Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 873, May 22, 2016

How stupid do you have to be?

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The Eighteen
by Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."
—Emma Goldman, 1889-1940

The Libertarian Party is the third oldest (founded 1971) and third largest major political party in the United States. This year its presidential candidate is likely to be found on the ballot of all fifty states. The Libertarian Party has a tiny number of county level, active, party groups and, therefore, is unable to make any meaningful guarantees to its members or the voting public at large that votes cast for Libertarian candidates will be counted.

Although many people think of the United States as a country, or as a collection of fifty states and some territories, or as a set of Congressional districts, these are much more fictional than most of the actual political units in the country. Approximately 3,600 county-level (or, in Louisiana, parish or in some states, township level) organisations exist to handle the following vital functions: registering voters, operating polling places, counting ballots, reporting ballot totals, assessing and collecting taxes on property and sales, issuing business licences, issuing health inspection certifications, providing the highest law enforcement authority in each county in the person of the county sheriff, operating a jail, operating county courts of law and equity.

There are, in a given year, anywhere from 2,200 to 2,400 active Republican Party (Grand Old Party or GOP, founded 1854) and from 2,600 to 2,800 active Democratic Party (Democratic National Committee or DNC, founded 1828) county organisations in the United States. Thus, a great many counties have effectively one political party and, as one might expect, that party rarely loses in local elections for offices like county clerk, county registrar of voters, county tax assessor collector, county health inspector, county sheriff. You should not be surprised to learn that in counties with two major political party organisations, the majority of county offices are held by members of one or each of those two parties. There are no counties with a dominant Libertarian or other third party in power, which is why, I believe, those parties persistently lose in nearly every political contest.

Were people serious about having change through the political system, they would most likely be working at the county level where those changes are most immediate and visible. Since they are not, in fact, doing so, one must conclude that people are more or less satisfied with however the "powers that be" in the county governments and county-level political parties choose to, frankly, rig things. If you do not believe that election results are rigged, you have not been looking at the matter very closely.

Given these facts, I do not expect the next president of the United States to be the Libertarian Party nominee. Accordingly, I do not plan to attend the Memorial Day convention in Orlando, Florida, of said party. Instead, it is my plan to be involved in the #EndWar campaign on Twitter, posting dank memes opposed to all forms of warfare, especially conflicts between national governments and especially wars on things like drugs and tactics like terrorism.

However, you may be curious about the Libertarian Party, its candidates, and its potential. Given the extraordinarily gratifying level of opposition, and the intensity of emotion involved in the opposition to Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump, I expect that quite a lot of Americans who vote will be interested in the outcome.

The last time I voted for a president was in 1988, and the candidate I voted for that time was Dr. Ron Paul, the Libertarian Party candidate. The last time I voted in any election was in 1990, because after that year, I had all my illusions about what kind of country I live in completely shattered through a process of prosecutorial misconduct and false arrest which was admitted to, I believe, in an agreed injunction in May 1991.

Meanwhile, I believe that voting is not especially popular among Americans. I think people have noticed that since 1788, many elections have been held, and things have not gotten more free. Government has grown, has become arrogant, has engaged in many foreign wars and other interventions, has imposed on all kinds of typically American activities, and, since 1971, has effectively destroyed the economy, shrinking the middle class, making individual prosperity extremely difficult. Today, something like 125 million Americans who are eligible to vote do not do so. Similarly large numbers do not respond to the decennial census and do not file any form of income tax paper. Americans have had many reasons to withdraw from the system, not the least of which is that there are very few consequences of doing so which cannot be completely avoided by moving and leaving no forwarding address.

What follows is not meant to be a voter guide, it is a collection of readily available facts and my opinions. You are free to disagree, call me an idiot, or ignore what I've written entirely. I don't expect this article to change your mind about any of these candidates, nor to change the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. If someone is running for the LP nomination and is not listed below, it is because they were not listed, at this late date, on the Libertarian Party web site. So, how was I to know?

Joey Berry
Joey Berry is currently seeking nomination as the Libertarian Presidential Candidate. He writes, "The 2016 campaign is designed to test the boundaries of social media and we are intentionally mounting a zero fundraising campaign to see how far and how fast real citizens with actual qualifications can rise in major elections without the corrupting influence of the largest two political parties and the continuous fundraising process. In the long-run most successful campaigns will likely need to engage in some form of fundraising, and, if necessary, we will switch to a micro-fundraising platform (with donations of $20 or less) as the least corrupting option. However, we plan to run a zero fundraising campaign for as long as possible.

"Joey Berry's Key points:

  • Born in 1972 = able to relate to older and younger citizens.
  • Educational background in Political Science and Computer Science.
  • Professional background in clerical, warehouse, shipping, office management, business, retail management, and industrial mechanical, electrical, HVAC and boiler contracting.
  • Personal background in healthcare (caregiver), website design, political analysis, defense of individual liberties, judicial reform, and correction of entrenched injustice.
  • Politically conservative and libertarian with emphasis on serving the needs and desires of the people over imposing personal views on others.
  • Zero connection to staus quo politics and the Democratic or Republican parties.

"This is what a real candidate/campaign looks like when honesty is placed higher than image and polish. This campaign will be shaped by the American people; we are not slaves to political consultants and the poll of the moment. We are human so you should expect some mistakes. Try to judge us by how we correct our mistakes rather than listening to our opponents and typical political distortions. In other words, try to look for common sense rather than political perfection. You may be in for a pleasant surprise."

Yes, you'll notice that he comes first in the alphabet, which is how the candidates are listed on the LP national web site.

Brian Briggs
There was nothing on this page when I arrived. The LP national web site says Brian is from Mississippi. Another site that lists him is here:

Here is an excerpt: "Brian Briggs currently resides in Hatley, Mississippi, but he was born and raised in the small town of Granville in upstate New York. He is a great lover of music, and was an avid musician throughout his high school and college days, even composing a piece that was performed by the student band. He also enjoys hunting, when he is able. The specifics of his higher education and his employment history are not known.

"An Independent candidate, Briggs borrows from both sides of the political spectrum to form his platform. He is staunchly right-wing in his opposition to the Affordable Care Act, criticizing as harmful to the poor, many of whom he says make too much to qualify for subsidies while remaining unable to afford insurance on their own. He calls for the law's repeal, and says he has his own health care plan with which to replace it that would cover dental and optical care, general medical concerns, prescription drugs, and 'college and death.' He opposes any additional gun control legislation, arguing that criminals will gain access to firearms whether they are legal or not and that increased enforcement action against gangs should be emphasized. On the other hand, he is a supporter of employee rights in labor, and he complains that existing federal laws provide insufficient protection for workers which in turn causes states to neglect them. He also rejects the notion of deporting illegal immigrants currently present within the nation, and favors granting them citizenship so that the work they already do can be taxed to public benefit. He does, however, support strengthening the border with Mexico in order to stop future unlawful crossings."

Thomas Clements
Thomas Clements describes himself, "Business Man work w/ Business Men and Women. Honest Day Work, score Honest Day Pays. I'm here today because I have no refuge, finally to myself. Until I confront myself, in the eyes and hearts of others, I am running. Until I suffer in them, to share my secrets, I have no safety for them. Afraid to be known, I can have neither myself nor any others or I will be alone. Where else, in this common ground, can I find such a mirror. Here together, at last I appear clearly to myself. Not as giants of my dreams nor dwarfs of my fears. But as a person, part of a whole, in its purpose. In this ground, I can lay root and grow, not alone anymore as in death. But alive to myself and to others. BORN: BENTON HARBOR, MICHIGAN. MERCY HOSPITAL. DECEMBER 18 1967."

Here is his statement on taxes: "Treasurer, United States Treasury Department Washington D.C. Balance America America wants limit budget governed. America wants limit governed that protection. Unfortunately, Government continues to spend more than it takes in, heaping trillions of dollars onto future generations and weakening America from the out inside. America deserve future generation a strong and secure nation, reign-in spending and eliminate the debt. DEMOCRATS, REPUBLICANS has complete fails to put forward any meaning solution, address the fiscal health of our nation. 19.1 TRILLION That happen? But more need, is to take from you. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimate splendid , expensive government health care programs will double over the next 75 years. Federal agencies held by the public is already 73% of our country' s economic output, a ratio higher than at any point in our history after World War II. In generations, that debt will eclipse the totals size of our economy's Federal budget, a budget amendment? and put away for entitlements program, a path to solvent content. Reign-in spending mandatory's. A efficient limit government. Will encourage growth needed to move our country forward. A work for this miracle can happen and bring America relief." Under economy he refers to a flat tax code. I found the process of pulling his position papers off his site to be tedious, so I leave you to visit his site if you seek more details.

Keenan Dunham
Keenan Dunham describes himself: "Libertarian Candidate for President of the United States, Keenan W. Dunham, is a Christian dedicated to family values and peace in the world. His campaign is executive run just as his White House will be: frugally budgeted, and science based. Keenan is solely in charge of things at Dunham Headquarters and voters will see that Keenan runs a very open, honest campaign dedicated to create jobs now through building the highest scientific industries. Keenan likes to refine a phrase Bill Clinton said to summarize his plans for the economy, 'The resource economy fuels the industrial economy.' It's not just 'the economy,' we need to build up a United States-wide solar and wind energy base—which does not end over time and can be built tenaciously at a maximum capacity—which will produce a surplus of energy in all 50 states.

"As you watch the videos on YouTube and read the implementation articles on this website, you will see Keenan has very detailed plans to unleash many new industries on the US markets to create yet another plateau of economy. Currently the targets of our campaign are Solar, Hemp, Wind, Geothermal, Tide, Space, Farming, Auto-Transportation, Computer Technology, and Education as new or growing industries. With a focus on energy resources we can fuel ALL these industries' capacities in the US with all their capabilities growing in an intricate interwoven manner creating millions of jobs until all jobs are over the $40k mark. This is what is possible today and what Keenan has planned.

"Keenan is a Mensa High IQ certified genius and has seen that industrial planning is what has been needed all these years instead of politics and ideologies. And Keenan is sure that he has the expertise in planning to unleash these industries on the economy through tax incentives and cutting red-tape. We will not build any industry in a socialist manner but be cutting red-tape for example on Solar to unleash Solar Power on all its manifold avenues on the following locations: cars, commercial buildings, gas stations, malls, roadways, homes, schools, energy farms, and government buildings. Basically, solar should be built anywhere but national parks.

"Keenan would like for you to take time and imagine the possibilities with him of both a sustainable safe energy and an industry to invest in and sell to the world. Join us in envisioning a resource saturated United States which builds industry capacity for the US in every field and adds real value to the American Dollar."

Marc Allan Feldman
Marc Feldman writes, "Big money has corrupted politics. Each major party will spend a billion dollars on the presidential campaign. Our two-party system is failing. Now is the time to take power back from the special interests. My name is Marc Allan Feldman, and I am running for the Libertarian nomination for President of the United States. It is time for each of us to step forward and say 'My vote is not for sale!'"

Under campaign strategy, Feldman writes, "Why no fundraisers? Why no PAC or corporate support? Why a five dollar cap on individual contributions? Here are my top ten reasons:" He then lists eleven reasons.

Malisia Garcia
Malisia writes, "I do not come to you as a POLITICIAN because I am not a Politician. I come to as a concern single mother of three who see and refuses to sit in silence anymore while our government continues to destroy our nation because of their inability to put aside party loyalty, instead of putting first their required loyalty to the American people. As any President and Government officials ones loyalty and responsibilities is to first and always to serve and protecting the American people."

Her views on economics: "For as long as we all can remember, election after election we the people have been promised changes that never seem to come. The only growth we have seen in our country has been the continuous growth of a struggling lower and middle class. It isn't a problem that the rich is prospering. America's problem is how the Government system is set up which prevents lower and middle class a true opportunity to prosper. If Government unite and remove the barriers that are preventing small businesses to grow. More jobs will be created and available for our economy will grow."

Her views on health: "I am a strong believer in free market health care system. A system that each American can choose what they can afford and how much they want. With that being said, since Americans are being force to pay taxes and now forced to pay for health insurance that many can't afford due to economical hardship. Then the Government should be force to implement free health care plan for all Americans leaving no American without health care, especially if citizens will be penalized if they can't afford it. After all, it is a fact that people work better and are happier when they are in good health and no pain."

Her views on education: "I strongly believe its parents responsibility to determine the type of education for their children, without interference from government. Children should not be forced to take certain classes that are not approved by their family. But since we are going to be forced to pay taxes, then Government should be forced to make our tax dollars work for us. Education should be free for all including; College and Universities for all American citizens. By providing free education we help build and grow our future economy, keeping American Citizens employed."

Gary Johnson
If you follow Libertarian Party politics at all, you probably recognise Gary Johnson's name. He was involved in the recent Las Vegas debate moderated by Penn Gillette, and an earlier debate on John Stossel's television programme. Gary is the former governor of New Mexico. He is for the legalisation of marijuana. I believe he has been an advocate of a "fair tax" which is an absurd concept, given that all taxation is necessarily theft and, therefore, cannot be at all fair to anyone. Johnson was recently written up in the form of an endorsement essay in the National Review, a neo-conservative, pro-war, rag of disgusting putrescence in my opinion. I gather from things I've seen that Johnson has acknowledged or accepted the endorsement but this may be mistaken.

Gary Johnson describes himself, "Governor Johnson, who has been referred to as the 'most fiscally conservative Governor' in the country, was the Republican Governor of New Mexico from 1994-2003. A successful businessman before running for Governor of New Mexico in 1994, Gary Johnson started a door-to-door handyman business to help pay his way through college. Twenty years later, he had grown that business into one of the largest construction companies in New Mexico, with more than 1,000 employees. Not surprisingly, Governor Johnson brings a distinctly business-like mentality to governing, believing that public policy decisions should be based on costs and benefits rather than strict ideology. Johnson is best known for his veto record, having vetoed more than 750 bills during his time in office— more than all other governors combined. His use of the veto pen has since earned him the nickname "Governor Veto." He cut taxes 14 times while never raising them. When he left office, New Mexico was one of only four states in the country with a balanced budget. Term-limited, Johnson retired from public office in 2003. An avid skier, adventurer, and bicyclist, he has scaled the highest peak on each of the seven continents, including Mt. Everest. In the 2012 presidential election, Johnson placed third and garnered more votes than any other Libertarian candidate in history. Johnson was raised Lutheran. He has two grown children, a daughter Seah and a son Erik, and currently resides in a house he built himself in Taos, New Mexico."

So, in my opinion, Gary Johnson is a conservative politician, not a libertarian one.

John McAfee
John McAfee is the talented software developer and entrepreneur behind the McAfee anti-virus software system. He is bold, adventurous, gifted, and extremely funny. He's also a billionaire who can fund his own political campaigns. I think very highly of Mr. McAfee. I think his wife Janice would make an excellent first lady. You can see from his web site's domain name that he wants you to be a libertarian.

Here is an excerpt from his bio: "John McAfee was born at the height of World War II, a period during which the question of Freedom was being decided for the entire world. John has carried with him his entire life both the fraught energy of the period, and the budding optimism that followed it. Never one to rest on his laurels, he started out life by earning a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Roanoke College and never looked back. Upon entering the workplace, McAfee's innate talent as a programmer landed him jobs at some of the largest and most successful companies and institutions of all time. Working at NASA, Univac, Xerox and Lockheed Martin made for an impressive resume yet failed to satisfy the strongest drives of his human spirit. He constantly felt as if he needed to do more—that he had not yet found his calling.

"While working at Lockheed Martin, McAfee received a copy of one of the first computer viruses. Studying this problem, McAfee's natural sense of curiosity and his visionary outlook combined with his technological acumen and strong desire to help others. The result was McAfee Associates, vendor of the very first anti-virus protection system. Not content to just start a company, McAfee in reality had founded an entire multi-billion dollar industry. This would not be the last time McAfee helped to pioneer a new industry and change entire paradigms. As the founder of Tribal Voice he developed one of the very first instant messaging apps. He continued on to start several more successful companies during his career, and has mentored countless others to similar success."... "It did not take long once back in America to see that things weren't right here either. Corruption, while less bloody, is as much a problem here as in Belize. The government, run by people that have made careers out of a desire to control others, has become insane. It had come to view the citizenry, free thought and real democracy as its enemies. And at the same time, it is blundering incompetently towards a technological future that it is ill-prepared for and that could spell the end of our society."

"Something must be done. Taking a moment to reflect on where McAfee has been is an excellent reminder that he may be one of the only people alive that can lead us where we need to go as a nation. And as he meets more and more Americans on the campaign trail they are coming to see with their own eyes what the story suggests. More than just a businessman—more than just a smart man—McAfee is, in the tradition of rugged individualism and human courage that saturates the American Story, a Force."

Kevin McCormick
Kevin describes himself, "Kevin is many things but he is not a politician, millionaire or controlled by special interests. He knows firsthand the struggles and frustration that has manifested during this election cycle and believes the voice of rational and responsible Americans has yet to be heard." I'm guessing he is also not a billionaire.

Kevin's reason for running, "I watched the Republican debate on March 3 in disgust, anger and embarrassment for America. The values this country was founded on and are at the core of every American were not on display. I found myself asking how has this happened? How can Americans fix this? Are these really the topics we need to know when selecting a President? I then asked myself what are our options as Americans? Where is the candidate that represents my values and the Constitution of the United States?

"I feel the same as you trapped by a two party system with no real third choice in the election. This is why I woke up one morning in early March and filed my paperwork to run for President of the United States as a Libertarian. It's time to free our voices and take back America. It's time to grab our democracy back from the billionaires, millionaires and corporations. Join me in showing the world that an average hard working American can still become President of the United States."

Robert Milnes
As you can see from his web site, Robert Milnes has previously run for the LP presidential nomination.

Here is an excerpt from the beginning of the top story on his page, "There MUST be an exhumation of Ruth Blumenstein and Nancy Benson. The county elected politicians and judges are unreliable, corrupt. YOU must prove to America that YOU are not. We understand and accept that there are customary and lawful and necessary actions to be taken upon the death of a human being. Hospital, hospice, at home etc. Via first responders, health care facilities, coroner/medical examiners, funeral homes. However there is evidence that these actions have been horribly abused in certain cases, perhaps many more than thought. And that this has been going on for quite some time. Decades, perhaps centuries."

Here is another excerpt: "Further, I'm calling for a purge. The Libertarian party is heavily infiltrated by government agents and operatives. Starting with Nicholas Sarwark, chair. He has refused to answer the three questions designed to determine infiltrators: 1. Are you jewish? 2. Are you not jewish but support Israel? 3. Are you a dhs/fbi or Mossad agent or operative? In order to win the election, the delegates must nominate a fusion ticket i.e. a progressive man and a libertarian woman. Further, the voters must be educated as to the third viable ticket that they could vote for. The fusion ticket should be able to win by a close plurality in what would become a three way race."

I seem to recall meeting Robert in 2008 at the LP convention, but I may be mistaken. I'm also guessing that Robert would be the progressive man in the aforementioned fusion ticket and, thus, seems to be saying that he is not a libertarian.

Darryl Perry
If the process of cherry-picking candidates for the Stossel debate had any unfortunate outcome, it was most definitely the fact that Darryl Perry was overlooked. Darryl is a committed libertarian, an anti-war activist, a publisher, a Ron Paul stalwart from the 2007-2008 era, and a friend of mine. I think the world needs more men and women who share Darryl's views. Moreover, I think it excellent that he only recently met the 35 years of age qualification for running for president, so he should be available as a candidate in the future.

Darryl describes himself, "Darryl W. Perry was born and raised in Birmingham, AL and the surrounding area; graduating from Hewitt- Trussville High School in 1996. Darryl attended Jefferson State Community College on a Scholarship with the Speech Team (Forensics Team), and later on a Management Scholarship with WJSR-FM, the college radio station, of which Darryl was Station Manager from Summer of 1997 until he graduated in 1998. Darryl has spent most of his adult life as an advocate & activist for peace and liberty.

"Darryl is an award winning author, publisher & radio/TV host. He is a regular contributor to several weekly and monthly newspapers. He hosts the daily newscast FPPradioNews, the podcast Peace, Love, Liberty Radio, the weekly news podcast FPP Freedom Minute, and is a regular co-host on Free Talk Live. Darryl is a co-founder and co-chair of the NH Liberty Party, and was on the National Committee of the Boston Tea Party from 2008-2012. He was the longest serving member of the National Committee, and was twice elected Chair. The BTP dissolved in July 2012 after Perry resigned as Chair. Darryl is the Owner/Managing Editor of Free Press Publications, a business he started in June, 2009 with the purpose of ensuring a FREE PRESS for the FREEDOM MOVEMENT. Since then FPP has republished several libertarian/anarch classics as well as new books, both fiction and non-fiction, many of which have won awards and other recognition.

"The goal of the Darryl W. Perry for President campaign is to run the most libertarian presidential campaign in history, to promote the ideas of liberty as boldly and as often as possible, and to give as many people as possible the chance to vote for an actual libertarian in November 2016!"

Austin Petersen
Austin Petersen is the candidate lifted out of obscurity by Stossel who, in my opinion, deserves rather less scrutiny than some of the other worthy candidates. I'm particularly disgusted by his description of getting "pyramid piles of pussy" as the quoted statement has been passed on to me. From some of his personal conduct in contacting women who expressed interest in his campaign, I believe he is actively pursuing the title of "youngest creepy old man in the Libertarian Party," which is, unfortunately I believe, an aspect of LP politics dating back to very near its inception.

This image has an interesting quote from Austin:

Twit Tweet

Here is an exact quote: "You tubby piece of shit, you couldn't even approach 1/4 of the pyramid of pussy that I swim in on a regular basis. It's because I have class, motherfucker!"—Austin 'Mountain Dew Camacho' Petersen from: will-announce-his-candidacy-for-president-tonight-on-the-john-stossel- show/

Derrick Michael Reid
Derrick Michael Reid is an inventor:

He describes himself, "Derrick Michael Reid possesses five intellectual cross-dimensional skills developed over a life time including forty five years of profession work training and twenty years of educational instruction within a one hundred hours a week normal work routine so as to effectively combine one hundred years of professional training and high level education within one person. The five intellectual cross-dimensional skills include PATENT LAW of 25 years for understanding complex systems and Litigation of the legal community, ENGINEERING of 10 years for understanding subsystem level problems and solutions, MILITARY SCIENCE of 20 years for devising attack plans for accomplishing objectives, with 3 years of emulated warfare as commander, operations planner and chief of staff, GEOPOLITICS of 15 years writing 100s of memorandum for understanding people motivations and political problems, solutions and realities, with 12 field trips to Asia, with advisories to world leaders, and BULLION markets including BANKING FINANCE CURRENCY markets of 25 years for understanding money and market context as the key to adjusting those political realities, and transacting 100m$ of physical bullion sales. This skill set combines in one skull. This skill set is driven by a robust psychology. That psychology includes two major drivers which are aggressiveness and spirituality providing a natural internal aggressive work ethic and an internal moral code. The five cross-dimensional skill set is driven by that psychology to form a unique mental signature. Derrick Michael Reid inherently possesses a colorful linguistical parlance across five skills and across that psychology producing a vivid imagination, and a curious mix of terminology, that goes with thinking outside the box, a necessary benefit, and producing a wild sense of humor that comes from cross dimensional skills and that psychology with light speed associations that collectively are indispensable and necessary for the job at hand. As a child Derrick Michael Reid went to various church services. Derrick Michael Reid's faith was cemented through the personal teachings from an uncle. Derrick Michael Reid remains a Christian, a huge Jesus fan, believes in God, and is inherently incorruptible with a cemented personal moral code. The devil has no chance in tempting or corrupting Derrick Michael Reid. As a child, with table food in short supply and through sibling rivalry, Derrick Michael Reid developed an aggressive demeanor early on that remains in full flower to this day. With focused five skills, aggressiveness, morally incorruptible, and a workaholic, Derrick Michael Reid uniquely possesses attributes Derrick Michael Reid possesses five intellectual cross-dimensional skills developed over a life time including forty five years of profession work training and twenty years of educational instruction within a one hundred hours a week normal work routine so as to effectively combine one hundred years of professional training and high level education within one person. The five intellectual cross-dimensional skills include PATENT LAW of 25 years for understanding complex systems and Litigation of the legal community, ENGINEERING of 10 years for understanding subsystem level problems and solutions, MILITARY SCIENCE of 20 years for devising attack plans for accomplishing objectives, with 3 years of emulated warfare as commander, operations planner and chief of staff, GEOPOLITICS of 15 years writing 100s of memorandum for understanding people motivations and political problems, solutions and realities, with 12 field trips to Asia, with advisories to world leaders, and BULLION markets including BANKING FINANCE CURRENCY markets of 25 years for understanding money and market context as the key to adjusting those political realities, and transacting 100m$ of physical bullion sales. This skill set combines in one skull. This skill set is driven by a robust psychology. That psychology includes two major drivers which are aggressiveness and spirituality providing a natural internal aggressive work ethic and an internal moral code. The five cross-dimensional skill set is driven by that psychology to form a unique mental signature.

"Derrick Michael Reid inherently possesses a colorful linguistical parlance across five skills and across that psychology producing a vivid imagination, and a curious mix of terminology, that goes with thinking outside the box, a necessary benefit, and producing a wild sense of humor that comes from cross dimensional skills and that psychology with light speed associations that collectively are indispensable and necessary for the job at hand. As a child Derrick Michael Reid went to various church services. Derrick Michael Reid's faith was cemented through the personal teachings from an uncle. Derrick Michael Reid remains a Christian, a huge Jesus fan, believes in God, and is inherently incorruptible with a cemented personal moral code. The devil has no chance in tempting or corrupting Derrick Michael Reid. As a child, with table food in short supply and through sibling rivalry, Derrick Michael Reid developed an aggressive demeanor early on that remains in full flower to this day. With focused five skills, aggressiveness, morally incorruptible, and a workaholic, Derrick Michael Reid uniquely possesses attributes, Indispensable for Restoring Americana Greatness."

Jack Robinson, Jr.
He emphasises this statement, "Jack introduces a new grassroots economic model powerful enough to end poverty and provide universal healthcare for all Americans. America will again become a beacon of hope as we transform the globe with our new anti-poverty and universal healthcare proposals."

By way of introducing himself, he writes, "I love capitalism and free enterprise, but struggle with the question of how to help people that fall between the cracks. I am a proponent of small government and low taxes; though I have wondered and dreamed 'can't the government do more to help people? Maybe even become rich?' I value the freedoms that are unique to America and understand that our societal relationships are inextricably interwoven with our economic policies. I humbly present to you a unifying plan—largely economic that will harness all of America's ideals, resources, political parties, wealth classes, races, businesses and individuals into a nation working harmoniously toward one another's best interest. God bless you and God bless America!"

Mike Shannon
Ten years ago, Mike Shannon ran a campaign for Congress in order to protest what he called a broken two-party system—as well as to forecast a debt crisis for young people. He advocates focusing the Libertarian Party message on freedom for future generations, including today's young people.

Mike and Jensie Shannon grew up less than a mile from each other in Moline, Illinois. They both share the Midwestern values that shaped their philosophies and, for Mike, the foundation by which his political views first translated into action. Being a fifth-generation western Illinoisan, Mike was raised with a simple value: that each generation should leave its family and our country in better financial shape than it was left to us. Mike graduated from the University of Illinois with a degree in Finance. Jensie likewise succeeded in school, earning a degree in Journalism from Drake University and later competing as Miss Iowa in the 2000 Miss USA pageant. Early success in their careers allowed the Shannons to start a family—with Brooke added within the first five years and Micah three years later. Today, the Shannons live in a suburb of Chicago, raising their family with those same Midwestern values amid a backdrop of heightened concerns about Brooke and Micah's future. Mike began his political activity after reading a book by Pete Petersen titled, Running on Empty—How both the Democratic and Republican parties are bankrupting our future, which spells out how America's unfunded liabilities are not on the books and that the real national debt is more than four times the "official" national debt..." There's more on his web site.

His platform lists some ideas that seem to indicate an active role for government, but several of the indicated pages are missing, so all I see are headlines, here:

Rhett Smith
Rhett has no idea how to run for president. His web site suggests he has no idea how to write a biography of himself. Here are some facts from his site: Rhett Rosenquest Smith, born and raised in Eastland county, Texas, got involved in the Libertarian Party in 2013. He's run for office since 2004 and been alarmed since 2001.

He says: "I have been very alarmed about public policy and global politics since Sept.11, 2001, and I know, now, that you, also, are alarmed. Basically, I have taken a pro-peace movement approach, but it has been only marginally effective."

Some groups he's been involved in: Americans United for Separation of Church and State; Interreligious Council of San Antonio; American Legion, Alamo Post #2; (NAACP)—Education comm. Chairperson; National Organization for Women (NOW); Esperanza Peace & Justice Center—San Antonio; Human and Civil Rights Coalition, Non-Discrimination; San Antonians for the Peace (Alliance)—(Dept. of PeaceBuilding); San Antonio Coalition for Life/ 40 Days for Life; League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC).

He also says, "Wake up America! . . . what D.J.Trump is saying about 'making America great again,' . . . can only be accomplished by addressing discriminatory actions of the motion picture industry and the public education system , that have forced school-aged children to swallow lopsided interpretations of the founding of this great nation, . . . .actions that have all but excluded non-white contributions to the forging of this nation's history. Wake up America!—by stereotyping Americans with 'social labels,' of 'Latino' or 'Hispanic,' . . . we are depriving non-white citizens of this country—Mexican, Central American, South American—of the truth of their heritage, culture, and identity. Politicians who describe the 'first people,' the true Native Americans of this great nation, as Hispanic or Latino, . . . are stripping 'first Americans' of dignity and identity as the Native Americans of this Continent. Together, we can all place our pebble in the path of the 'railroading' of our great nation's destiny. I ask you to join me, now, and together we can make 'los suenos de la humanidad' a reality!"

So, he seems like a pleasant fellow.

Shawna Joy Sterling
Her web page identifies her as Pastor Shawna Joy Sterling. In my opinion, her web site has in common with many of the others the overt impression that she has no idea how to run a political campaign. I find that fact somewhat encouraging, actually.

Here is something she wrote: "So, this is big news what I am about to tell you. Some of you may need to have a seat. It may seem kind of confusing, but if the LP (Libertarian Party) is to survive, every true Libertarian must help us defend the NAP (Non-Aggression Principle). Here is the deal, Austin Petersen a Libertarian Presidential Candidate, has denounced the NAP. The Colorado Party choose to not invite him to their Presidential debate due to Petersen's negative views of the NAP. What did Petersen do next? He got his crew and they headed to Colorado and once there they began passing out Petersen's cards to all the Colorado Libertarians sitting and eating their dinner. Basically, the Colorado Party planned a Convention for their members and as Petersen is against the NAP and they require all their state candidates to sign a NAP pledge, they did not invite him, but he forced himself on the party which is an act of aggression. I witnessed someone about in tears at this act of force against the LP Colorado Party.

"Now, Petersen not only interrupted everyone to place his cards on the table next to their dinner plates, that they paid a lot of money for, as it was a very nice sit down dinner for the members of the Colorado Party, but he also had his crew argue with other members of the party till they let Petersen in the Presidential debate. Petersen violated the NAP to force himself on the Colorado Party whose board had voted unanimously not to invite him to the Convention because Petersen spoke negatively and against the NAP. Now the PA Party required all the Presidential Candidates who wanted to attend their debate to provide evidence that they signed a NAP pledge. Petersen would not provide a signed NAP pledge but instead said that his LP membership card was all he needed.

"Then we have Brett Pojunis (a member of the Nevada LP) who wants to do away with the NAP and who is also running for Chairman of the LP National Committee. Ok, so now, we have Brett Pojunis' entire LP Nevada state party coming out against the NAP. I'm thinking, hum, all of this happening right now, in 2016 when the LP has a real chance to win the White House in November and a collective is working really hard to take the NAP covering away from the LP. When an entire state like Nevada denounces the NAP and tells their members that they can be members of their LP state party but not the LP national party because some members don't want to take the NAP pledge, then we have the beginnings of splits in the LP over the NAP.

"This is how parties are taken over and placed under the control of those who use aggression and force to get what they want in their own hands (the puppet masters)."

Heidi Zeman
Heidi Kristel Uhlhorn O'Brien Zeman was born in California and moved to Incline Village at about age 3. An athletic youth, she chased boys, rode her bike, skied, took dance classes. She received the Super Snowplow award before age 10. She attended Presbyterian and Episcopal churches and various church camps. Her family moved to Carson City when she was in sixth grade. Her parents separated. With her mother, she studied meditation and some Hindu. Childhood pets included cats, an Irish Setter, and a guinea pig. Heidi studied gymnastics and acrobatics for five years. She attended college at the University of Nevada in Reno and auditioned for New York University's dance department at age 19. She was accepted at New York University and graduated in the usual period of years.

After college she married, had a daughter, worked as a secretary, including at First Interstate Bank. Adult age pets included a cat and some goldfish. Her daughter helped her raise frogs, fish, rats, dogs, mice, and lizards. Heidi found Jesus, Buddha, and Krsna, again. She bought a condo. She travelled in the United States (Disneyland, New York, Washington state, San Francisco). Her father was disabled by a stroke and passed away on the morning of her daughter's high school graduation. She earned an MBA. She married a second time. They bought a home. Her mother passed away. She's visited Montreal in Canada and Turks and Caicos.

She says, "I'm running for President of the United States of America because our citizens are good people, but we have been misled by bad politicians. I'm saddened and have been personally terrorized* by the civil rights violations pockets of our government conducts against its own citizens. I fear for my fellow citizens, and my family. The two- party system has not served the common citizens, and the Libertarian ideas and actions are the key to restoring our nation. I feel this campaign is one of duty to my country."

She also writes, "My motto is 'Weed (out the unconstitutional laws and cruel people), Seed (constitutional laws and good people) and Blossom (be our beautiful selves without weeds)."

What You Know
Now, if you are a libertarian, or if you are independent, or have some other political affiliation, you know who might be the nominee of the Libertarian Party. At this hour it seems unclear, to me, whether Bernie Sanders still has a shot at the Democratic Party nomination, but he seems to be determined to make a try for it. If you have not been living under a rock, you probably already know more about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump than you really want to know.

But, there is someone you could choose to run your life for the next four years that I have not yet mentioned, except in passing. That person is indicated by the pronoun "you," and is the one looking at you out of every mirror you see. It seems to me that the best person for governing you is you, yourself.

And when you are ready for it, perhaps that will be the person you choose to have govern you.

Jim Davidson is a sovereign individual, entrepreneur, and author. He spent 2012 to 2014 withdrawn from world affairs, then joined the Digital Cash Alliance where he serves in an unpaid, voluntary capacity. He teaches classes in computer technology, communications privacy, science, mathematics, and history at Individual Sovereign University.

As a sovereign individual, Jim knows that it is resolution and determination which separate sovereign from servant. In the words of Etienne de la Boetie, "Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces."

As an entrepreneur, Jim has been involved in dozens of start-up ventures in industries ranging from banking, aerospace, real estate, software, and e-commerce to space travel, data havens, and longevity research. He has worked in companies founded by others and in companies of his own creation. Entrepreneurs know that many companies end in failure. It is the fear of failure which prevents a great many people from ever being entrepreneurs or sovereign.

As an author, Jim has written essays, articles, poetry, fiction, and is developing a book on the new country trend. Words about him have appeared in Time magazine, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and other major publications. Words by him have appeared in The Libertarian Enterprise, Final Frontier magazine, Space News, The Houston Post, The Houston Chronicle, and other publications. The Atlantis Papers was published in 1994 and is available from After Dark Publications. His essays Being Sovereign are on and his collection Being Libertarian is available on

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