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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 797, November 16, 2014 Ignorance is no longer an excuse ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise By now, only the idiots, morons, and those who are reading this for the first time don't know how these start. Mama Liberty, that saint of self reliance, that paragon of self-ownership, starts these off. And today is no different. [Link] Today, she discusses ways to practice when "Baby it's COLD outside!".
And what do I always say at this point in the game? Damn Straight—Go ye forth and read Mama's article!! Pay close attention to this one—I happen to totally agree. [Link] NEVER fire a warning shot—EVER!!
Nope, NEVER!!! One wonders whether the chopper would have fired back if an "AD" happened to hit the airframe. After all, the Chopper WAS trespassing on a legitimate business's property by hovering that damn low. [Link]
Taxpayer dollars being used to intimidate taxpayers. Hmmmmm. Kahleefourneeyah, against it's will, may become Shall Issue instead of "We might give you a CCW if we feel like it, but probably not." [Link] Funny thing is, the ruling of the appeals court doesn't actually say CCW's are even legal.........
I don't see anywhere in that that "entitled" means a license must be issued—entitled means entitled—you don't need a license for an entitlement. Or do all those welfare entitlements require a license? Now, don't get me wrong—I'm super glad the daughter was recovered before the scumbag left the property. But the parents SHOULD have been armed, so that the kidnapper had NO choice in the whole thing. [Link] Who the hell wants to rely on a lazy kidnapper who just hands over his victim when confronted?
As I said, glad they got her back. Merry Christmas from Spray-Tan John Kerry (who served in Viet Nam) and the Dectators' Club (the United Nations). [Link] December 24th, the UN Arms Trade Treaty goes into effect across the world. Of course, Jackass Kerry signed it, even though the Congress refused to ratify it. IF they did ratify, arguably it would become the law of the land—but the Constitution DOES happen to over-rule treaties—for this to actually be enforceable, the 2nd would have to be repealed. Now, as many many anti-Constitutionalists love to claim "no one is out to take your guns!", I have to wonder what they think it means to have a world-wide treaty that requires countries to disarm ALL civilians. That sure sounds to ME like they want to take our guns. I've become quite fond of a man named Rob Morse. He writes blogs on "Slow Facts" his blog. He's a pretty smart guy (despite still living in Kahleefourneeyah........), and he has been keeping me informed about the gun laws on the left coast. In fact, he's invited me to do a Pod Cast (??) next week with him. I'm thinking about it....... Ennyhoo, he tells us about the latest crap from Ca. and elsewhere designed to make gun owners less able to keep their arms safe (and then, they will prosecute the owners for failing to secure them). [Link]
You should start reading his work. He's good. This week's "Well Armed American" segment starts with "A tale of Two Idiots". Two armed entrepreneurs learned a pair of hard lessons the best way—well, the best way for society. [Link]
As the article mentions, they learned two lessons—don't leave the keys in the ignition of the getaway car, and make sure surrounding businesses do not have armed employees or owners who might take exception to a robbery in their neighborhood. Sucks to be these guys! I'll call this next "Well Armed American" link "9 Safe Citizens" and let Y'all do the reading and watching. [Link] Here's a little taste to wet your whistle-
I guarantee that at least one asshole reading this will claim she would have been fine if she had just caved in to the creep. There are 8 other tales there, not all of the result in deaths, or even shootings. But they ALL end in a crime stopping at the hands of a good guy (or gal) ((or girl child)) with a gun. And when you get to the child, at least one asswipe will whine about children with guns, preferring she be abducted, raped, beaten, or even killed rather than soil her hands with an eeeevil nasty killy-bang-bang! Thanks for the link, Gunny. Semper Fi! Zeig Heil! A Saratgoga, NY cop shows two scumbags (otherwise known as common citizens) who's boss. At least, that's what he THOUGHT he was doing! [Link]
One wonders what would have happened if the piggly-wiggly had noticed the camera. And we finish up, as usual, with our quotes of the week, provided by The Right to Bear ([Link]) "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them..."—Richard Henry Lee "Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth."—George Washington "A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders."—Larry Elder "One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have occasion for them."—Thomas Jefferson "The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed."—Alexander Hamilton "The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose."—James Earl Jones "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."—Benjamin Franklin "Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars."—Unknown "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."—Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto "I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it."—Clint Eastwood Thus endeth another lesson........
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