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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 722, May 26, 2013 The sad thing about [WW-2] is that it was not a conflict between good and evil, but between differing brands of fascism. Fascism won. ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Press Release: Philadelphia Activists Arrested, Framed and Denied Bail for Speaking Out in Favor of Marijuana Legalization Hello Representatives of activists Adam Kokesh and N.A. Poe are issuing the following press release to alert you to a press conference and rally happening Thu May 23 at 1:30PM at the federal courthouse at 601 Market St in center city Philadelphia. Kokesh and Poe were only speaking to a permitted rally at Independence Hall when they were arrested by park rangers Saturday, May 18, 2013. Now they are being framed on accusations of violence, despite video evidence to the contrary on YouTube. They were denied bail on Monday. We expect more than 200 people at the rally tomorrow where we will once again demand their immediate and unconditional release. On Monday, May 20th we melted the US Attorney's phone lines with the same demand as thousands of phone calls poured in from allies of Kokesh and Poe. Thank you for your attention. George Donnelly
Inspiration Mars Just heard about a private company that plans to send a crew of two on a 500 day mission to pass within 100 miles of Mars and slingshot back for the return trip. The site is www.inspirationmars.org and the launch date is 2018. NASA is still dragging their butts and I would like to see someone do it within my lifetime. Wes Carr
Press Release: Adam Kokesh Calls on American Revolutionary Army to March on 50 State Capitols FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact
Adam Kokesh Calls on American Revolutionary Army to March on 50 State Capitols (Philadelphia, PA, May 24, 2013)—Political prisoner and activist Adam Kokesh has released a statement from inside the Philadelphia federal prison about his planned July 4th, 2013 Open Carry March on Washington, DC. The statement was read by comedian and activist N.A. Poe, until recently a fellow prisoner of Kokesh's, today Friday, May 24 at 1PM in front of the Philadelphia federal prison. What follows is Kokesh's complete and unabridged statement. "When a government has repeatedly and deliberately failed to follow its own laws, violated the fundamental human rights of its citizens, threatened the sanctity of a free press, created institutions intended to eliminate privacy of communication, waged war at the behest of special interest that threatens the public safety, killed hundreds of children with drone strikes, imprisoned and destroyed the lives of countless individuals for victimless crimes, stifled economic opportunity to maintain the dominance of the financial elite, stolen from the people through an absurd system of taxation and inflation, sold future generations into debt slavery, and abused its power to suppress political opposition, it is unfit to exist and it becomes the duty of the people to alter or abolish that government by whatever means necessary to secure liberty and ensure peace. "A new American revolution is long overdue. This revolution has been brewing in the hearts and minds of the people for many years, but this Independence Day, it shall take a new form as the American Revolutionary Army will march on each state capital to demand that the governors of these 50 states immediately initiate the process of an orderly dissolution of the federal government through secession and reclamation of federally held property. Should one whole year from this July 4th pass while the crimes of this government are allowed to continue, we may have passed the point at which non-violent revolution becomes impossible. "The time to sit idly by has passed. To remain neutral is to be complicit, just doing your job is not an excuse, and the line in the sand has been drawn between the people, and the criminals in Washington, D.C. While some timid souls will say that it is too early, that we can solve this problem through democratic means provided by government, that current levels of taxation are reasonable for the services provided, and that the crimes of this government are merely a tolerable nuisance, it may already be too late. "While there is risk in drastic action, the greater danger lies in allowing this government to continue unchallenged. So if you are content with the status quo, stay home, get fat, watch the fireworks from a safe distance, and allow this Independence Day to pass like any other. But if you see as we see, and feel as we feel, we will see you on the front lines of freedom on July 4th, 2013 for this, The Final American Revolution." Signed, Adam Kokesh, May 23, 2013 from a cage in the Philadelphia federal prison. Kokesh and Poe were arrested on Saturday, May 18, 2013 while speaking to a permitted marijuana legalization rally at Independence Mall National Historic Park in center city Philadelphia, in a space specifically designated for free speech. They are being framed on felony charges of assaulting a federal officer, despite overwhelming video footage to the contrary. "They just came after Adam [Kokesh] and N.A. Poe, the organizer of Smokedown—the only two there out of hundreds present who were taken into custody," said Michael Salvi, an observer of the rally. At a preliminary hearing in front of US Magistrate Judge Thomas J. Rueter in the Byrne courthouse on Monday, May 20, 2013, Kokesh and Poe were denied bail. Poe was subsequently released on Thursday, May 23, 2013. Kokesh was denied release on the same day. About Adam Kokesh Adam Kokesh is a former US Marine corporal and veteran of the Iraq War who is active for peace, marijuana legalization, the right to keep and bear arms and other libertarian causes. Kokesh is the host of talk radio show "Adam vs the Man." http://adamvstheman.com. Complete information on Adam Kokesh's arrest and federal caging is available at http://FreeAdam.net. George Donnelly
Delayed Message (Note: This mss. refers to an event that occurred on 14 April, 2013. Given the terrorist bombing that occurred in Boston the next day you can understand why I delayed sending it in.) On 14 April El Paso City Hall was blown up. Only a pile of rubble was left. This was not some act of revolt, terrorism, or criminal intimidation. The site was being cleared to make room for a Triple A minor league baseball field. The purpose is to support the revitalization of the downtown area. In anarchist heaven city hall would not be replaced. Of course, government functions had been moved to different rented facilities before then and a new city hall will go up. Close as we are to Mexico here maybe the next city hall can eventually be demolished for a futbol field (soccer to us yanquis) and be replaced by a simple hall of records to keep track of births, deaths, property boundaries, registered marriages (Texas is acommon law marriage state,), and divorces. One can only hope. A.X. Perez
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