Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 832, August 2, 2015

The war on gold

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The Most Libertarian Movie Ever?
by J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

I've been writing about the Alongside Night Movie for over five years, starting when I was still trying to put together casting and financing to get it made. I've sold it hard on the libertarian content in the movie and how I believe a feature-length narrative film can be effective in approaching people—especially young people—to consider libertarian principles and comparing libertarian approaches with far-more-popular government-reliant policies.

The Alongside Night Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack just hit the market. We just started running the first radio commercial, beginning on Art Bell's return to radio, Midnight in the Desert.

I've dedicated my career to the belief that storytelling can convey complex ideas to large audiences.. I became a libertarian because I read stories by Robert Heinlein. Many libertarians started with Ayn Rand.

This approach is called show-and-tell or to use an older term, a parable. History's most effective teachers—Buddha, Jesus, Aesop, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Robert A. Heinlein, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Ayn Rand—have taught by storytelling.

Masters of totalitarian propaganda including Goebbels, Lenin, Stalin, and FDR all understood that movies have been essential in mass communication.

Libertarians, Agorists, Voluntaryists, lend me your ears—and eyes.

Watch these clips from Alongside Night.
—J. Neil Schulman, who wrote the novel and made the movie

To view the clips go to the web site from which this article was reprinted (—Editor

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