Number 700, December 9, 2012
"So here's a call to arms—or at least to keyboards—for all of those I hear wondering what they can do to advance the cause of liberty."
[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your
letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish
them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:"
On Saturday [Dec 1st], the doctors stopped the sedation and E.J. was
"awakened," but she was insensate. Eyes had no focus, she did not
respond to voices, lights on but no-one home. So I made the difficult
decision to order her life-support -- ventilator and blood-pressure
regulation -- removed. The staff maintained pain-killer and anxiety-
relief drugs so she remained comfortable as she gradually declined,
and finally passed at 11:35 Sunday night.
The great love of my life is gone forever. She is survived by her
son, Ian, and stepson Zeke, who loved her very much, and those two
will keep me going in the weeks and months ahead.
Thanks to all for your well-wishes and support. Zeke is finishing
up this school semester and we will have a local memorial service
for our friends in the area, and another one in Southern Cal for
family and the friends in that area, and I'll keep everyone posted
when plans are firmed up.
Scott Bieser
[email protected]
Director, Big Head Press
My webcomic, QUANTUM VIBE: www.quantumvibe.com
Was that worth reading? Then why not:
Congrats & proviso
Re: "Lest Darkness Triumph" by L. Neil Smith
Dear Sir:
A fine site which I'll be returning to often. I enjoyed Mr. Smith's
titular tip of the hat to John W. Campbell's best deCamp serial in
the old Astounding pulp magazine, but anybody old enough to
be a Golden Age sci-fi fan ought to be able to recall that the
wall-size TV screen is usually credited as a prediction to Ray
Bradbury. But that's a quibble. Thanks again, gentlemen, for the
choice fodder.
Herb Borkland
[email protected]
To which L. Neil Smith replied:
You're quite right, Herb. I'd forgotten The Veldt.
Happily, Confederate screens don't let the predators through.
L. Neil Smith
[email protected]
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Was that worth reading? Then why not:
This system is remarkably like a primitive forerunner of the
computers in my novel _Ceres_. Wilson Ngu can carry his in his
bluejeans watch pocket, and his mother, Ardith, carries hers
pinned to her blouse, like a nurse's watch.
[link to technologyreview]
L. Neil Smith
[email protected]
Was that worth reading? Then why not:
Toldja so
Hate to brag (Okay, I'm full of crap, I love being able to brag) but
last week I did send the following to TLE:
Many Americans will be surprised to discover that they are "the
richest among us." Without heroic spending cuts the Federal
government will have to raise our extortion payments by about
$10,000 dollars per annum per person, not family ( back of the
envelope calculation of what it will cost to pay off deficit for
the year plus pay down existing debt to zero over ten years.).
Anything less, accompanied by robust spending cuts, will fail
if you are trying to tax your way out of our current Federal
mess. While obviously the government will not take such extreme
actions, it does mean that a lot of people who thought they were
not rich are going to be wealthy for the purposes of having their
taxes raised instead of cut.
Now if you will peruse the following:
you will read "The only problem is... and this is initially going to
seem like heresy from a progressive is... the truth is everybody
needs to pay more taxes, not just the rich...." attributable to
Howard Dean.
Toldja it was coming. I'm sure most of you had it figured out before
I said anything. Still it is comforting to know our opponents are so
predictable, improves our odds.
A.X. Perez
[email protected]
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Not too much new this month. Most surprising fact is that I now have
over fourteen thousand cartoons up at CartoonStock. You can see them
I continue to post new cartoons daily on several websites. You can
get to them all starting from
And, remember that Baloo merchandise makes great gifts for Christmas!
I have thousands of cartoon designs available at Zazzle, on T-shirts,
bags, keychains, IPad cases, caps, mugs, greeting cards, and lots of
other things.
Go here for a look.
Finally, please forward this e-mail to anyone you think would benefit
from it -- Especially if they need to do some last-minute shopping.
Till next time!
Rex May
[email protected]
PHONE: 1-970-218-0889
All about me here:
Follow me on Twitter:
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Letter to a Talk Show Host
You may or may not know that the cops were caught on neighbor's
cellphone needlessly shooting a little dog in the Denver suburbs.
Apparently they can taze a little old lady in a wheelchair with
impunity, but let them shoot somebody's dog ...
Anyway, this is the note I sent this morning to the radio guy who
is trying to have it both ways, but was my original inspiration
for coining the word "copsucker":
I am sure there were plenty of British officers and soldiers who
were kindly, decent individuals. That didn't stop Thomas Jefferson
from describing their activities as "a long train of abuses and
usurpations". The unavoidable fact is that, across the nation,
the police have become more brutal with every day that passes.
No amount of nervous denial on your part or anybody else's can
change that.
I discuss this problem -- and its solution -- in my new book,
Down With Power: Libertarian Policy in a Time of Crisis,
available at Amazon.com and B&N.com both in dead-tree and e-book
L. Neil Smith
[email protected]
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The Headline Caught My Eye... And Turned My Stomache!
I don't normally read TMZ crap, because it's all gossip. But the
headline just grabbed my eye. On the MSN homepage, it says "Adele's
Baby", and underneath Adele's photo, "Singer facing fine over
registration." So I clicked it. Apparently, failing to register
your baby in England is a punishable offense. Up to a 1000 pound
($1600) fine for failing to properly notify the authorities of the
birth of another British subject.
What, now a baby is like a car? "Sorry, Ma'am, but your failure to
register the baby means you can't carry that child on these streets.
We're going to have to tow it to the impound lot!" I wonder if they
issue titles with the registration? Does the baby get a license
plate? Do you have to transfer title and registration when it gets
married? What's the sales tax rate based on?
I actually understand the reasoning, ESPECIALLY in a socialist
country like England. You cannot properly determine how much you
must steal from income to fund yet another behind getting "free"
healthcare. A true Laissez-faire economy has no need to number,
monitor, and control the populace. In a socialist economy, where
the government takes care of all your healthcare needs, controls
the media, and feeds a large chunk of the populace, you need to
control everything you can. I wonder when they'll start
micro-chipping their babies in the delivery room? Or when WE are
going to? After all, tattoos are so Third Reich!
(Also appears on NewsVine)
Neale Osborn
[email protected]
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