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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 795, November 2, 2014 The current order of things that all of us in this room variously deplore is nothing but a new puritanism for the twenty first century. ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise This is the beginning. So OF COURSE it means Mama Liberty. Link This time, she discusses adrenaline, and it's effects.
And for all you city slickers—a rooster is NOT a friendly cuddly bird—there's a reason Cock-fighting became popular—roosters (cocks) are vicious birds who attack with a pair of sharp spurs they slash with. Ennyhoo, Y'all know what to do next, don't ya? I'm sick and tired of crap like this being tolerated by one and all. Link Let me make this CRYSTAL clear—my dogs are family almost as much as my kids. Threaten to harm them and I WILL beat, shoot, run over, light on fire, or use any other means at my disposal to kill you first. I will NOT stop until the threat is eliminated, even if that results in dead cops (Or, dead Neale). It is my RIGHT to defend my property (which is what the law calls my dogs) AND my family (which is what I call my dogs).
Remember, Officer Idiot—the life you save by giving me the time to "control" my dogs WILL be your own. We have discussed Civil Forfeiture (there's NOTHING "civil" about it) in the past. And yet, again, the IRS does what it wishes, and gets away scot-free with it. Link
There is no legal or Constitutional justification for even reporting deposits of $10,000 or more—it's not the government's business how I choose to do my business. I can save up my cash for 7 years, take in $20K in singles, and deposit it, and it's not the IRS's business. We need to shut these people down, prosecute them for their crimes, and take back our money, since, after all, the 16th Amendment was never even properly ratified in the first place. This one pisses me off, big time! Link They vandalize your property then pose as repairmen to access your home. No, they aren't burglars—they are cops!!!! It's that old ploy we've all seen on the TV cop show—Police man suspects "The Bad GUY" has drugs, or guns, or a captive in the home. So they break a utility and pose as Jack the Lineman to gain access to the home to look for evidence to either get a warrant or just find the captive. They ALWAYS get what they need, and we always say "How clever!" But it isn't always successful. ANd it's NEVER actually legal—it's committing a crime in order to find evidence of a crime.
Are you OK with that? 'Cause I sure as shit am not!!!! I am going to borrow most of the title of this section from the NRA's American Rifleman magazine—The Properly Armed Citizen. We shall present some cases of American citizens (and others) defending themselves and others from thugs—be advised—people ARE going to die in some of these stories. We start with the case of Dondi DeCosta, the knife-wielding entrepreneur who (mistakenly) thought a knife would grant him power. Link
The article says Lawler only made one mistake—I say he made two. The first mistake was, as the article points out, allowing DeCosta inside the 21ft safety zone. But the second may well bite him in the ass—he didn't shoot to kill—he shot the bastard in the groin. He is most likely going to be sued for all kinds of shit for that, and the turd's lawyer will point out that Lawler "could as easily have shot my client in the leg, Instead he deliberately mutilated my client's sexual organs. 10 million dollars, please!" And DeCosta might well win. Next, there's the case of an under-armed bus driver who still got the job done in Chile (watch the video—it rocks! It's a shame I can't speak Spanish to get the full effect) Link
Gotta admire the driver—one hand beating down the criminal, one hand driving the bus to the police! And finally, we have an upset mother lamenting that her darling little thief dies at the hand of the man whose home he was burgling. Chris Bane has an 11-year-old son. And after having to endure a series of home invasions, Bane knew had to do something to help protect him. So he did what any sensible American would do. He went and purchased a handgun for self-protection. That's why when Bane heard the sound of glass breaking, he grabbed his gun and walked out into the hallway. To protect his son. A moment later he saw Calvin Yoder. He recognized Yoder because he was both a neighbor and acquaintance. But it was obvious Yoder was doing more than just stopping in to grab a cup of sugar. He was committing a crime. When Yoder saw Bane holding a gun, he fired at him. Bane returned fire, striking Yoder—stopping him with a deadly shot. The police arrived on the scene and here's what they had to say about the incident.
But wait, there's more!
Sorry, Mom, but the little bastard FIRED A GUN AT THE HOMEOWNER. He committed suicide. And poor Mr. Bane has to live with the little shit's death forever. YOU should have trained him better. Last week, we talked about that Minnesota woman who posted a photo of a Dad carrying a pistol, so the "families would know who is among their children". I received the following responses to it—
I asked for links to it, and he replied with
Interesting reading, my friends. And a textbook example of grass-roots politicking. Thanks, Mark. Another example of a parent doing the right thing, but not going anywhere near far enough, when confronted with a public incarceration.....er, EDUCATION "official" in full blown asshole mode. Please note, I have no problem with the father's profanity. Link He makes a very good point here—
His daughter was apparently assigned to read a paper on Islam for a school history class, yet Christianity is a prohibited topic. Now, MY view is simple—teach about them all, or else you can't teach about any. And, since idiots murdering each other AND Innocents over "GOD" from any faith has been a driving force in exploration, exploitation, nearly every war, and most genocides, we MUST teach about religion. However, Dad, I have a question for you—the same question I find myself asking quite regularly in this (and other) forums—Why the hell is she still going to that school? MY kid, confronted by this hypocrisy, would be out of the hands of these idiots faster than you can say "First Amendment!" MY kids are home schooled, and still the school board hates ME for my stances on public indoctrination, um, incarceration.... DAMMIT! I meant EDUCATION! Even though it isn't education at all these days........... It's only 2:30 long, but you HAVE to watch these two clips on this video. It is amazing what people put up with. Link For saying "God Bless" to a cop (a pleasant way of ending a tense conversation, even to one who is not religious, such as myself) this Sturmtrooper threatens this kid with arrest and jail. I have to say I wish the kid had said it again. This cop is an asshole, no matter what may or may not have occurred prior to the "God Bless". And then, the video continues with a clip of a black cop telling a black youth that "I will beat the shit out of you if you make eye contact with me again". Why should all police officers and citizens be equipped with a camera during their interactions? These two clips are only the tip of the iceberg. After being ticketed by a police officer one man said "God Bless You," only to be lambasted and threatened with arrest. For what is not exactly clear. As Paul Joseph Watson explains, it may be because police officers have been trained in a culture where they believe that the people are their servants, rather than the other way around:
One wonders what punishment the review boards may hand out for these actions. Both these events are supposedly facing internal reviews. Personally, I'd file a civil rights suit if I were the victim of either of these events. 'Tis time to be wrapping this up, but I haven't forgotten to do the Quote of the Week. This one is a single long quote from L. Neil Smith on trust and politicians and, of course, guns. "[I]f a politician won't trust you, why should you trust him? If he's a man—and you're not—what does his lack of trust tell you about his real attitude toward women? If 'he' happens to be a woman, what makes her so perverse that she's eager to render her fellow women helpless on the mean and seedy streets her policies helped create? Should you believe her when she says she wants to help you by imposing some infantile group health care program on you at the point of the kind of gun she doesn't want you to have? "On the other hand—or the other party—should you believe anything politicians say who claim they stand for freedom, but drag their feet and make excuses about repealing limits on your right to own and carry weapons? What does this tell you about their real motives for ignoring voters and ramming through one infantile group trade agreement after another with other countries? "Makes voting simpler, doesn't it? You don't have to study every issue—health care, international trade—all you have to do is use this X-ray machine, this Vulcan mind-meld, to get beyond their empty words and find out how politicians really feel. About you. And that, of course, is why they hate it."L. Neil Smith, Sept, 1999, "Why did it have to be guns?" 'Bye, Y'all!
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