Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 715, April 7, 2013

The interests of individuals and groups with massive mounts
of money and power are not merely divergent from the interests
of the rest of us, they run in completely opposite directions.

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The Logical Proof for Rightful Individual Liberty
by Michael Chavez
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

"Wisdom begins with the definition of terms."—Socrates

The primary law that naturally governs the behavior of all individuals in all societies is: do not harm another.

  • Society is an association of individuals where one exchanges or combines one's resources with another in order to fulfill each one's desires.

  • All behavior that directly and proximately harms another is naturally forbidden by society.

  • All behavior that does not directly and proximately harm another is naturally permitted by society.

  • The only acceptable use of violence is to defend against those who initiate harm against another.


The rightful liberty of the individual is unobstructed action according to the individual's only by the direct and proximate harming of another.

  • Thought, inspiration and innovations come only to the individual.

  • The individual is the only means by which hidden potential can be made real; by which the unmanifest is made manifest.

  • Totally unique in one's ability to take in, prioritize and process information, each individual is irreplaceable.

  • The individual is responsible for his actions because it is his will alone that animates him.

  • The individual is able to evaluate the affects his behavior will have on his interests faster and with greater accuracy than any outside entity.

  • Groups are composed of individuals in communication with one another, each building upon one another's individual attainments.

  • A voluntary society is one where every association and exchange occurs on a voluntary basis.

  • Once an individual is stolen from, killed, repressed or otherwise silenced, his contribution through exchange and charity is lost, and a precedent is set for other individuals to be likewise harmed.

While the individual has this critical importance, he is only one, making him easy prey for institutionalized robbers and slavers to steal his essence.

The one attribute which distinguishes government from any individual or organization found in society is government asserts the power to harm with impunity. This power is sustained by society's belief that this power is legitimate and beneficial.

  • Governmental power is the undelegated power to harm others with impunity.

  • Government is not exercising delegated power when it moves against an individual who is not harming another, because no individual which composes society (or government) possesses such authority.

  • Government is exercising delegated power when it moves against an individual who is harming another, because every individual which composes society possesses the power of self defense.

  • Governmental power is not derived from consent because any power derived from consent is extinguished when consent is withdrawn.

  • Government is the prevailing militant entity that occupies society in order to control and extract society's wealth.

  • Government confiscates property from unwilling individuals and is not obligated to provide any services in return.

  • Government is not law, services, infrastructure, or other services associated with government. Government merely pays for these things with confiscated wealth in order to garner dependence, obedience, and loyalty.

  • Governments compete and cooperate with each other for resources, and they consider societies to be a resource.

  • Governments charter corporations and clothe them with limited liability protection (which is a degree of the government's ability to harm with impunity.).

  • A free society has the strictest regulations because all who initiate harm are fully liable to the harmed.

  • Government argues the free market is too strict and therefor it must shield companies from liability and legalize harm so the economy can operate smoothly and innovations can be brought to society.

  • Licensing and regulations are designed to increase the market share for those who can/will comply by harming those who are unable/unwilling to comply (both buyer and seller).

  • When a capitalist uses government power he ceases to be a capitalist and becomes either a fascist or a communist.

  • Your opinion of the above facts determines your place on the political spectrum.

My opinion:

Each individual has an interest in forever limiting the harm all organizations may cause. Free individuals do not have a group of rulers micromanaging one's daily affairs; they have a judicial system each may use to settle disputes in an orderly and civilized manner.

The most practical solution to ending government is to eliminate the demand for governmental power by innovating real-world alternatives.

The least practical solution is to restrict all governments by constitution to the primary law:

1. All individuals and groups including all branches of all governments are forever forbidden from initiating violence or otherwise harming another by any means.

2. The only moral and lawful use of violence is to defend against individuals, groups and governments who violate the above.

3. There are no exceptions to one and two.

Challenges, Clarifications, or Discussions Write to [email protected]

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