Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 870, May 1, 2016

May Day! May Day!

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To Repeat My Self
by A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

One of the greatest victories for gay rights, and women's rights for that matter, was Heller et alia v. District of Columbia. See [this link]. For those of you who don't want to bother to look this up or remember the case, one of the original plaintiffs was a homosexual who wished to go heeled to defend himself from "gay bashers" (as in bash in gay people's heads with baseball bats). Homosexuals have the absolute right to defend themselves from assault and forcible oppression, which requires that they have the right to arm themselves in self-defense.

One of the pretexts for passing the 14th Amendment was to overturn state laws denying ex-slaves and other Black people the right to arm themselves in self defense. Black People have the absolute right to defend themselves from assault and forcible oppression, which requires that they have the right to arm themselves in self-defense.

Union organizers and members were often attacked by private police forces, government police forces, and even troops to deny them their right to join forces to get better pay and work conditions. Union members facing down the Pinkertons have the absolute right to defend themselves from assault and forcible oppression, which requires that they have the right to arm themselves in self-defense.

After WWII the vets returning to McMinn County Tennessee were confronted with a corrupt local government that they had to overthrow by force. Vets returning from war, all Americans, facing down political crooks have the absolute right to defend themselves from assault and forcible oppression, which requires that they have the right to arm themselves in self-defense. To break my rhythm here, Eleanor Roosevelt, that darling of liberals/ progressives, made it clear the men of Athens acted correctly and warned other political crooks to pull their horns in before they got more of the same.

Homosexuals, women, Black people (and white, and brown, and yellow), veterans and just flat out everyone in general has the absolute right to defend themselves from assault and forcible oppression, which requires that they have the right to arm themselves in self-defense. Liberal/Progressives continue to put themselves forward as the champions of people's rights. The problem is that by promoting gun control the left denies that people have the absolute right to defend themselves from assault and forcible oppression, which requires that they have the right to arm themselves in self-defense.

Perhaps they feel that the FBI, DEA, NSA, and extra Constitutional Federal police organizations can protect our rights in spite of their regular violation of the Fourth and Fifth Amendment. Maybe they've forgotten that when seconds matter the police are minutes away and getting the Feds into the act takes hours if not days. All I know is that I don't feel a lot of trust for people who don't get that that Americans, and in fact all people, have the absolute right to defend themselves from assault and forcible oppression, which requires that they have the right to arm themselves in self-defense.

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