Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 840, September 27, 2015

Common sense—which apparently is
so rare these days among the elite as
to practically count as a super-power.

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Letters to the Editor

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Illegal Immigrants, Criminality, and Consequences Both Intended and Unintended

Writes Paul Bonneau:

"I was a bit unsure how to take Rich's letter: 'The illegal immigrant KNOWS that he's committing a crime just by BEING on U.S. soil.... he knows that he's a CRIMINAL.'

"I would have been more impressed had he put the words 'crime' and 'criminal' and 'illegal' in quotes, since he was talking about mala prohibita after all.

"Though no doubt the group 'illegal' people includes its share of scoundrels, like any population, still I admire the fact that the first thing these folks do upon entering the US is to break a bullshit law. If only 'real' Americans were similarly unimpressed by petty diktats. Living in the underground economy is something to be admired, not nit-picked (if that is what Rich is doing - it was not clear to me).

"As to crime syndicates, they are almost always creations of government, if sometimes unintended."


Mr. Bonneau misses the key point made toward the close of my letter, to the effect that the illegal immigrant (or would it be better to call him 'the trespasser'? fuck it; like the term 'anchor baby,' it's the expression in use) is—by virtue of arguably 'bullshit law' -- without the practical benefit of many protections accorded de facto and de jure by the rule of law in American society.

This speaks not so much to the criminal mens rea of the illegal immigrant but rather to the peculiar vulnerabilities he suffers by being intrinsically and unavoidably subject to criminal sanctions (however capriciously enforced). In his eagerness to praise 'Living in the underground economy,' Mr. Bonneau fails to appreciate the degree to which such na levo status renders the illegal immigrant susceptible to exploitation not only by the informal but pervasive criminal sector of American society but also by demagogues like Stanley Ann Dunham's incomplete abortion, our own Illegal-Immigrant- in-Chief, whatever alias the arrogant bastard's using at the moment.

The existence of America's present and anticipated illegal immigrant population is to be deplored not simply because they've broken some 'bullshit law' but because they present the criminal classes in our society (governmental and non-governmental) with a category of resources which can be—and ARE being—exploited to the detriment of individual human rights both within and without that population.

An interesting political cartoon recently made the point that these illegal immigrants really ARE needed to handle jobs that Americans won't do.

Chief among them voting for the Blue Faction of the permanently incumbent Boot on Your Neck Party.

Rich Matarese
[email protected]

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The Republicans are offering us a choice to find the lesser of two evils. I say why?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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While I'm quite capable of writing my own comment on this "only a clock" craptacular, I confess that online reading has brought to my attention an article in which the author states the matter adequately and parsimoniously. Pardon my cut- and-paste, but it's an ingredient this stewpot needs pretty goddam obviously:

The Invitation to The White House is More than Merely Moral Preening: It's a Sign of the President's Continued Contempt for Americans

Some have tried to make it appear that Ahmed 's invitation to the White House is in part related to his engineering genius --- an effort to reward and encourage other young Moslem science students to excel.

The story doesn't wash.

As we noted earlier, he couldn't or wouldn't initially explain to police who questioned him what it was and how it worked. Moreover, one techie argues persuasively that Ahmed had merely taken apart a 1970's digital clock manufactured by Micronta (a division of Radio Shack), put it in a box, and claimed it as his own creation.

Was this a setup by his father and local Moslem activists or an unfortunately common school system mishap? Whichever it was it was not Islamophobia, and the invitation to the White House to suggest it was is of a piece with Obama's performance when Skip Gates was arrested for what seemed to be a house break-in, when Trayvon Martin was shot while trying to beat up someone, when Michael Brown was shot after robbing a convenience store, attacking a cop, and trying to steal his gun.

It's so obvious that even the thirteen-year-old middle school student, Coreco Ja Quan Pearson catches on.

He asks why the president never commented on or called Miss Steinle's parents whose daughter was murdered by a criminal immigrant; never phoned the families of the policemen being murdered in cold blood by thugs encouraged to hate police by the Black Lives Matters crowd and its poisonous rhetoric, and whose leaders were also just invited to the White House. Wise beyond his years, he observes, "You don't get invited to the White House for building a clock."

I don't deny the malignancy of the bureaucratic incentive operating in the government indoctrination systems sucking funds and other resources out of the productive sector of the U.S. economy for the purpose of aggrandizing Progressive political power and reducing the people of our republic to serfdom, but this particular episode was inspirited by a malevolence instantly recognizable as purest islamofascist obamanite ratfucking.

Richard D. Bartucci
[email protected]

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Looking at "taxation is theft" from both sides

Statists hate the "libertarian shibboleth" of "Taxation is theft". It makes them lose their minds and fling poo before running away screaming profanity.

As amusing as making them that crazy is, it may not be constructive... so, let's really examine the idea.

"Theft" is the act of taking property that belongs to another without their consent—with or without the threat of violence. "Theft" is almost universally condemned. No one claims the future use of the stolen property justifies the theft.

"Taxation" is the act of taking property (money) that belongs to someone else without their consent—enforced by the threat of violence.

"Taxation" is almost universally justified by imagining what the stolen money will (might) be used for. Therefore, "taxation" is theft.

Or... let's turn it around and look at the argument from the statist perspective:

"Theft is the taking of property non-voluntarily.

Taxation is voluntary; people would pay even without penalties.

Therefore, taxation is not theft."

Which one holds up better to scrutiny? How true are the individual premises and conclusions in each?

Kent McManigal
[email protected]

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Small Ideas

Two membership cards arrived in the mail today. One is an NRA membership card the other is an NEA card. The two organizations generally don't get along. Each does represent my interests on some issues.Freedom of association allows me to join either or both. The NEA is my "union" which under Texas law I cannot be compelled to join as a condition of employment. Freedom of association is still respected in my part of the world, not a big deal until you lose it.

Recently a professor at UT El Paso declared his class a gun free zone. He said he did so because he didn't know when one of us "gunnies" might snap and start shooting people at random. I felt embarrassed for my Alma Mater. I also felt an urge to get all my shots and get chipped. That's how I remembered how people used to claim pit bulls were dangerous because, among other reasons, they tended to snap and turn on their masters. Now we know how this gink sees himself and most others.

Of course, we always knew this was the world view of gun banners. No major brilliant insights, just little things that freedom is based on.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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