Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 857, January 31, 2016

Republican and Democrat, they're all
socialists at heart, who want to kill
you and cook you and eat you.

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Socialism is Forever
Socialism is Forever
by Scott Bieser
Now available for sale as a 35x23 inch poster!

Bernie Sanders
by L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

I confess that I haven't been paying much attention to Bernie Sanders. I've known a thousand of him. I grew up, politically, surrounded in, smothered by, crowded with creatures like Bernie Sanders, mostly in the movement to stop the war in Vietnam. I quickly learned that they had no regard for the moral principles involved, or the people whose lives were being taken or abused, except as poster children.

When push came to shove, they were uninterested in ending war if it messed with their agenda. Abolish the draft? No! They had uses of their own for government-forced labor. Get rid of taxes, which would make it almost impossible for governments to wage war? No! They wanted those billions themselves! Repeal the nation's unconstitutional gun laws? Heaven forfend! They couldn't stand the idea of any guy who disagreed with them having the physical means to make them leave him alone.

I suppose that the hypocrisies of the left are no more murderous and glaring than those of the northeastern liberal right. I think it depends on what you're used to. My regard (if you choose to call it that) for Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Leader Mitch McConnel (and the feebs who elected them) has gone from contempt to loathing.

But if you take nothing else from this essay, take this: Bernie Sanders is the advocate for a political system that murdered over two hundred million people in the twentieth century alone. Here is what that looks like: 200,000,000. That's ten cities the size of Greater Los Angeles.

Bernie Sanders informs us that he's a "democratic socialist". He's a Democrat, right enough, running for that party's nomination for President, and the wet dream of virtually everybody in it. But half a century of political experience has taught me that "socialist" is just a euphemism for "communist". Bernie Sanders is the left wing equivalent of RINO (Republican in name only) and LINO (Libertarian in name only). Bernie Sanders is ashamed to tell you what he really is. Bernie Sanders is the advocate for a political system that murdered over two hundred million people in the twentieth century alone.

Socialism is a crude attempt to make theft respectable, stealing things at gunpoint from people who have earned or found or created them, pretending to give them to people who have not, while holding onto a middleman's fee of 99% for themselves and their friends, the government. Bernie Sanders is the advocate for a political system that murdered over two hundred million people in the twentieth century alone.

It used to be that you could almost respect an honest bandit, as he galloped down onto a stagecoach that might be laden with gold, but equally might be full of cranky men with guns. Josef Stalin got his start in politics that way. Before he went on to bigger things. An honest bandit took his chances. A dishonest bandit puts on an expensive suit and a necktie and tries to convince you that he's everybody's kindly old grandfather. Bernie Sanders is the advocate for a political system that murdered over two hundred million people in the twentieth century alone.

At a meeting of one of those left-wing organizations (it called itself the "Peace Center") that couldn't tolerate a genuine advocate of putting an end to war, I met a guy who called himself a socialist (he was also the head of the local ACLU). Unable to distinguish between a libertarian and a conservative, and thinking he could shock and annoy me, he smirkily informed me that, philosophically and politically, he was a thief. It was his ambition to use politics to steal everything I possessed because I obviously hadn't earned it. I don't recall what he said he would do with it, but I had a pretty fair idea.

He doesn't know it, but I let the schmuck live (call me foolish), as I once did an extremely famous fascist science fiction novelist who drunkenly offered to punch me at a convention as his idea of "proof" that libertarian anarchism doesn't work. Times have changed. I wonder if they try that stuff on people today. It could turn out to be somewhat dangerous.

But back to Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders is the advocate for a political system that murdered over two hundred million people in the twentieth century alone. It tells anybody absolutely everything they need to know about the sad condition of America in the twenty-first century that, after four long decades of arduous (if sometimes misguided) work on the part of libertarians, a socialist occupies their place at the debate table. Maybe it's because, right and left, Republican and Democrat, they're all socialists at heart, who want to kill you and cook you and eat you. In Bernie Sanders, they now see their true leader rising, like Paul Muad'dib above the sands of Arrakis.

Bernie Sanders is the advocate for a political system that murdered over two hundred million people in the twentieth century alone.

L. Neil Smith Publisher and Senior Columnist L. Neil Smith is the author of over thirty books, mostly science fiction novels, L. Neil Smith has been a libertarian activist since 1962. His many books and those of other pro-gun libertarians may be found (and ordered) at L. Neil Smith's THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE "Free Radical Book Store" The preceding essays were originally prepared for and appeared in L. Neil Smith's THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE. Use them to fight the continuing war against tyranny.

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