Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 750, December 22, 2013

You may not think that the fundamental right
to be a drooling moron has been enshrined in
our nation's Bill of Rights, but it has.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

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"Bad Colonel! No Eagles!"
By L. Neil Smith

"There was a time, Bob, when concepts like decency and honor meant something, a time when, had an officer (British, of course) shamed himself as you have, he would have taken his Webley revolver and a single cartridge into the next room and done the right thing. But those times are long past, Bob, and what do you know of decency and honor?"

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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

"The 'Economics' Of Individual Liberty And The Second Amendment"
By L. Neil Smith

"Human lives are like paintings by Vincent van Gogh. Each and every one is absolutely unique -- more unique, if possible (grammatically, it's not supposed to be) than even the finest, rarest work of art."

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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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I've read "Men without Chests"

... by C. S. Lewis, also author of the Narnia books, etc. Part of what he wrote makes sense,

"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst...."

I am not a terribly deep thinker. But I think he's writing about a lack of values (the ZAP? maybe not) and the effects of not teaching kids ethics -- something about Magnamimity-Sentiment.

If anyone wishes to reply, I welcome your thoughts.

Renata Amy Russell, Signatory (the truth shall make me free)
[email protected]

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I suspect the concern that Chinese on the moon are going to end up throwing rocks at Americans a'la Heinlein is a bit overblown. The American government remains capable of annihilating everyone on Earth many times over, including the Chinese, rocks or no rocks. Probably not so big a job to annihilate anyone on the moon as well.

Anyway the Chinese demonstration of spacegoing prowess is probably going to fade as soon as the economies tank, coming to a country near you soon, and to all the others...

Paul Bonneau

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Supporters of gun rights have long averred it's the person(s), not the guns that are dangerous. to support this thesis I refer you to the following: [Read More...]

Of course, tyrants wish to suppress the will to resist tyranny and other crimes as much, if no more, than the tools to do so.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Seen these?

Two recent movies to check out are The Europa Report and Astronaut The Last Push. Both are about private space missions to find life on Jupiter's moon, and both have good special effects and casts.

Wes Carr
[email protected]

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Dear Editor:

It's been said that whenever a right is being attacked, the attackers generally start (at first) by focusing on that particular right's least attractive practitioners.

I've recently come to realize that the opposite is also true. Whenever someone wishes to promote a particular injustice, they will start by focusing both on that injustice's MOST attractive beneficiaries, and least attractive victims. Which includes such tactics as showing (as a reason why the victim is unattractive, and therefore 'deserves' the injustice), traits the victim possesses which are actually a RESULT of the injustice, but which are used as a post facto 'justification' as to why the victim deserved the injustice in the first place.

Ann Morgan
[email protected]

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