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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 781, July 27, 2014 Defending American Civilization since 1995 ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise Mama Liberty will not be a part of this week's rant because I ran out of time to get something, and that is a shame. Ahhh, the economic benefits of gun control are present once again. [Link] EVERY TIME lawmakers decide to violate the rights of their constituents, they only hurt the constituents. Gun related businesses are fleeing such anti-Constitutional states as New York, Connecticut, Colorado, and California over their repeated assaults on the legality of their business. Beretta being the latest to join the flood, this time out of Maryland.
Way to go Maryland—destroy your economy, cost yourself thousands of jobs, and billions in tax revenue—just what the state needs in this Obama-wrecked economy. And now, a few more proofs that guns can NEVER be used by armed Americans to save lives [Link] Jeffery Hopkins was in a nearby car, and when he saw the attack, he jumped out to intervene. He told WFTV that he was in the right place at the right time, and that he initially thought Thorpe was punching Sacco. Then Hopkins saw the knife:
Hopkins held Thorpe at gunpoint until police arrived on the scene. Former paramedic Josh Juliano pulled over and treated Sacco. And then there's this [Link]
And one cannot forget how an armed good guy at an active shooter scene can never save the day. [Link] From BearingArms.com:
How dare these people not wait meekly for Officer Friendly to show up and clean up the mess? Although I'd suggest Grandma take a few more trips to the range—The headshot rocks, but what the hell did the AC unit do to you? Our beloved Liar-In-Chief, after refusing to stand up to Putin over Crimea, after rolling over and peeing on his belly instead of responding to a request for help from the Ukraine president, after Russian supported and armed rebels shot down a passenger jet, has finally struck a severe blow to Russia. He has banned the import of Russian made AK-47 rifles, and other weapons that use the same action and are made in Russia. Of COURSE this has nothing at all to do with his disdain for the 2nd Amendment. [Link] It is still legal to buy them, and to sell them IF you own them, but if your gun shop owes money to the manufacturer, you are not permitted to sell your existing stock. I wonder how legal THAT is, Mr. "I don't need to follow the law, I have a pen and a phone!" Obama. Following Obama's July 16 executive order banning the importation of Russian made AK-47s and other firearms that use the famous "Kalashnikov" action, sales of Russian AK-47s have gone through the roof. Thus solidifying Obama's position as gun salesman of the decade. I guess he IS bucking for a job for after he is done destroying America. This is just too damn funny. [Link] Shit-cago is paying the price for it's egregious anti-Constitutional stance, and I think that's hilarious. I'm not a fan of the NRA, but they sure did it up right this time. I might even eventually re-new my membership.
Maybe, just maybe, the sheeple of Shit-cago will wake up and boot the assholes out, and cut crime the old-fashioned way—with dead criminals. Believe me, I know I'm going to take heat for this, but once again, Islam proves it is not a religion of peace. We've all heard of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) which has declared it is the new Islamic Caliphate—you know, what right-wingers have been harping about for years. What the left, and moderates, and even some Republicans have called an imaginary threat. Well, ISIS is proving the right-wingers to be correct. And even MSNBC has admitted it, without coming out and saying it. [Link] Say what you will about Israel, this is one un-deniable fact—The church mentioned in the article linked was built, and has been in constant use, since before Mohammed started screwing his 9 year old wife, and started spouting off about Allah in 610 AD. In fact, it had been in operation for more than 200 years at that point.
So far, not that big a tragedy, huh? Well, to be honest, I don't really care which fairytale believer is being mean to which OTHER fairytale believer. But this is NOT the act of a peaceful faith, But it gets worse.
Jizya (or Yizya) is a tax for NOT being Islamic in an Islamic state. Funny thing is, this church has been there since before Islam existed. But I repeat myself. Ennyhoo, ISIS was planning to tax Christians for being Christian. Which was actually rather enlightened of them, considering the other options available—convert from one fairytale to another (wrap that wife in rags, beat her with a stick no thicker than your thumb, don't let her drive, learn to read or write, and certainly do not consider her to be a thinking human being), leave the home you and your family have lived in for up to 1800 years, or die. The tax was actually kind of gentle for these miserable bastards. But they changed their minds (AFTER who knows how many Christians forked over the Jizya) and decided "Nope—Convert, leave, or die!" And when you leave (NOT that they will admit it) they steal everything you had of value. Then they destroy an 1800 year old historic church, because a religion of peace cannot tolerate the presence of ANOTHER religion of peace, so they bust their competitor into pieces. It scares me how sometimes, I can almost think that maybe the rightwingers are right, and we oughta slag the entire region and send in the Marines to paint lines on the parking lot once it all cools down. So let me offer these words of advice to all the "good Muslims" out there, who profess they are part of a religion of peace—Get off your fucking asses (the one attached to your body, not the one wearing a saddle) get out of your house, get to the Mosque, and start tossing your radicals out on their asses. Do not tolerate their fanatic bullshit, do not join them and cheer when they kill some infidels, and do not let them speak for you unless you actually DO support what they say. Because there may well be a billion or so of you out there. but the OTHER 6 billion of us, Christian, Jew, Hindu, Pagan, Animist, Agnostic, Atheist (like me) or other faiths or lack thereof, out number you. And we are NOT all going to roll over and pay Jizya, convert, or die. And while I'd LOVE to have a stardrive, and to leave voluntarily. I'll be damned if I'll let a buncha religious shitheads kick me out of my home, or tax me for not believing as they do. And because I'm an atheist, I can't even pay the tax, it's the sword for me—so I might as well kill a buncha you bastards if you don't get your nutjobs under control. For this week's Quotes, I have decided to update one of them. Enjoy, and try to figure out from whom I stole. Sadly, if a man neglects to control his government, his government will NOT return the favor. And last, but surely not least, unless one of the people I have contacted steps up to the plate, there will be no rant next week—I'll be camping with one of my sons and his Scout troop.
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