Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 851, December 13, 2015

It is time to finish the American Revolution

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Time for another Bracken piece

Remember Paris? How about that X 100... all over Socialized Europe... probably next year.

Tet, Take Two—Islam's 2016 European Offensive. Matt Bracken pulls no punches. Again.

Yeah, it's 9k words, but worth it, right down to the final self- evident line:

"So remember: never, ever give up your guns.
You're going to need them."

Tet, Take Two—Islam's 2016 European Offensive

B. Potratz
[email protected]

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We are all free men protected by the Constitution
Sons of Anarchy (Kurt Sutter)

US Constitution Article VI Paragraph 3 religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States

The same Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

President Obama should have kept his mouth shut about gun control in the speech he made on The Feast of St. Nicholas 2015. What he should have said was "Just as you hold so tightly to your Constitutional right to own guns, you must remember Muslims residing in the US have the right to practice their faith as long as they do not harm others. And rest assured, those who abuse the right to practice their religion to harm others will be punished as harshly as those who abuse their right to keep and bear arms.

One would expect a President who taught Constitutional Law to refer to it in a speech so fraught with Constitutional issues.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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A Warning from History

Sipsey Street Irregulars

And so it begins. Governor Cuomo feels froggy, SAFE Act enforcement thugs rounding up "assault weapons." Someone is going to get shot and the civil war will commence.

And so it beging

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

And Terence James Mason comments:

The logic is simple, unassailable by any other than a liberal anti-gun lawyer—though even her arguments, however convoluted, cannot change this simple truth:

a. "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" is an imperative, and a reflection of the natural right to self defense, without which the natural right to life cannot exist. (And despite state and local interpretations that the law doesn't apply to them, it is clearly relegated to the people of the country as a whole at the time of the Framing, and has been further held to that by the Supreme Court under the Due Process clause of the 14th Amendment in MacDonald v. Chicago.)

b. "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state..." is a condition which further justifies the natural right to keep and bear arms. However...

c. "The militia consists of the whole people..."—George Mason.

d. Therefore, the general disarmament of the people is an attack on the security of the free state. And since...

e. "'Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them..."—Article III, Section 3, United States Constitution

f. Therefore, the general disarmament of the people of the United States is an act of Treason, and hence illegal, and all who participate in issuing or carrying out such an order are equally guilty.

Terence James Mason
[email protected]

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Admiral Yamamoto is misquoted as saying that it would be foolish to invade the US as there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Apparently the Democrats want to go into business selling lawn mowers.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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The Freedom Line
December 9, 2015

Adam Kokesh
[email protected]

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