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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 737, September 8, 2013 "Progressives"? I call them regressives. ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
All Over the Place For the last two days many Texans have enjoyed using a variety of switchblade knives as every day carry knives. The ban on doing so is over and that bit of aichmophobic repression is a thing of the past. There is still much work that needs to be done on Texas knife laws and weapon laws in general, culminating in the only weapon laws being acts a: requiring prisoners and psychiatric patients to be disarmed but only for the period of their confinement, b: penalizing the use of weapons to violate the ZAP (over and above injuries inflicted by the intended victim), and c: punishing government agents for violating the 2nd Amendment. Sadly, one repression ends and another pops up. The 83rd Legislature finally got around to banning Salvia divinorum in Texas. In spite of the fact that there has been only one case in which it is alleged to have had a negative effect, that its effects last about eight minutes, and that as far as I can tell Salvia has grown passe among kids who abuse drugs, Texas finally banned it. The only reason to ban this stuff is that if kids like(d) it it has to be banned. Not so much tyranny as douchebaggery. Repressors gotta repress, even if only to keep their hands in. On a bit of a different tack, it came to my attention that El Paso, Texas, to our shame, was the first city to specifically ban marijuana circa 1914. The ban pretty much come out and says that it is doing so because "Mexicans, Negroes, Prostitutes, and certain Whites of the Criminal Class" (if I remember the wording correctly) enjoy using cannabis. Yup, the ban on marijuana essentially originates in laws designed to keep "people of colour" and poor white trash in their place. Considering who does time on dope charges it's a case of the more things change the more it's the same old shit. BTW, I don't use either drug discussed above. However, it seems to me that unjustly busting people for their use (and abuse) is the cheap thrill drug of choice among the abusers of political power. A.X. Perez
The "man-made global climate change" cult A recent article published in a non-peer-reviewed periodical, Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, written by M.I.T. climatologist Richard Lindzen, with remarks on the "Iron Triangle" that has generated what is undoubtedly the single greatest and most malignant fraud in the history of the sciences, and Dr. Lindzen's articulate opinion that all of this anthropogenic global warming (AGW) bullshit can no longer—if the fraudsters pushing it had ever been able to claim—be called "science" and is staggering drunkenly into the status of religion. When someone condemns you for failing to believe in man-made climate change, you're dealing with a cultist. Not someone who's approaching you on the basis of anything remotely resembling an attempt to consider verifiable phenomena in a reasoned manner, and scientific method is utterly and completely out the friggin' window. I don't know if Dr. Lindzen and the publishers of JAPS would be amenable to adding this to the next Libertarian Enterprise, but it may be worth approaching them. If not, consider a review of this article which puts forward some of the observations and conclusions made by the author. See attached. And, by all means, share and enjoy. Thanks. Richard Bartucci
Download article from website of Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons: [PDF DOWNLOAD]
Response to "Letter from A.X. Perez" Who says that the Pythagorean theorem and quadratic equation are irrelevant? One cannot understand a written deed or survey without understanding the Pythagorean theorem and the underlying geometry (and trigonometry). I had to use it a couple of years to read a survey that the buyer of some property my sister ordered and correct the deed to represent the property meant to be sold. I will admit that I haven't often directly encountered the quadratic equation outside of work situations (but boy, that was a nasty quadratic equation I had to solve earlier this year :). But understanding that level of algebra is a necessary prerequisite to understanding the complexities of exponential functions, essential to understanding compound interest. (The lack of understanding of which, on the part of borrowers, may have contributed to the tragedy known as the burst housing bubble just a few short years ago.) TJ Mason
Consider that Detroit had gone bankrupt recently for no other reason (according to the "Liberals") than that the city had developed a shortage of White people. Those sneaky, evil, selfish productive White people gradually sneaked out of Detroit, leaving the city to its Democrat Party administration and increasingly dusky population. For shame! The solution? Elementary. The U.S. Department of the Interior's Fish and Wildlife Service is about to begin the re-stocking process, sweeping Flyover Country in their black helicopters to descend upon free-range White people in low-Negro areas, gathering up these "crackas" and dumping them in the most Caucasian-deficient neighborhoods of Detroit. Soon the Motor City will rise again, and all because of our Hopenchangey Hubshi and his wise, benevolent little ACORN elves.... Richard Bartucci
Charlene Bronson About twenty years ago there was a series of systematic assaults on women in Juarez. The women, factory workers, prostitutes, and school girls were abducted, robbed, raped, and murdered. At first an attempt was made to frame an Egyptian pharmacist for these atrocities, but after that little if anything was done. Three hundred is the mas o menos count made before people stopped keeping track. The killings continue, but people have been distracted by the fight to replace the head of the Juarez Cartel in 1998 and the 2008-2011 Juarez Cartel War (the one the disavowed son of Satan Eric Holder armed in Operation Fast and Furious). Suspects include Satanic cultists, really ruthless street gangsters, rich kid thrill killers, corrupt cops (to include the federales, Chihuahua state police, and military brought in to "protect" the people of Juarez during the Cartel War), and all possible combinations of the above. Certain bus drivers appear to have been involved, as some of the few survivors got away from bus drivers. Whether they acted alone or in cahoots with the suspects listed is unknown. Lately a woman dressed in black, wearing a blonde wig, and calling herself Diana la Cazadora (Diana the Hunter) shot two bus drivers in retaliation for these killings, implying they were part of the group committing the abductions. She also implied she would go after more drivers. There are now undercover cops riding the buses in Juarez to catch Diana. So, go girl go, y arriba Diana la Cazadora. And where were these undercover cops when we were talking about protecting schoolgirls and working women (both meanings)? And finally, isn't funny how the bosses will let crime ride, but let a vigilante turn up and it's general quarters to stop the crazies? A.X. Perez
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