Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 849, November 29, 2015

To eliminate a society's weapons, it is
necessary first to eliminate knowledge
of weapons, and to eliminate knowledge
of weapons, it is ultimately necessary
to eliminate all knowledge of any kind.

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Letter To Matilda
by L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

The concept of an absolute human right to freedom of expression is not uniquely American. It was born in the English-speaking world sometime between Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence, and all English-speaking countries—Great Britain, the United States, Canada, New Zealamd, and Australia, among others, are heirs to it.

Like it or not, whether it's politically correct or not, another ancient and absolute right of every English freeman is spelled out (and not for the first time) in my 1987 Atlanta Declaration, which states:

Every man, woman, and responsible child has an unalienable individual, civil, Constitutional, and human right to obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon—rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything—any time, any place, without asking anyone's permission.

Let me say that again, because it's important:

Every man, woman, and responsible child has an unalienable individual, civil, Constitutional, and human right to obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon—rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything—any time, any place, without asking anyone's permission.

Now, in an effort to illegally and illegitimately suppress this second fundamental human right, misperceived as a mortal threat by the criminals-in-office of the unquestionable and unanswerable Management State, the crypto-fascist government of Australia has declared it to be an offense, punishable by imprisonment, to possess the software to computer-print a firearm, proving that I was right, once again, when I observed that to eliminate a society's weapons, it is necessary first to eliminate knowledge of weapons, and to eliminate knowledge of weapons, it is ultimately necessary to eliminate all knowledge of any kind. Australia has taken a big first step backward, into the Dark Ages.

Better watch out; reading this essay could be a criminal offense, too.

Australia, you whose anthem, known world-wide, is a sprightly song about a vagabond, defying an authority that had forbidden him to forage for food (yes, I know you have another, official, toffee-nosed English sounding anthem, but who gives a wallaby's ass?), we cannot express how extremely disapPointed we are with you. Australia, whose landscape is marked by the long strides of the anti-hero Ned Kelly, you are smaller and more shriveled than we have always been led to believe.

The first time ever I heard of you, Australia, was as a small boy, from my mother who had worked in Los Angeles as a young woman during World War II. There she met an Aussie paratrooper who had jumped out of his transport as it flew over the city."Don't worry—they know I'll catch them up," he told her, "I just always wanted to see Los Angeles."

And that is the what-the-hell spirit I have always admired and expected of Australians. Now this arrogant, imperious decree, issued from the puckered orifice of an evil state that would rather put its citizens at risk from crime and terrorism than trust them to exercise the thousand-year-old natural rights of Englishmen spoils the whole illusion. I have since learned how your uniformed thugs murdered the original Crocodile Dundee because he refused to submit to their vile control. I say shame on you, Australia, I say hang your national head, avoid every free man's eye. You used to be an admirable thing, you used to be a brave mob. Now you're just another nasty bureaucratic satrapy.

But maybe I shouldn't be so proud. I also just read that John Kerry, appointed Secretary of State by another criminal-in-office, Barack Hussein Obama, has declared a fascistic desire to deny free speech and civil liberties to anyone who refuses to be taken in by the global warming hoax, a cynical scheme to enrich the uncreative and undeserving at the expense if those who actually work for a living. Kerry proclaims they should be forbidden to run for or hold public office. His allies say openly they want them jailed or executed. It doesn't really work to call the man stupid, because he hears it so much.

I am more deeply ashamed than I can express that the cranially under-endowed among my fellow Americans elected Barry Obama twice, and are now threatening the minority of their countrymen who remain decent, intelligent, and rational with the horror that is Hillary Clinton

I'm sorry Australia, I'm just generally disillusioned; no matter what I've said, here, you haven't got any monopoly on stupid, evil, or insane politicians. At the same time that John Kerry is spouting his anti-democratic, anti-scientific poison, I'm starting to hear about California's Gavin Newsom, Lieutenant Governor to the craziest Governor that any State ever had (twice), and former Mayor of its craziest city, San Francisco, who, in this age of mad bombers and assassins, has declared self-defense illegal. Ringed about by millions of dollars worth of armed guards, Newsom claims that people able to defend themselves would have made what happened in Paris last week worse.

This is a severely bent human being we're considering here, whose twisted spirit sides with ISIS and against every aspiration and accomplishment of Western Civilization. Forget his thousand-dollar suit and tie, by his own words, he has proven himself to be just another barbarian _within_ the gates, another vicious advocate of eco-Sharia.

Of course he is not the only thug in current politics. Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer promises to push harder in 2016 for gun control. Around these parts, we're used to calling it "victim disarmament." if half a century of hard experience in this area has demonstrated anything, it's that, when you impose more gun restrictions, crime goes up, not down. Repeal those same restrictions, crime plummets in double digits. Calling for more gun control is like hitting yourself on the head repeatedly with a ball peen hammer, expecting a different outcome each time you do it. Chuck Schumwer is supposed to be intelligent, but, unlike Rush Limbaugh, he's got his _entire_ brain tied behind his back. Or maybe when they installed the hair plugs, they drilled too deep.

The final insanity is that, when it was suggested that Jews—in Belgium, this time—arm themselves in the aftermath of what happened in Paris, many of them reacted with shock and anger, as if asking them to assume responsibility for their own safety was some kind of insult. Apparently the didn't learn a bloody damn thing from World War II. I have worked for more than twenty years, written two books and dozens of articles for an organization with the opposite view: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. They know that this attitude, attributed to Belgians of their faith, is exactly what got six million of them murdered by Adolf Hitler. It was a self-inflicted tragedy.

This is one of those "interesting times" that the Chinese warn us about in the ancient curse. Western Civilization desperately needs some dull, boring, _un_interesting times (I've never experienced them) and we're not going to get them, we and you Australians, until we both rediscover that a city street lamp pole is an object with two uses. I seem to recall that you folks had a Prime Minister who got eaten by a shark.

Tell me, how did you arrange that?

Celebrated and award-winning author of over 30 books and countless shorter pieces, L. Neil Smith is available, at professional rates, to write articles and speeches for you or your organization, providing that our principles are compatible. Contact him at [email protected].

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