Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 835, August 23, 2015

Socialism, which pretends to have the answers,
is nothing but the political expression of an
ignorant, visceral, inarticulate hatred and
envy of everything that has raised humanity
above the level of the animals.

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Re: "School Daze, or An Unoriginal Title for New Ideas" by A.X. Perez

Aloha Al,

Thought you might enjoy this comic. I'm afraid it probably wouldn't work, but still a fun fantasy of throwing a monkey wrench in the works.

Tor, the Marqueteur
[email protected]

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Now we know the real reason for the Global Warming debacle...

Billionaire George Soros warms up to coal as stock prices hit bottom
by Malia Zimmerman

Jim Woosley
[email protected]

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