novels for about the same number of years. No matter how long I live, my last thoughts, if not my last words, will echo those of Delacroix. I have so many untold stories in me, so many unrealized characters, that I don't think I'll ever get them all written. Which, I guess, is better than not having any ideas. L. Neil Smith
Was that worth reading? Anyone who has any doubt about the pro administration bias of the media or the anti gun bias of our media need only look at the current Secret Service scandal. I may be mistaken but it seems to me that over the last two weeks the news have given more time to the fuss created by Secret Service agents trying to cheat prostitutes out of their pay than it has given the Gunwalker Scandal over the last two years. Anyone who pays attention to things will note that more people have been fired, reprimanded, or allowed to quit over cheapskate gate (doesn't even rate caps) than have been punished over Operation Fast and Furious. Apparently the Government "error" which caused the deaths of some two hundred or so Mexican citizens, plus American citizens killed because they were visiting kin in Mexico, plus at least two American Law Enfocement agents is less noteworthy than Secret Service agents defrauding whores. A.X. Perez
[ Well, Al, politicians and mass-media "journalists" have a lot in common with whoresEditor ] Was that worth reading? Re: "A Policeman's Lot" by L. Neil Smith [in this issue]
Hell, Neil, I've known you used to be a cop since I first read The Probability Broach (November 1996)it's mentioned in the back on the page with the one-paragraph biography. I'm seeing something of a trend hereyou were a cop (and Air Force reservist, if I recall correctly), Tom Knapp was a Marine, I spent a few years with the Army ROTC, Army Reserve and National Guard, Aaron Zelman was a Navy corpsman in Vietnam, Stewart Rhodes (Oathkeepers) was an Army paratrooper, Ron Paul was in the Air Force in Vietnam . . . Do our political proclivities stem from our time spent in the belly of the Beast? Should this be considered a letter to the editor? I'm OK with that. If so, I'd like to give an obligatory plug for an organization which is specifically aimed at getting the three out of a hundred cops that you mentioned in paragraph 13 (dare I hope for a fourth and fifth?) to do exactly what you're calling for:
That organization is, of course, the Oathkeepers that I mentioned above. The URL, for any cops (and military personnel) so interested is http://oathkeepers.org Mike Blessing
To which Mr. Smith replied: I grew up as an Air Force dependent and was never in the military, myself, in part because I could se what it was like, up close and personal. I also got a good look at government medicine, as did Ron Paul, who was a Flight Surgeon. Nevertheless, your point is very well taken, an I think there may be a great deal to it. L. Neil Smith
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