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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 797, November 16, 2014 Ignorance is no longer an excuse ![]()
So Far Down the Bunny Hole We Have Our Heads up our Bums
Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise "The hallmark of both the ancient potentate and the modern imperialist State is the armed soldier demanding tribute to cross."—J. Neil Schulman tweet, November 15, 2014 Work permits? Are you kidding me? Libertarians just might be the last sane people on this planet. Anyone in modern discussion who accepts as reasonable such notions as needing papers to be "allowed" to work, or to cross from one country to another, or to be allowed within the borders of a "country," are suffering from a pathological fear of the outsider—anyone "not of us" is by definition a danger and needs to be restrained. ICE There are two logically consistent sides in the ultimate debate on government. One side says there shouldn't be any government—the anarchist. The other side says there should be only one government—the world federalist AKA the One Worlder. Either way, ultimately the human species is one people and only a totalitarian such as in Hitler's Germany or Stalin's USSR or Mao's Red China would demand "Your papers, please" to be able to cross from one town to another. Republicans claim to favor "right to work" laws—then come out with their own lists of people whom they don't want to be allowed to work legally. What hypocrites—just as bad as the Democrats who call anyone a scab who wants to work without joining a union. I have unpleasant Enlightenment news for you political monsters: the right to work to put a roof over your family's head and bread on the table without being molested by armed thugs—with or without helmets, Kevlar pajamas, and badges—is the beginning of all human rights. And here's a "Minority Report" bulletin for you courtesy of the late, great science-fiction author Philip K. Dick: "precrime"—the doctrine that the State can put walls around people who have not yet attacked others—is by definition totalitarianism. Nine-11 has finished the United States as a free country. The paranoid excesses caused by a despicable megacrime—Orwellian titled "Patriot" Acts that have destroyed what made this country exceptionalist—the principles of inalienable human rights declared in its founding document and preserved in its Bill of Rights—have become dead letter law as "border" guards now interrogate travelers hundreds of miles from even a claimed national border, invade workplaces looking for workers without the government's permission slips, and a Fox News coven of witches who debate under whose authority—the President's or the Congress's—people may be allowed to live their lives. I'm calling out Democrats and Republicans—almost everyone on the Fox News Channel—for debating how and under whose whip they wish to end freedom once and for all in what was taught to us in school as being the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. You totalitarian cowards bring up my bile. And while we're on the subject of "the home of the brave": Having a sailor from the United States Navy brag on TV about how he twice shot in the face an unarmed man holding on to his wife—with a two-year-old baby watching—then shot the man in the face a third time as the man lay on the floor dying does not strike me as fulfilling a promise to "bring to American justice" a man who conspired to attack this country when the Emperor of Japan was not shot to death on the deck of the USS Missouri as his country surrendered to the United States after its attack on Pearl Harbor. If the President of the United States ordered anything other than the capture and bringing to trial Osama bin Laden for his crimes we are truly now a nation of cowards.
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