Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 848, November 22, 2015

Waiting is a tactical disadvantage,
but it's the good-guy's burden.

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Letters to the Editor

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Sober reflection

I must call bullshit on Donald Trump. His claims that there would have been fewer victims of the 13 November Terrorist Attack in Paris if people were allowed to carry guns more easily in France overlooks that the majority of the victims were attending a heavy metal concert. A large minority, if not a majority, were too stoned and/or drunk to fight back effectively.

So Mr. Tump's advice is bullshit without the following addendum: Learn how to enjoy metal sober.

Besides, 1,000 fans playing air guitar on AK's and AR's would just look so cool.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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So what do the current wave of easily offended college students and murderous cops have in common?

The answer is that they exercise power without restriction or conscience. They recognize no one's rights except their own. They are told by psychologists and authority figures that they are permitted, in fact, encouraged, to do their thing, to be ruled by their most childish fears, and to use force to impose their will on others. They are a bunch of warped, small spirited, Nietzschean supermen, Nazis waiting for a Hitler to lead them.

They act the way they do because they can, because no one is willing to say that they do what they do, from filing exaggerated racism complaints to throwing grenades in babies' cribs because they can. Not because they are offended or reacting to danger, but because they have the power to do so, and they want rub it in the faces of the rest of us.

No one else is saying this, so I thought I'd take the time to put it into words. It's time someone called the spade a fucking shovel.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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