Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 853, January 3, 2016

Believe me, to get what we want to
make of society, libertarians must
learn not to act like Republicans.

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The Shape of Things to Come

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Re: "E-Book Round Up: A Libertarian and Objectivist Christmas Carol" by Sean Gangol

Please remember that in the real world US Little Tim's operation was paid for by the health insurance policy Mr. Scrooge paid for out of Christmas earnings. It was part of the compensation package Robert "Bob" Cratchit was given so he would not jump ship to another company, and more generous than the one mandated by the government. The deductible ate up most of Bob's Christmas bonus, but the overtime he earned working Christmas Eve and a half day Christmas more than made it up.

Tim's crutch will be donated to charity that gives such items to those on government health insurance. His family will get a tax deduction that will make it possible for Little Tim to enjoy a nice vacation to a warm beach, for therapeutic purposes of course.

Happy Dia de los Tres Reyes.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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The Freedom Line
December 21, 2015


Check out the good news!

It's not just that I get to cut the ankle bracelet off, don't have to be in court, don't have to visit my probation officer in DC ever again, don't have to pay all the ridiculous probation fees in California, but I AM DONE! No more probation! One month early! So thanks again to everyone who helped make this possible. This means I'm allowed to travel internationally without restrictions (void where prohibited by international law) and we've already got a great trip to Mexico planned!

Last year, Jeff Berwick of Anarchast hosted the first ANARCHAPULCO, and it is already being hailed as the best Anarchist conference in the world. I know there's not much competition at the moment, but this is where we meet in secret to plot our takeover of the world. And drink margaritas. I was so disappointed that probation kept me from going last year, but after all the statist adventures of the tour, Macey and I are looking forward to escaping "prison America"—I mean—the land of the free—for a few days. February 19-21 to be specific. (There is no way this winter body will be beach ready by then!) You can see all about the conference at or check out this video, including myself and many other great speakers who will be there. If you want to join us enter the discount code "FREEDOM" to get 10% off.

If you have any other suggestions for international travel, please let me know. We had to turn down several other international requests this last year, but not anymore! Time to take FREEDOM! global! One of the things I'm working on is translations for the book. Every time I read about China in the news, I wonder what kind of impact the message could have there. If you haven't yet, look up "Sesame Credit." It's really scary. They've gamified obedience to the state and connected it to people's credit scores. I'd like to be able to get the next big 5 languages we need done and ready for online distribution. Mandarin, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, and Portuguese. To do each one right will cost about $6,000. We raised $30,000 for the last tour with a crowdfunder. Should we try to do it again for this? Will the fans of FREEDOM! back a project of the same budget without the perks of personal deliveries? If you'd like to make a contribution earmarked for translations, please go here.

We've just about finalized our plans to move to Arizona and live the new American dream. We've got a piece of land picked out, building plans nearly complete, and just enough confidence that we'll figure out a way to live fully by our values without starving. The place we have picked is just south of Ash Fork. We hope to start building our Earthship-inspired home around my birthday, February 1st. (I'll be turning 29 for the 6th time.) If you'd like to join us to help out, or just drop off some tools or building supplies (we need bottles and cans and tires—seriously—and rebar and cement and anything else you'd like to contribute) shoot me an email at [email protected].


Adam Kokesh
[email protected]

PS Thanks to a generous donor who wishes to remain anonymous, we were able to order another 10k copies of FREEDOM! so stay tuned for an announcement about when they clear customs as we'll be able to hook up all of our best outreach activists with free 20, 50, and 100 packs of books.

PPS Our monthly contributors help us cover overhead like being able to hit you up by email and keep our webiste up. Please become a monthly contributor here today.

The Freedom Line
11901 Santa Monica Blvd #304
Los Angeles CA 90025

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Re: "Whither Now, libertarian?; A Covenant of Unanimous Consent article" by Dennis Wilson

I have to agree with Dennis Wilson. I too have been dismayed at the statist turn over at Not only with immigration, but with their approval of Trump (beyond what schadenfreude is justified in his trashing the GOP).

Even if you agree that "excess immigration" of "certain types" of people is sub-optimal, does it make sense to turn for relief to the very agency causing that excess immigration by its policies of socialism and welfare, and of war in the Middle East, which creates refugees? Is government now protecting us after all? Or is it still just a protection racket, a "divide and conquer" ploy by evil bastards?

I don't think government has changed its spots. I am sad to see becoming a tool of the ruling class. Oh, well, humans are nothing if not inconsistent.

Paul Bonneau
(please don't print my email address)


Dirtiness is next to Godliness.


My guess part of the reason they are dirty is because they might be burning coal in their stove on the sly hoping the minions of Barry the Confessor don't catch them and smash their stove.

Hope I can continue to use mine. It's nice to have the point of use outdoors so the dirt doesn't get onto the house as much. And the combustion is outside too so there is no danger of chimney fires or CO poisoning.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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How the dinosaurs got so freakin big! The whole earth was like a hyperbaric chamber according to this article.

I wonder if we could safely breathe that atmosphere? The oxygen was at 35 %! No wonder everything burned when the heat flash from the asteroid hit!

And as good old Paul Harvey would have said : that's the rest of the story. Maybe?

Another theory I stumbled across is suggesting the exact opposite. That O2 levels were much lower and atmosphere had nothing to do with gigantism in dinosaurs. It could be that the levels fluctuated a lot. With high Oxygen levels—dry vegetation and deadwood become extremely flammable. There could have been cycles in which there were massive fires—ie during times of drought—which consumed the oxygen and pumped up the CO2. Which would fuel plant growth when wetter conditions returned. An atmosphere with 35 % Oxygen might have been very unstable.

It was suggested by another one that mass burnings ignited by the KT asteroid altered the atmosphere on a more permenant basis and a similar thing happened at the PT mass extinction event which put an end to the giant insects and amphibians and set the state for mammal- like reptiles, early mammals and the first dinosaurs. The low readings might be from that time or after a major burn cycle during times of higher O2 levels.

So much for the idea that the science of anything—especially pertaining to dinosaur extinction or climate change—is settled. It's more like the ongoing weather projections being revised downward over the last few days—after it had for the longest time looked like it might be another mild winter like the one in 2012 which was more like a winter in northern Virginia where everything bloomed a month earlier than the seasonal norm.

Sure glad I got a pile of coal and plenty of firewood!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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