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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 728, July 7, 2013 "Obama doesn't seem to have learned the most important lesson of our times: never fuck with the geeks." ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise Feeling a touch nervous, Colorado Democrat pols? Judging by the responses to your unconstitutional gun bans and magazine capacity limits, you should be. Link How many of you are facing recall elections? exactly how many businesses are leaving Colorado? How many planned hunts (a HUGE source of Colorado income, and the livelihood of thousands in the Rockies) have been cancelled? Oh yeah, you jackasses are gonna feel the pain. Today (6-30-2013) you have a mile a half mile long waiting for the 1500 free 30 round magazines (provided by one of the companies you pissed off, MagPul Industries) and the 18500 others they provided for sale prior to implementation of this unconstitutional law. It's good to see an Iraqui war vet standing up once again for our rights. Link It's even better to hear him comparing supporting the New York SAFE Act to supporting the USA Patriot Act, TSA, and internment of Japanese descended Americans in concentration camps in WWII. Because he's totally correct. And it's good to hear him. Listen to his heartfelt words in the video contained in the print link. He doesn't speak with proper sentence structure and grammar, but he certainly speaks from the heart and mind. Missouri's cowardly Democrat—OK, that's saying the same thing twice, but I digress—governor, Jay Nixon, vetoed their new nullification law, referenced in last week's rant. Link I wonder if they have enough votes to override it.... Gotta go finish reading that MSNBC crap. The things I do for you wonderful readers! I'm going to want to see where this one ends up. Link I do not believe you can actually BE arrested for refusing police access to your house. Oh what fun it is to see Obama hoist on his own petard. Link First, he orders the CDC to study gun violence to show it's meteoric rise. Ummm, didn't happen. Gun violence is down across the boards. Suicide by gun is high (61% of the 335,600 firearms related deaths in the last decade), a sad thing indeed. as the linked story says,
Yeah, but I hear the liberal whiny-pants gun grabbers saying guns aren't used much for self defense. After all, we almost never read or see it in the mainstream media, do we? The lfties assure us this is true, so it MUST be! From the linked story-
Gun violence has dropped, every year by an average of 5%, since 1993. Put that one in your pipe and smoke it. Oh, and before you bemoan the "fact" that firearms related accidents kill thousands, one last quote from the linked article.
My thanks go to NewsVine seeder RealityCheck for the giving me the linked story through my Gun group on NewsVine. This next one I got from him as well. Mark Kelly, who most will remember is the hubby of Gabby Giffords, the formerly pro-gun representative who took a bullet to the head and changed her position. Well, he's up to his old tricks again. Link After being turned down in his attempt to buy and AR15 (once for presenting invalid ID, and once because the owner had heard him announce he wasn't buying the gun for personal use, which is prohibited), is going on an anti-gun tour. And, as the linked story points out, despite his demands we ban magazines that hold over 10 rounds, and the ready availability of 10 round magazines for his Glock pistol, HIS wears a 17 round magazine. Another fine example of the Victim Disarmament crowd and their raging hypocrisy. NOTE: I do not hold it against Gabby for her change of stance, even though I find it pathetic to blame the device for the actions of the person. As the JPFO says "Isn't it funny that when a bombing takes place, the media blames the bomber. But when a shooting takes place, they blame the gun." You don't need to be Jewish to join Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership. They are actually on our side, unlike the NRA. I'm thinking this is a great sign, and a trend to support. Link Indiana Mom's Against Gun Control is a woman's group advocating concealed and open carry and opposing gun control. It's a nice thing to see the ladies fighting for their rights. This one sent to me by Viner Lavender Skye, a pistol packin' babe. Another victim of the Obama/Holder debacle known as Operation Fast and Furious/ Operation GunWalker. Link Another weapon they failed to track when they forced gunshop owners to violate federal laws and sell to suspected "Straw Man" buyers. This time, instead of a federal Border Patrol agent, or a bunch of anonymous Mexican peasants, one of Mexicos highest law enforcement officers was the victim. I wonder if Mexico will consider THIS an act of war? Weeelllll, that about does it for this week.
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