Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 671, May 20, 2012

"Mitt Romney is just Barack Hussein Obama II
riding an elephant instead of a jackass"

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The Works (So Far) of L. Neil Smith
by L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

Howdy, howdy, howdy!

(To quote the vultures in my favorite Gary Larsen cartoon):

From time to time, folks ask me for an up-to-date listof my books. Here is the latest. See my books in print at Phoenix Pick (through \ and B&,,, Baen Books, and Mountain Media. Many are also available in e-book formats such as Kindle and Nook.

In original order of publication, then ...

THE PROBABILITY BROACH (Del Rey, Dec. 1979—Tor Books, Dec. 2001)

The Probability Broach cover Dead Tree
Or Barnes &

In a deadly conflict with murderous federal agents, Denver homicide detective Win Bear is accidentally blown "sideways" in time, into the North American Confederacy, where the Whiskey Rebellion succeeded in 1794, and government has grown less powerful ever since.

L. Neil Smith's first book, originally published by Del Rey Books (Random House), 1980, and Tor Books, 1996. 1980/81. Prometheus Award winner, widely considered "the" definitive libertarian novel.

Reissued by Tor Books, December, 2001 in trade format.

THE VENUS BELT (Del Rey, 1980—Phoenix Pick, 2009)

The Venus Belt cover
or Barnes & Noble

How does a totally ethical culture conquer its "final frontier"? A mysterious series of disappearances leads gumshoe Win Bear, assisted by Koko Featherstone-Haugh (a young female gorilla) and Lucy Kropotkin (a disgruntled murder victim temporarily housed in a robot body) to the asteroids, a super-villain with an all-too-familiar face, and a conspiracy stretching across whole universes.


Their Majesties' Bucketeers cover

On an alien world whose furry, nine-legged, crablike inhabitants, the lamviin, are just entering their own "Age of Invention", a royal "fireman" must create the art of criminal detection from scratch, in order to solve the murder of his favorite teacher.

THE NAGASAKI VECTOR (Del Rey Books, 1983)

The Nagasaki Vector cover

Is a culture with an absolute regard for individual rights really helpless against those who would destroy it? Professional time traveler Bernie Gruenblum hires detective Win Bear to track down the stolen flying saucer ... who loves him.

Available from CD-Baby as an audiobook read by radio talk show host Brian M. Wilson

(Del Rey Books, 1983)
(Del Rey Books, 1983)

Lando No. 1 cover Lando No. 2 cover Lando No. 3 cover

Youthful adventures of Star Wars' famous gambler before Han Solo won the Millenium Falcon from him. Re-released in omnibus edition, STAR WARS: THE LANDO CALRISSIAN ADVENTURES, Del Rey Books, 1994.

TOM PAINE MARU (Del Rey, 1984—Phoenix Pick, 2009)

Tom Paine Maru
or Barnes & Noble

The North American Confederacy reaches the stars at last, its Prime Directive: search out governments wherever they are found to exist—and destroy them!

The Phoenix Pick edition contains a discussion—cut from Del Rey version—of the origin of the authoritarian personality.


The Gallatin Divergence

Detective Win Bear travels back in time to 1794 to save Albert Gallatin, founder of the North American Confederacy, from assassins. First appearance in print of the author's "Covenant of Unanimous Consent".

THE WARDOVE (Berkley-Ace, 1986)

The Wardove

Earth was destroyed in 2023 and only Lunar colonists survived. Nine hundred years later, in a star-spanning "nation" without conscription or taxation, Captain Nathaniel Blackburn of Coordinated Arm Intelligence must find out who's killing rock musicians (loosely based on Fleetwood Mac and The Police) raising money for the War Against the murderous Clusterian Powers. A story of unrequited love. Includes lyrics to a dozen songs written by the author. Beware of unauthorized trade paperback editions.

THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE (Tor, 1986—Phoenix Pick, 2009)

Crystal Empire cover
or Barnes & Noble

Muslims rule the world in this adventure of a sword-slinging inventor and gunsmith in an alternate universe where the Black Plague killed 999 out of 1000, and technology—especially firearms—took the blame.


Brightsuit MacBear cover

On Majesty, a planet covered from pole-to-pole, with jungle six miles deep, Win Bear's great-grandson MacDougall battles to prevent a terrible crime and recover a lost inheritance. Set in the universe of Tom Paine Maru.


Taflak Lysandra cover

The first of six projected sequels to Brightsuit MacBear: testing a marvelous "subfoline" craft, young Elsie Nahuatl (last seen in Tom Paine Maru) becomes lost amidst the bizarre collectivist cultures which lurk beneath the planet Majesty's "Sea of Leaves" with her adopted father—a cybernetically-enhanced coyote.

HENRY MARTYN (Tor Books, 1989)

Henry Martyn cover

A thousand years from now, in the depths of interstellar space, there will be sailing ships—and pirates! Vast empires clash as young Arran Islay fights for freedom, and to regain a legacy brutally stripped from his family by the "Black Usurper".

PALLAS (Tor Books, 1991—Phoenix Pick, 2010)

Pallas cover
or Barnes & Noble icon

In the persons of Gibson Altman, exiled liberal United States Senator, and Emerson Ngu,a young Vietnamese/Cambodian immigrant boy who aspires to manufacture firearms, socialist "East America" and frontier entrepreneurs of the West American "Jackelope Republic" under the notorious "Stein Covevnant" of self-government struggle for control of a whole new world, the second largest of the asteroids. Lots of action, romance, RKBA polemics, plus metallic silhouette shooting!

Winner of the 1994 Prometheus Award.

BRETTA MARTYN (Tor Books, 1996)

Bretta Martyn cover

Fifteen years after her father Arran's adventures (Henry Martyn) Robretta Islay sails to the stars to expose the source of Oplyte slavery and stamp it out. Along the way she travels across half a galaxy, faces hideous perils, suffers grievously, meets many wild and wonderful characters, and eventually rediscovers the homeworld of the human race. (Also a sequel to The WarDove.)

THE MITZVAH (with Aaron Zelman, Mazel Freedom Press, 1999).

The Mitzvah cover

A Roman Catholic monsignor from Chicago discovers that he's actually a Jewish Holocaust orphan and must decide, not only between the faith he was brought up in and the faith he was born to, but between his liberal pacifist beliefs and those of his real family, many of whom joined the Resistance and fought and killed Nazis.

Winner of's Freedom Book of the Month Award for July, 1999. Co-author, the late Aaron Zelman, was the founder and executive director of JPFO: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.

FORGE OF THE ELDERS (Baen Books, 2000)

The Mitzvah cover

When most nations rejected Marxism in the 1990s, the Berlin Wall fell, and the Soviet Empire collapsed, the United States embraced Marxism wholeheartedly and dragged the whole world back down into the pit of collectivism. Now the American Soviet Socialist Republic claims the asteroid 5023 Eris, but somebody (or something) is already there! The Elders are from Earth ... sort of. They aren't human. But they're individualists—and capitalists!

Winner of's Freedom Book of the Month Award for May 2000, Freedom Book of the Year Award 2000, and the 2001 Prometheus Award. Originally published in 1990 as CONTACT AND COMMUNE and CONVERSE AND CONFLICT by Warner Books, who unilaterally cancelled the third volume, CONCERT AND COSMOS) Now issued as the single epic work it was always meant to be.

HOPE (W/Aaron Zelman, Mazel Freedom Press, 2001—Phoenix Pick, 2009)

Hope cover
or Barnes & Noble

A story filled with political struggle, attempted assassination, adventure, and romance: Vietnam War veteran, retired billionaire, and history professor Alexander Hope, "accidentally" elected President of the United States in 2008, begins to enforce the Bill of Rights as if it were the highest law of the land that it is.

A loose sequel to The Mitzvah, with Aaron Zelman. Winner of's Freedom Book of the Month Award for August, 2001.

THE AMERICAN ZONE (Tor Books, November, 2001)

The American Zone
or Barnes & Noble

Terrorists try to force a government to form in the North American Confederacy. Detective Win Bear (hero of The Probability Broach, et al.), his wife Clarissa, and his friends Lucy Kropotkin and Will Sanders stalk the badguys through a self-isolated community of fresh (and frightened) immigrants to the first free country they've ever known.

LEVER ACTION (Mountain Media, 2001)

Book cover
Or Cat's Curiosities (Vin & Amy's Online Bookstore)

Non-Fiction. Twenty years of speeches, articles, and internet columns from the author of The Probability Broach, Forge of the Elders, Pallas, and (with Aaron Zelman) The Mitzvah and Hope. Published just before the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Winner of's Freedom Book of the Month Award for May 2001.


or Barnes & Noble

L. Neil Smith's first book, adapted as a 180-page, full color graphic novel, visually realized by Scott Bieser, late summer, 2004. Also a Prometheus Award-winning webcomic available at or


Roswell Texas Cover
or Barnes & Noble

In 1947, in an alternate version of the Lone Star Republic that was never a part of the United States (and where Richard Wagner and Scott Joplin teamed up in the east Texas city of New Orleans to write the epic opera, Die Alamo) an unlikely trio of Texas Rangers races against time and foreign enemies to claim the wreckage of an unknown spacecraft near the west Texas town of Roswell. Co-written by Rex "Baloo" May. Brilliantly illustrated by Scott Bieser, et al.

See the webcomic at Buy the graphic novel at


Roswell Texas Cover

"In the years of the Great Moratorium", when new legislation is forbidden, and old laws can only be repealed, three teenagers in the late 21st century steal a small, remote-controlled time machine, lose it in the past, and must retrieve it before they're caught. Fancifully illustrated by Sherard Jackson.

Now a webcomic at, and a graphic novel at

CERES (Phoenix Pick, December, 2010)

Ceres cover
or Barnes & Noble
(NOTE: The complete novel is also on the web at

Half a century after the events recounted in Pallas, the grandchildren of Emerson Ngu face their own challenges, terraforming the largest of the asteroids, protecting the solar system's Settled Worlds from "extinction level events" (like the one that killed the dinosaurs), and simply living their own lives in the early 22nd century. While her asteroid-mining brother fights space pirates, Llyra Ngu, a young athlete born on Pallas, struggles grimly to perform in the higher gravity of Ceres, Earth's moon, Mars, and Earth itself.

Nominated for the Prometheus Award


Phoebus Krumm cover

A beautiful Empress calls an old space pirate out of retirement to hunt down and destroy a massive enemy super-ship that threatens the civilized galaxy. (A web-comic and graphic novel, part of the Henry Martyn cycle)

SWEETER THAN WINE (Phoenix Pick, July 2011)

Sweeter Than Wine cover paper Kindle
Barnes & Noble paper or Nook

A young American soldier, bitten in World War II France by a beautiful, seductive Rumanian Resistance pilot—who happens to be a vampire—now works as a private detective near Denver, and tries to live an ethical life. He wonders what became of his lost love, and eventually confronts a vampire so old that it first fed on Neanderthal Man.

DOWN WITH POWER (Phoenix Pick, 2012)

Down With Power front cover
[ paper]
[ Kindle]
[ dead tree and Nook]

Non-Fiction. A comprehensive guidebook of libertarian policy positions, rather than theory, written by a 50-year veteran of the movement.


[ To view larger scans of these book covers go to this place—Editor ]



P'Nan moral debt assessor Eichra Oren and his trusty sidekick Sam (an enhanced Samoyed dog) are hired to investigate industrial sabotage on an alternate Earth ruled by giant molluscs, and stumble across a hideous murder—and an alien invasion! (AQ new part of the Forge of the Elders cycle)


The seventh unsuccessful expedition of would-be Martian colonists, stranded and abandoned on the Red Planet by the government of East America and the United Nations, are saved by William and Brody, the sons of Emerson Ngu, who show them a new way to terraform a planet in the face of violent opposition from Earth. Principally features Llyra Ngu's grandmother, Julie Segovia, as a young East American Marine lieutenant, sent to Mars to punish recalcitrant colonists. (Fits between Pallas and Ceres.)

SMARTBAIT (With Rex "Baloo" May)

Centuries after the human race has become extinct, a species of intelligent crickets are building their own civilization on the ruins of ours, and mounting an expedition to discover why the Gods (that's us) created them, and where we disappeared to, afterward.


The asteroid survey vessel Rosalie Frazier discovers evidence of a horrifying crime committed by the government of East America almost a century ago, and an old, sick man without hope rediscovers his youth, adventure, and the love of the most beautiful girl in the Solar System. (Follows and is contemporary with Ceres.)


A grown-up Llyra Ngu Trask travels with her husband and children to Rosalie, the beautiful extrasolar planet discovered by her great grandfather Emerson during the Fifth Force expedition and named for her great grandmother. Adventures and a new life on a pristine world in something resembling the Pleistocene Era. Concludes the Ngu Family Saga.


Comedy movie treatment about California, the movies, and sweet surrender in the War on Drugs.

L. Neil Smith is the Publisher and Senior Columnist of L. Neil Smith's THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE, as well as the author of 33 freedom-oriented books,

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