Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 674, June 10, 2012

"The World is run by fools who kill children
as they pray and practice hymns in Church. And
that's what I remember learning in third grade."

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Re: "Self-Taught is Best Taught" by Bob Wallace

I actually do remember something I learned in third grade. I went to Holy Family Catholic School in El Pas, Texas, maybe a half mile from the rail road station. For whatever reason we were being given the hide under your desk in a nuke speech. One of my classmate asked the nun in charge, "What do we do if the bomb falls when we are in Church?" (If you went to Catholic school back then you went into the church at the drop of a hat.) Sister told us the truth, "Can you think of a better place to die than in Church?" Content to know we would go to heaven, we dropped the issue (think like an eight year old.).

It took several years for the lesson to fully connect but it's really simple, the World is run by fools who kill children as they pray and practice hymns in Church. And that's what I remember learning in third grade.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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It is common to see young people at the school where I teach wearing rosaries as necklaces. This is frowned on (in plain English,banned) at many other schools as being "gang related apparel".

Quite often students where I teach use bullets and dummy cartridges as ornaments worn as necklaces. I have been given to understand that this is not only a violation of dress code in many other places, but that it can also lead to unpleasant state scrutiny of the offending students' entire families. (myself, I think it's the policy and not that students that offends.)

I'll let you conclude the obvious way of tying administrative panties in knots.

Might make you a few shekels also.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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