Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 696, November 11, 2012

"From now on, I will assume that people are
stupid, crazy, or evil until they prove otherwise."

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Home of the Drones
by David M. Schmidt
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

(to the the tune of "Home on the Range")
new lyrics by David M. Schmidt

Oh give me a home,
where nobody builds drones,
and flies them all over the globe
to kill harmless folks,
and leave nothing but smoke
and ashes of what once were their homes.

Home, home of the drones,
where chickenhawks and arms makers play,
where seldom is heard
any dissenting word,
Since Obama's in then it's okay.

Oh give me a home,
where I keep what I own,
and don't see it all taxed away,
where every dollar I get
isn't turned into shit,
by the Federal Reserve's counterfeit.

Home, home of the drones,
where the banksters and CEO's play,
where seldom is heard
any dissenting word,
Since politicians don't care what we say.

Oh give me a home,
Where people are left alone,
Where drug- and soft drink-wars don't rage,
Where "live and let live"
and the old "Golden Rule"
Are more than just words on a page.

Home, home of the drones
Where the cops and the bureaucrats play
Where seldom is heard
any dissenting word,
Since to protest is illegal these days.

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