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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 796, November 9, 2014 We live in a Republic, not a democracy, so politicians have a legal right to ignore the will of the people. ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise As you all know, I always start off with Mama Liberty. This week, she discusses health, lead, and shooting. [Link] It's pretty damned important, people. It's not just eco-freak BS, at least at the range (indoor more than outdoor). But since this is being printed in TLE, you'll have to either follow the link or scroll up on the front page of TLE to read anything from the article. As always, Y'all know what to do next. I suppose I must address the recent elections. Obama got his ass kicked, and the Republican leadership won't realize they can actually totally de-fund Obamacare, thus killing it until they have the White house. Other than that, it was just another round of choosing which side of the "Boot-On-Your-Neck Party" coin was going to have control—neither will have it all. And I guess that's as good as it can get these days.... I really wish I had a way to prove this story is totally true.... [Link] It's just too damn funny-sheesh AND funny-HaHa! Y'all MIGHT want to skip this part if you get squeamish...
What did that paragon of virtue, Ayatollah Khomeini have to say about bestiality?
That explains a lot.... I can't help it—I just keep seeing this in my minds eye! "Hey there Bossy, You're looking pretty good today!" "Mooo?" And Bossy running like hell for a safe place to get away from Abdullah and Mohammed. Sweet home Alabama, Where the laws are so true.... (apologies to Lynyrd Skynner) I do SOO wish Alabama wasn't so damn hot and humid, I'd move there. One un(der)reported vote on Tuesday took place there. Actually, TWO did. [Link] Gotta love the liberal angst in the wording of this article. It's just GREAT!
Ummmm, it IS a human, civil, AND Constitutional right to own, possess, and carry, anywhere, any time, without permission (except from the owner of private property) any weapons—handgun, rifle, shotgun, machinegun, sword, whatever. Being DENIED the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is the surest, swiftest path to servitude and tyranny there is. Whether it is the tyranny of a rapist, a mugger, a murderer, or an oppressive government that has stopped listening to the People. We've discussed "SWAT-ting" before, and here's a fairly comprehensive article detailing how it's been used, often with tragic consequences. [Link] For instance, as we reported a few weeks ago, SWAT-ting was responsible for the death of a black man, John Crawford III, was gunned down without warning AND a bystander lost her life to a heart attack due to a SWAT-ting call over a man buying a BB gun in a Wal-Mart.
It ALSO doesn't help that Moms Demand Action have openly advocated SWAT-ting any open carry person they encounter, not caring about the death toll (typical of liberals and other anti-gunners, they claim to want to save lives, but they don't give a fuck about OUR lives)
So sweet of these loving mothers, don'tcha think? Sorry it's so short this week, but I had a lot to do around the farm! Of course, I didn't forget the quotes of the week! "Armed people are free. No state can control those who have the machinery and the will to resist, no mob can take their liberty and property. And no 220 pound thug can threaten the well-being or dignity of a 110 pound woman who has two pounds of iron to even things out. Is that evil? Is that wrong?" L. Neil Smith, in the novel The Probability Broach "I've heard that phallic symbol argument before, and always from ineffectual people driven to make everyone else as helpless as they are. Who's more confused, those who think weapons are sexual organs, or those who want to take everyone's sexual organs away?." same as the last one "An armed man is a citizen, an un-armed man is a slave" (Sometimes ended as "subject") Robert A. Heinlein Thus endeth the Lesson.
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