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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 698, November 25, 2012 Our single nebulous hope resides in a leaderless, centerless spirit of individual liberty. Each time it's provoked into raising its head, it startles and frightens those who think they own us."w3 ![]() Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise Let me just start by saying I hate cops. Yes, I admit it may be an irrational hatred, and I probably shouldn't hate themand I certainly shouldn't admit it. If you are just going to scold me for that stop reading now and go do something else. I am also going to make wholly appropriate comparisons of cops to Nazis. If that bothers you, or if you feel tempted to misapply "Godwin's Law" in order to try to shout me down, go away. I am also going to tell you right now that I am happy every time I hear of a cop being killed. I don't care what the circumstances are. I hate the fact that innocent people also die in some of the same incidents. "Collateral damage" is NEVER justifiable. But fewer live cops is invariably a good thing. If you disagree, fine. Some people would disagree that the earth is not flat and doesn't rest on the back of a stack of giant turtles. And that is just how much sense your objection makes to me. So don't waste my time or yours, and stop reading now. As I say, I hate cops. And I'm not too fond of copsuckers, either. I would be perfectly willing to sign an agreement stating that I will exercise my right to never speak to another cop for the rest of my life (obviously, unless I attack or steal and someone else sends cops after me instead of dealing with me like a grown-up), and in exchange I can never, ever expect a cop to come to my aid in any way, in any situation. It would be a low price for such liberty. I'd sign such an agreement in half a heartbeat. The cops could go their way and I'd go mine. I'd never bother them in any way, as long as they didn't attack me. I know that would disappoint all the sincere copsuckers who love to claim that libertarians are fond of "hating on cops" until someone attacks us, then we run crying and pissing ourselves, begging for the cops to save us. I've never seen it happen, and I suspect it is simply projection on the part of the emasculated copsuckers. So, yeah, I'd sign. I don't "need" cops. There is no situation so horrible that it can't be made much worse by adding a cop to the mix. Sure, some of you may know cops who you believe are "good" people. And, as long as they aren't <being a cop, maybe they are. I have known cops, and I have had long conversations with some, so don't whine that I just need to "sit down with a cop over a cup of coffee" so that I can understand them. That argument is so empty it is silly. I suspectno, I am <certain that most Nazis were decent people to those they knew. Very few were genuine monsters. The uniform and the swastika was just a "job"one that was socially acceptable and even honored in society. They probably felt good about their "service"about protecting society from "anarchy". Most probably never personally killed an innocent person during their whole Nazi experience. And not many cops are Joe Arpaio, either. Not all bad guys are cops, obviously, but few bad guys self-identify as openly as do the badged reavers. The guy standing in line behind you at the grocery store might be a member of a violent youth gang, but if he displays any outward signs of this affiliation, they are likely to be noticed (or correctly identified) only by other gang members. If all violent gang members wore a tag on their chest identifying them as such in plain language or hieroglyphs, people would treat them differently. People might be more likely to interpret more of their actions as a threat and might be quicker to employ self defense. Since the roster of gang members in any particular gang is so low, this wouldn't be a good survival tactic on their part. No one could be blamed too harshly for shooting a self-identified gang member who made an aggressive move. Just like no one could have been blamed for shooting anyone wearing the swastika openly who makes a move that seems to be a credible threat to initiate force. Even a nice Nazi like Oskar Schindler would have been a legitimate target simply because of the swastika gang sign he wore (I'm assuming he wore it at least when he attended official functions). Today, of all the violent gangs, only cops openly display gang signs for all to see and interpret. There is no chance of a mistaken identification. So far, they have suffered no real costs for this arrogance. This is because their gang is not only the largest and most violent, but because they have the support of those they consider their enemies (or their "crop")"the public". Defend yourself from one of these gangsters and the hordes sent to avenge them is never-ending. "Law enforcement" is an inexcusably evil "job". There is
absolutely no decency in it. That wasn't true of "peace officers",
but once they were replaced by "law enforcement officers" no good
person could fill that "job". Once a cop enforces even
one counterfeit
"law"any law attempting to regulate or control anything other than
aggression or
becomes an evil
thug. There are no two ways about it.
I don't fear cops, except when forced to deal with one. Too many
innocent people get murdered on the altar of
Safety" for my comfort, and there's no
telling what will set the twitchy, guilt-ridden vermin off. So, yes,
any interaction with a potential murderer is upsetting, especially
since I <never choose to interact with them voluntarily.
My most recent encounter with a
LEO happened
while I was driving my dad's pickup (I have been without a functioning
vehicle for nearly a year now) a few blocksjust across the state
line so my sister could pick up an item from the grocery store. I
was pulled over because the license plate light wasn't shining. No
aggression or theft on my part. Nothing even "unsafe" about that at
allsimply a control/tracking issue. Something cops are becoming
increasingly obsessed over.
The parasite approached with exaggerated caution and warned me to
put my hands where he could see them. Coward. If I were going to
defend myself from him (in today's climate, such a reasonable action
is suicidal), he would have already been shot. Or, I could have
waited until he relaxed a little and turned to walk back to his
ThugMobile, and then taken my time with aiming and all the technical
details. Nope, it's all about setting the tone.
I couldn't find all the demanded "papers" in my dad's vehicle, and
was warned that "in New Mexico it
is required that ...". Funny, it seems that
the cop isn't allowed to apply New Mexico
"law" to cars registered in Texas, when
the Texas "requirements" are different. But I neither know "the
law", nor really care. My dad, however, later showed me the demanded
piece of paper and it stated quite clearly what was "required"and
the Texico, New Mexico cop was wrong. Surprise,
I was let off, without even a warning ticket. However I find
myself not wanting to travel anywhere. I am tired of being
surrounded by these parasitic vermin and seeing their disgusting
thieving beside the road every time I go anywhereeven if I am not
the victim.
America IS a police
stateand it is called "The
United States of America". And I hate cops.
Deal with it.
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