Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 753, January 12, 2014

The wages of moderation are political death.

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Letters to the Editor

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Shocking evidence Hitler escaped Germany

Shocking evidence Hitler escaped Germany
Newly declassified FBI, U.S. intel files raise startling questions

Everyone knows Adolf Hitler committed suicide by gunshot in his underground bunker on April 30, 1945.

At least, that has been the conventional wisdom.

Now comes WND senior staff reporter Jerome R. Corsi's new book, "Hunting Hitler: New Scientific Evidence That Hitler Escaped Germany."

Examining declassified FBI and U.S. military intelligence files, Corsi makes a compelling case that U.S. investigators suspected from the beginning Hitler had escaped. For political purposes, the evidence indicates, they were willing to go along with the cover story that in the final days of World War II, Hitler married his mistress, Eva Braun, and the two took their lives in a joint-suicide ritual just before the Soviet army entered Berlin.

But the truth is, no one actually saw Hitler commit suicide. There are no photographs documenting a joint suicide of Hitler and Eva Braun, and the bodies of the two were never recovered or preserved for positive identification.
[Read more...]

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Economics in Three Tweets
by Terence James Mason

Earlier this week, after reading Jonah Goldberg's essay about the young fool who promoted communism in a recent article in Rolling Stone magazine, and Dr. Walter Williams article about the minimum wage, I was inspired to go to my Twitter account, @OneAmericanVoic, and respond with the following three tweets:

The main economic motivations are self-interest or fear #Capitalism is based on self-interest #Communist gulag on fear #Socialism on neither

Only by allowing people to enjoy the fruits of their excess labor through capitalism can we produce the excess necessary to end poverty

The only regulation necessary to capitalism is moral law, and prevention of unearned value through collusion, fraud, graft, and force

When I was done, I thought that I had done a pretty good job of summarizing all of economics in something less than 432 characters (the maximum character count on three tweets). I hope you agree.

T. J. Mason
[email protected]
TW One American Voice @OneAmericanVoic

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Pretty Pictures

By a highly-talented artist.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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