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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 765, April 6, 2014 "...bandits and governments have so much in common that they might be interchangeable anywhere in the world." ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise From Bradley Harrington via Mama Liberty. [Link] Zombies are not as much fun OR as unlikely) as we'd like to think. Some are going to ask me my take on Ft Hood. It was an entirely preventable tragedy. We had 45,000 trained people who know full well how to use arms. They carry them all day, every day, when stationed overseas. We put them in a huge fort, deny them the weapons we provided them to begin with, and let a psycho shoot them up. It was easily preventable by simply NOT disarming the soldiers on base. And we can fully expect various and sundry bottom feeders, er, politicians to try to cash in on this tragedy like they always do, and use it to advance their agenda. Passed on by my good friend Tony from Colorado Springs.
As a recently retired senior NCO, he has a very accurate understanding of the rules and regulations pertaining to firearms on base AND what would happen to a criminal shooter if he tried EITHER of the Ft Hood shootings. This kid gets it. The cops do not bother to pay attention to what the kid says. Then, after lying to him about being free to go, they tase and arrest him. [Link]
Watch the video. Those cops are fucking assholes. Detroit goes bankrupt, the Chief of Police James Craig tells people to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights, and dead criminals start piling up. 3 wins for the price of one! [Link]
And to all the naysayers who say it never happens, and the police are the only ones who can fight crime, I give you a hearty "LIARS!!" And remember, Detroit has a lot of minorities—No, you racist bastard, I'm not blaming the crime of minorities, I'm telling you the minorities are finally standing up for themselves, and taking out criminals. Like the Mom I referenced a few weeks ago who used her rifle to defend herself and her kids—a BLACK woman. Even not knowing the details, I find this video sickening. [Link] IF the cop had a warrant, he would have been accompanied by at least one fellow cop, so I doubt there was a warrant. no matter the reason, the cop does NOT have it right when he tells his victim "You answer to me me."
This is BS. I reported this before, but listen to the video, where it is finally confirmed the shooter will (quite properly) not face charges for the incident. [Link] As the video says, the shooter, in an unrelated case, is facing "rape charges stemming from a sexual encounter with an under-aged girl." No other details of the charges are relayed, and "Ellis was within his rights to carry concealed with his CCW at the time of the shooting" according to the prosecutor. The latest in a long series of egregious violations of the 4th Amendment by law enforcement, this time from the Border Patrol. [Link] Now, the ACLU and I will never be friends. They love to support imaginary rights and ignore Constitutionally enumerated ones (like, oh, the 2nd Amendment as an example) but this time, they are on the correct side. In this country, a cop (no matter which LEA he works for) needs probable cause to search a vehicle, home, or person without a warrant—and that probable cause USED to mean hot pursuit. Chase a car down, see a man get out and run into a home, the cop can enter and search the home for the fleeing person. Pull over a car and smell pot smoke, and search the car. (I do not happen to agree with these, but that's for another day.) There has NEVER been a "legal power" to simply pull someone over at random, threaten to cut their seatbelt and drag them out of the car, and search the vehicle, without a warrant or even informing the occupant of the reason why they wish to search. But that's what happened here-
Apparently, when they were done with their illegal search (which obviously netted them nothing, as she was not arrested, charged, or even ticketed for anything), they ALSO slashed one of her tires. People, it is past time that We, the People stopped tolerating this type of behavior. We need to have dash-cams with wireless capabilities installed in our cars so we can live-stream (or at least store out of police reach) film of this type of activity. We need active resistance to this behavior, and we need to enforce our rights in every way we can—by film, in court, and by gun if necessary. The ATF again asserts that it is above the law. [Link] Please allow me to pontificate before I elucidate. Since the exact wording of the 2nd Amendment concludes with "The Right of the People to keep and Bear Arms Shall NOT BE INFRINGED" (emphasis mine) and the term "well regulated" in the words of the time meant well trained and in good working order, and that militia included ALL able bodied citizens whether they drilled or not (regular and irregular militias), there is NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY FOR ANY VICTIM DISARMAMENT LAWS, THE BATFE, OR ANY LOCAL, STATE, OR FEDERAL LAW REGARDING THE OWNERSHIP, SALE, TRANSFER, POSSESSION, OR CARRY OF FIREARMS, AND IS, IN FACT, SPECIFICALLY DENIED SAID AUTHORITY. Now, to the meat of the matter. First, to the relevant (anti Constitutional ) law. Under 18 USC ยง 926, anyone in the Justice Department, including members of the ATF are categorically prohibited from seizing any records or documents other than those constituting material evidence of a violation of law. Specifically, the law reads:
Once you have absorbed this bit of legalese, read the entire article. I cannot cut and paste the entire thing, even though the entire thing is absolutely relevant. Darwin Rules! [Link] As my good friend Al P. said when he provided the [Link]
I bet it went something like this- "Hey, Lo fat, what do you think this thing is?" "I dunno, but it looks like the bombs I saw on Bugs Bunny Cartoons when I was a kid. Fire up that torch and let's cut it open to see!" BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wanna bet that WalMart caves on the guns, and fights for the music? [Link] church wants to sue, hell, has filed the suit, against WalMart to halt their sales of "sexually suggestive or violent music" and "Rifles capable of accepting high capacity magazines". Hey, dumbasses, ANY semi-auto that takes a detachable magazine can "Accept a high capacity magazine". Perhaps you guys should pray to God to give you enough of a brain to keep you from violating the 1st AND 2nd Amendment rights of a company. remember, the only reason idiots like you can pray to your God in the first place is because the 1st Amendment (the same one that let's people sing "sexually suggestive or violent songs) protects your rights. and in case you didn't realize it, the 1st ALSO protects YOUR right to publish the Bible, which is chock full of adultery, murder or both adults AND children, and people fucking all over the place. What a bunch or morons.... Barak Obama today announced he's leaving Michelle and plans to marry his long-time secret lover, Barney Frank.
When asked what this means for the White House, Spokesman Jay Carney said
Note—I wrote this part on Tuesday. YOU figger it out. It's certainly nice to see SOME of Colorado's officials (mainly sheriffs) refuse to comply with state and federal gun control laws. In addition, you simply HAVE to wonder where Colorado's Democrat Party dig their idiots up. [Link] You simply HAVE to watch the video to the end. Diana DeGette, at the end of the 2 1/2 video, tells us that by banning future manufacture of high capacity magazines, they will quickly disappear. "Why?" you ask. Her response is that the magazines are bullets. Once you've shot the magazine dry, you throw it out. So the 40 million or more in circulation will magically go away! As Sheriff Cooke says-
And that is just ONE reason Sheriff John Cooke, one of the 55 Colorado Sheriffs who is refusing to waste time or money enforcing gun control laws (there are 62 sheriffs in toto), considers the government to be full of idiots who have no clue what they are doing. Of course, this does have a down side to it. They are NOT refusing on the grounds the laws are anti-Constitutional. No, they are refusing because
So, if the idiots in Denver or DC ever write a Victim Disarmament law that IS enforceable, they will enforce it. Well, at least, it's a step in the correct direction. Aww. poor wittle Piers, whining again because he emigrated from England and found out that America isn't England. [Link] He took the time to whine once more that America refuses to bow down and follow his beloved England into tyranny.
Note that despite his claim to love America, and that he IS an American, he refers Americans as "You" not "We" or "Us". Well, all I have to say to the Brit criminal (yeah, he's a criminal-" In February, Morgan confirmed that he was interviewed in December by British police investigating the illegal interception of telephone voicemails" in reference to his part in the illegal accessing of private e-mails during his tenure as tabloid editor in England) is "Good riddance to bad rubbish. Here's your hat, here's your coat, there's the door, GOODBYE!" We won't miss you when you're gone. 23 witnesses agree to this woman's story. The cop has changed his story 3 times. And an un-armed woman is now in her third year of surgeries to repair the damage that cop's bullet did. [Link]
It seems to me that this woman was shot because she came to the side of her girlfriend. A hick cop tases a gay woman, then shoots her friend. Cleared by a grand jury, her only hope for justice from this cop is a civil suit. May justice FINALLY prevail. And, at the end, the Quote of the Week. "Reread that pesky first clause of the Second Amendment. It doesn't say what any of us thought it said. What it says is that infringing the right of the people to keep and bears arms is treason. What else do you call an act that endangers "the security of a free state"? And if it's treason,then it's punishable by death. I suggest due process, speedy trials, and public hangings."
And that's all I have to say for this week.
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