Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 793, October 19, 2014

Uncompromising advocacy of unfettered Freedom

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Letters to the Editor

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Re: Gwyneth Paltrow

Welcome back Neil!
Great to see your whit at calling a spade a spade remains undiminished in your scathing criticism of the Hollywood elite.

I remember Gwyneth best from the movie "Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow" that came out in 2004. It was a must see because Glenn Beck brought it up on his show talking about how some guy created the first several minutes of footage of swarms of giant flying robots descending upon a city—on his own personal computer! To which someone in Hollywood took a liking and the rest was history.

Personally I really liked the movie and enjoyed the storyline that is something of a retro—futuristic alternate history SF with something called "The Great War" but apparently no World War II and aerial fortresses like aircraft carriers with giant rotors flying the Union Jack, planes that were part aircraft, part submarine and a dastardly plot by a German scientist planning to launch an atomic powered space ark from a secret island base that was something like ships you see in the space art of the 1950s—and whose launch would burn the Earth to a crisp with burst of lethal radiation.

And poor Gwyneth played the role of Sky Captain's (Jude Law) leading lady—the clutzy, clingy photo journalist Polly Perkins who was a quintessential pain in the ass girlfriend always getting into trouble or complaining about this, that or the other.

Of course didn't realize how bad she was in real life until I read Michael Savage's "The Political Zoo" in which she is portrayed along with Madonna as a pair of "Red Dodo" birds with Gwyneth in a nest and Madonna about to feed her a worm.

And the words of old Doc Savage are not very kind either:

Instead of worrying about facts, this anorexic airhead has to use her few functioning brain cells to come up with a creative name for her daughter. Hummm, let's see, how about "Apple"? That's right, the Young Dodo and her rocker husband Chris Martin dubbed their poor child Apple Martin, named, I hope not, after the fifth apple martini Gwyn was downing during her conception.

By the way the book is a good read great for some belly laughs between the lines of whit and the charactures of various public figures as animals in America's "Real National Zoo"!

He missed Obama—but that was circa 2004 and Barry had yet to utter his infamous comments about hanging out with Marxist professors & necessarily skyrocketing electricity rates. And though he obviously looked promising when they introduced him at the Democratic Convention; no one dreamed he would rise that fast.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Re: Gwyneth Paltrow

As I said in my earlier letter, a big part of the problem with show-business types is that they live in an isolated bubble with little experience of the outside world. They are also heavily dependent for their livings on people who're very emotionally invested in Obama, and most of them dare not speak out other than in favor of the Obamassiah.

Eric Oppen
[email protected]

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Sarah Hoyt, Crapweasels, and Me

In last week's TLE, the following was excerpted from an article by Sarah Hoyt (an author I am becoming quite fond of, I might add)...........

They need to be exposed for what they are, because, as everywhere where the left gets power, they're a weird, misshapen assemblage of overreaching bureaucrats, twisted control freaks and lamentable human beings.

Illegal mistreatment of their political "enemies" and hatred of western civilization is what they DO. And the bizarre politeness of those who disagree with them is what allows them to do it.

People criticize Mitt Romney for saying that Obama was a good man. How could he have said otherwise. If he'd called the man the rabid crapweasel he is, half the right or more would have risen to dissociate themselves from him, because they've been trained to think it's somehow not fair or impolite to expose the left.

This is not belief. This is social conditioning, through all the years when it was accepted the "smart" and "nice" were on the left.

Even I was shocked reading a biography of Carter—did you know he tried to sell us to the Russians in return for help with his second election?—because I too had been sold on the idea he was only ineffective because he was so nice.

They're not your friends. They're not nice. They're not idealistic. No idealistic left survived the combined blows of Stalinism and the fall of the USSR. There's only, now, cynical left pretending to be idealistic to hide their grossly swollen appetite for power.

I have long said exactly this (though I confess, without the word "crapweasel—I usually just use "fucking assholes) about my opponents on both sides of the aisle. And it is, I believe, the reason for the rise of the TEA Party. They have gotten tired of the Democrat-Lite party, also known as the Republicans, trying too hard to woo Democrats to their tolls, rather than trying to hammer Democrats into goo, and winning elections. Do not take me wrong -- I'm no fan of Republicans—I just would like to see a contest between opposing ideas, rather than just arguing about who is the final recipient of government graft. I have long maintained that eventually (probably next Tuesday) that the two parties will merge, and admit the truth—the Democrat Republican Party is open for business. Now, if only the Libertarian Party will stop running Republican re-treads, fascists, and other pieces of shit for the top slot, and concentrate on running LIBERTARIANS (what a novel concept) for the office, we might get somewhere. Even better, start running Libertarians—STRONG LIBERTARIANS, for local and state positions, so we can get this ball rolling in the correct direction. I'd really rather my grandchildren (not even conceived yet, or even possibilities) can grow up in a truly free society.

Neale Osborn
[email protected]

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Reviewing the bidding

So, one of the pretexts for invading Iraq back in 2003 was that Sadam Hussein had chemical weapons. Few were discovered and they were underplayed by the press, causing embarrassment to Dubya.

Now it turns out that several thousand such weapons were discovered and in fact a small number of American soldiers were injured with them. For some reason Mr. Bush's administration chose to keep this quiet even though they have been criticized for lying about the presence of these weapons it turns out were actually present.

To add to all this, these fact are being revealed just as it appears that A) the US needs to put boots on the ground to deal with ISIL and B) ISIL has captured or is about to capture the facility where these weapons are stored.

So are "they" telling us lies now, or did "they" lie when they kept telling us no WMD's had been discovered? Why did Bush let himself be mocked over lying about WMD's if they had been found? Why is no one else asking these questions?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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