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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 814, March 22, 2015 I don't know exactly what it is, but there is something in democracy that selects for the very worst in humanity: the craziest, the most stupid, and the most evil. ![]()
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Update on Texas RKBA Open Carry with a license and licensed carry on campus have passed the Senate in Texas and are on the way to the House od Representatives. Constitutional Carry is still languishing in committee in both houses. Those of you in Texas who are constituents of the Chairpersons of the appropriate committees need to start bugging them, convince them their reelection rides on pushing CC. Meanwhile, Tx HB 905, HB 172 (both taking away the power of municipalities to regulate knives and certain other weapons), and HB3884 (getting rid of the ban on "illegal knives") are in early days. All readers in Texas should be prepared to write letters to committee chairs and their legislators to get these passed. The world needs the vision of millions of Texans peacefully walking about their honest business with a pistol on one hip, a Bowie knife on the other, and possibly a sword cane in hand acting like decent civilized people to make it clear that honest folk going armed will not turn every intersection into a replay of the streets of El Paso back in the days of Dall Stoudenmire, the Mannings, The Selmans, et alia. A.X. Perez
Just click the red box (it's a button!) to pay the author Thought for the Day A terrorist is an out-of-power want-to-be statist who can think of no method of obtaining power other than killing and maiming others until he or she gets concessions to try to convince him or her to stop killing and maiming. Corollary: the pain and destruction terrorists cause trying to get into power is usually nothing compared to what they would accomplish if they actually seized power by this method. TJ Mason
Just click the red box (it's a button!) to pay the author Re: "American Sniper: A Movie Review" by Sean Gangol Critics of American Sniper are obviously expressing what they took into the movie, not what they got out of it. Since I have not seen the movie I will not comment on comparing what they say to what they should have seen if they actually watched the movie. However, what they are saying compared to other material I have read about Chris Kyle indicates what they say cannot be reconciled with what Mr. Kyle's biographers say. A.X. Perez
Just click the red box (it's a button!) to pay the author ![]() Source: WikiPedia The Women in the photograph above are considered the epitome of Mexican womanhood. D'ya really think their cultural descendants will support victim disarmament? A.X. Perez
Just click the red box (it's a button!) to pay the author Re: "Neale's Gun Rant for 3-8-2015" by Neale Osborn Well, actually there is a simple and correct answer to that problem: Work in Base 13.* Unfortunately only a homeschooled student who particularly enjoys the intricacies of numbers could be expected to know this at that age - and who will probably never get the chance to answer in a real setting. Of course, base 13 has to be one of the more useless bases to work in. Tor * For readers who have no reason to know this either, base 13 has 13 symbols for decimal numbers 0-12. This would typically be 0-9 plus A-C for 10-12. Thus, 8+5=10, one thirteen plus zero ones. Tor Chantara
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