Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 865, March 27, 2016

The only reason somebody would avoid the Zero
Aggression Principle is that he's planning to
exercise a right he falsely imagines he has to
do something to you he wouldn't be able to do
in the presence of the Zero Aggression Principle.

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Veggie Bully

This is what the world is coming to. Wasting juice on something like this when 34 people are dead today.

Student punished for criticizing vegetarian
by Todd Starnes
I was noshing on a juicy cheeseburger on my lunch break the other day when I came across a fascinating story in the Washington Post written by Eugene Volokh.

The story involves a New Jersey sixth-grader who ran afoul of the state‘s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act after he poked fun at a vegetarian classmate. (For you folks on the professional barbecue circuit, a vegetarian is someone who abstains from pork butts.)

“Vegetarians are idiots,” the youngster declared. “It‘s not good not to eat meat.”
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Jim Woosley
[email protected]
"Hillary is the answer" is proof there ARE stupid questions.

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