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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 670, May 13, 2012 The Bill of Rights isn't about us, it's about them. It isn't a list of things we're permitted to do, it's a list of things they aren't allowed even to consider. ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise It is time to end the public schools. I just heard about a little boya six-year-old in First Gradewho is being treated like a sex criminal by the drooling half-wits who run the Aurora (Colorado) school system because he quoted an M&Ms commercial to a little girl his own age. Something about "I'm sexy and I know it", a concept of which the poor kid can't possibly have any understanding. Everybody reading this knows that this is just the latest in an endless series"a long train of abuses and usurpations" if I ever saw oneof Nazi-like idiocies occurring all over the country, and in Canada, as well. The last one that pissed off every intelligent individual on the continent was when a little girl drew a picture of a gun of some kind, and her father got strip-searched and their home invaded by uniformed goons with the intelligence of vicious man-eating eggplants. You'll almost certainly recall that criminal incidents like this go back all the way to items like children bringing butter-knives to schoolso they could use them to eat the brown-bag lunch they'd brought from home, something else that's now effectively been rendered illegal by food fascistsand being treated like they'd brought an AK-47. While we're here, exactly what's wrong with bringing an AK-47 to school? Within living memory, kids used to bring their rifles so they could hunt rabbits on the way home. (I'm not sure my dad ever did this, himself, as a little kid in Walden, Colorado, but there's a photo around here somewhere showing him cuddling his "kitty"a bobcat with enormous tufts on its ears.) In crumbling concrete jungles like "progressives" have made of, say, Detroit or the South Bronx, it might even be necessary for survival. Last time I looked there wasn't any qualifying age on the Bill of Rights, and that includes the Second Amendment. There's an extremely good reason for that. The Bill of Rights isn't about us, it's about them. It isn't a list of things we're permitted to do, it's a list of things they aren't allowed even to consider. But I digress. Don't you hate it when that happens? Stuff like this goes back a hell of a lot further, in fact, than the butter knife incident. When I was a mere fourth grader in Gifford, Illinois (this would have been about 1955, the year that Davy Crockett was a big deal) I pushed a girl who was at least a head taller than I was off the corner of my desk where she had parked her backside just to annoy me. The teacher, a mad shrike who ended up retiring early for reasons of insanity, grabbed me up and slammed my head against the blackboard. To some, this may explain a lot. I was then rocketed straight to the principal's office, where the imbecile in charge wanted to know (apparently he'd just read a book) if I went to the movies, and what movie I'd seen last. It happened to be an Audie Murphy western (remember Audie Murphy?), confirming his most horrified expectations. When I got home (a four-block walk in a tiny farming community) and told my folkswho, whatever complaints I ever had about them, always sided with me against the authorities all hell broke loose. Mom and Dad rattled the school system pretty well. You could do that, way back then. Another principal of minein Sixth Gradewound up being molasses-and-feathered by irate parents at his next school (every schoolboy's dream). Today, however, here in the United Soviet States of America, it would end the way it did at Waco. Nowadays, the Glorious People's School System, crammed even fuller of cowards, criminals, and cretins than it was back then, calls the cops. The Thin Blue Line arrives to rachet handcuffs onto little kids and drag them off, traumatized for life, to Durance Vile Junior. I can't believe that no parent so far has shot one of these bastard thugs. Be that as it may, it is timeand past timeto put these public torture and indoctrination centers out of our misery. It is time to let the kids go home, empty the criminals out of the buildings and raze them to the ground, so that not one stone is left standing on another, and to sow salt on the ruins. And if you can tell me where that idea comes from you were clearly not educated in the public schools. "But," I pretend to hear you whimper, "wouldn't we be losing valuable aspects of public education? What about the great need to socialize our children properly?" (This is the stock statist argument against home-schooling, as well.) They may feel a need to "socialize" our children, but parents who allow their children to be "socialized" by them shouldn't be surprised when their children grow up to be socialists. What other valuable accomplishments of modern public education will we be losing by firing these freeloaders and demolishing their day-prisons? How about mass functional illiteracy, demonstrated by so-called journalists who are (or pretend to be) unable to parse a simple sentence, so that a speaker's concern for his own life and freedom under a given administration is misinterpreted as a threat against that administration? (The reference here is to Ted Nugent, who is a perfect fool in his own rightas is any defender of the Second Amendment who urges other people to vote for Mitt Romneybut he was speaking clearly that day, and I had no trouble at all understanding him.) How about our children (possibly as an exercise in tolerating abuse by the government) being bullied, beaten up, and robbed by dunces? In an earlier time, our parents taught us how to deal with bulliesI had to do it several times, myselfand it always worked. Today the act of self-defense is punished as if it were aggression. How about our kids continuing to be brainwashed with massively discredited crackpot theories like global warmingor, in general, environmentalismKeynesian economics, Neomarxism, or anything promoted by the genocidal United Nations, to a point where they feel they have to apologize for being alive, or even wish that they were not? No thanks. It's time we rid ourselves of all these stupid, evil, and insane institutions for good. There is everything to gain and nothing to lose. Absolutely nothing. Where public school is concerned, there is no baby in the bath water.
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