Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 868, April 17, 2016

We have a terminal case of government

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter to the Wall Street Journal

The WSJ just published this letter, or rather, one paragraph of it. They kept the "Next he says" part. Unfortunately, they cut the rest, and I really liked the "First, he argues" paragraph. The point I make there is of course applicable to facts and opinions generally, not just about warming.

Senator Whitehouse complains (Letters, April 7) that the Journal misrepresents his views. But his letter proves that the Journal is correct.

First, he argues that "65% of Americans understand that climate change is caused by human activity". But if facts of nature were decided by opinion polls, we would not be here, because the earth would be flat and Columbus sailed off the edge.

Next he says that "I welcome an informed debate about how to address one of the most pressing global challenges of our time". In other words, the ONLY permissible subject is what to do about this alleged problem. And furthermore, only "informed" debate is permitted, which I assume means debate containing opinions the Senator approves of. This makes it clear that debate about other subjects—for example, whether the alleged problem exists at all, or whether it is caused by human activity, are not permissible topics of discussion. Which is exactly what the Journal has been saying all along.

The Senator's style of "freedom of speech" is that practiced in Europe, where you are free to say anything you want so long as it is an officially approved opinion. But his notions are a blatant violation of the First Amendment.

Paul Koning
[email protected]

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Welcome to the April 13th, 2016 Edition of REVENGE OF HUMP DAY!

Sunday I took some time to read an old book from my youth. It's call "Cosmic Computer", also released earlier as "Graveyard of Dreams", by H. Beam Piper and it's not very long. I know that some writers loose their zing with the readers because their work comes out dated when you try to read it today. But I am still really surprised how the works of Piper have withstood the passage of time and still do not feel dated. You can get your own copy of this wonderful book for free from Project Gutenberg at:

And if you would like to listen to the book, you can get it free from at:

H. Beam Piper died very young and was one of the greatest Science Fiction Writers of the 50's and 60's. His work is timeless and you ought to take the time to read some of his great classics. That's why I love Project Gutenberg and so much.

Other great H. Beam Piper Books that I would recommend and are one Project Gutenberg are:

Little Fuzzy
Uller Uprising
Four Day Planet
Space Viking
Lone Star Planet

There are plenty more of his works at Project Gutenberg, but I would recommend that you start with these.

I know a lot of you out there read, but trust me, listening to an audio book is very rewarding in other ways. When I drive any place now, I listen to a good Science Fiction Book instead of listening to the radio. I can drive for hours and still arrive rested and relaxed. I know that sounds strange, but just think about having a relaxing afternoon sitting in an easy chair and reading a good book. It works the same way.

There are a great number of SF Books that have reverted to public domain and you ought to take the time to check out some of the old masters. Piper is not the only great masters works that are available. There are bunch of books by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Murray Leinster, Andre Norton, Jack Williamson and many more also available….

Uncle Timmy
[email protected]

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[ Tip o' the hat to Jim Woosley—Editor ]

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Bulletin from the Libertarian Alliance

Here is a book of essays by Chris R. Tame, Founder and first Director of the Libertarian Alliance. I wanted to bring this out in time for the tenth anniversary of his death. Sadly, other commitments, plus the need to make sense of the hundreds of bibliographical scribbles all over the manuscript, have delayed me till now. The book is available for Kindle in all markets. The link given will take you directly to your own local branch of Amazon.

The Science of Liberty, by Chris R. Tame
Chris Tame (1949-2006) was the Founder and Director of the Libertarian Alliance, and was the most prominent British libertarian of his age.

The works assembled in this book attempt to demonstrate that classical liberalism (or 'libertarianism', to employ the more recent neologism for this intellectual tradition) was a richer, deeper and more systematic school of thought than is normally portrayed. They also try to analyse why that tradition went into decline, and why it has, in recent years, enjoyed a revival. A number of the essays are also attempts to apply that more systematic perspective to a number of topics in different disciplines.

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Sean Gabb
[email protected]

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Moore, North Carolina, LGBTQ and Freedom of Association

I saw this popping up on my Facebook feed in the past few days —

So now we know what it takes to shut down a showing of one of Moore's crappy "documentary" flicks.

Seriously, why can't Moore extend this same courtesy to the rest of the United States?

Does Moore really believe that people who don't watch his moivies are somehow deprived?

Even better — the counterpoint of Howard Stern.

Back in the 1980s, Stern ran some sort of survey to see what his listeners were like.

The results were somewhat surprising, to put it mildly.

The people who liked Stern's routine would listen for an hour or so, then move on to other things.

The people who hated Stern, who thought of Stern being devilspawn and such . . . those people would not only listen to the entire show, but would record it in order to demonstrate to friends and family the true depths of Stern's depravity.

Advertising like that, you can't pay for it.

Thus, I would think that Moore would want his flicks to run where they would piss people off, just for publicity's sake.

H/T Michael G. Spivey on Facebook

Mike Blessing
[email protected]

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Unintended Consequences & More Thoughtcrimes for Earth Day

Stumbled across this in the Fauna Classifieds Friday evening. A guy in Florida posted an ad seeking female hybrid box turtles. He shows a photograph of what appears to be an Eastern / Ornate Box mix and I presume he wants other turtles of hybrid parentage like this one because he lives in Florida which regulates all four subspecies of the Eastern Box Group because by the luck of the draw on the range maps—all four occur in the state. It's a sad unintended consequence of state wildlife regulations that seem for the most part aimed at closing the door on the commercialization of native species which it would be nice if breeders were encouraged to conserve them in their pure form rather than creating mixed breeds to get around the Law.

I saw a similar phenomenon on You Tube where turtle breeders in Japan were creating hybrids of various Asian species—possibly for the same reason. Many of those were grotesque looking monstrosities unlike the hybrid American Box turtle which looks rather beautiful and interesting. Something created by Man—though it may happen once in a while in the wild where ranges of closely related species overlap.

Maybe it's not so bad. I like conserving the original wild types but the thought of creating something brand new does have an allure. Maybe I'll live long enough to create a designer GMO turtle in the fashion advocated by Freeman Dyson.

Better yet—a whole designer ecosystem in the terraformed interior of a hollowed out asteroid! Sounds like this year's Earth Day thoughtcrime considering it's only a week away!

They asked for it. Since they couldn't leave well enough alone they really have no business complaining about the unintended consequences of the actions of other people who are trying to get away from them. Habitat destruction by suburban sprawl would be another good example!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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